Zhang Yang was not in a hurry, and slowly swept the entire map, hoping not to miss a single monster.

All the monsters can become his experience, and the rules and monsters become nourishment, helping him to go higher.

But this level of sweeping also made those fallen mercenaries, those guys who betrayed mankind and embraced hell panicked.

As a last resort, they wanted to disguise themselves as civilians, hoping to escape Zhang Yang's undead army.

But all in vain.

The fire of the souls of all the undead "Six Seven Seven" can see through people's hearts, and Zhang Yang can also see the wronged souls surrounding these people.

In their desperate eyes, these undead army easily found them and then killed them.

And none of the real civilians were harmed.

When the undead army left, these civilians looked at the beheaded bandits, and most of them had tears in their eyes.

After all, these bandits usually make a living by plundering them, and even most of their wives and daughters were insulted.

Now that these bandits are dead, these villagers can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, an old man knelt down toward Zhang Yang's departure, and shouted: "It is the angel of the god of death that came and saved us.

"I propose to build a statue in the village for Lord Death, and pray day and night!


"The village chief is still knowledgeable!"

"That's it!"

Seeing the enthusiastic speeches of the villagers, a red light flashed in the village chief's eyes and a smile appeared.

But no one saw this smile.

"It always feels like someone is taking advantage of me?"

Zhang Yang felt discomfort for a while, and when he turned back, he felt as if something was targeting him.

But looking back, I can't see anything.

Shaking his head, he continued to sweep.

Although I don't know the specific situation, there is absolutely no problem in taking the time to increase my strength.

As long as it is strong enough, even if others have a plan, they can break the game with force.

"Yes, I have entered the ninth floor where the target is, and occupy a person's body.

In a dark space, a shadow that seemed to have no substance was speaking in a low voice.

The object of speech is a strangely shaped wood carving.

"Observe the target carefully, and at the same time let our people occupy those people except the five guardians.

A hoarse and unpleasant voice echoed in this space: "We must do it and control the goal in our hands!"


The shadow responded, and then the space shattered and returned to reality.

a month later.

Zhang Yang has swept all the places, and every area has placed the undead army to deal with the spawned monsters.

A divine power seed was left behind in each area, in order to use those regular monsters as nourishment.

After tearing open a City Return Scroll, Zhang Yang returned to Lu Gaoyin.

Just after coming out of the teleportation array, he felt that Lu Gaoyin's atmosphere was a bit strange.

Although it seems that there are people coming and going on the street, it seems that nothing has changed.

But deeper, regarding the soul, Zhang Yang noticed something was wrong.

There is a shadow on everyone's soul.

Although Zhang Yang didn't know what these shadows did, he thought that the strange atmosphere of Lu Gaoyin was caused by these shadows.


"You're back?"

A voice came from behind Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang looked back, it was Farah.

There is nothing unusual about her soul.



Zhang Yanggang opened his mouth and was interrupted by Farah.

Then he took Zhang Yang back to his room, and after setting up several magic circles, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Yang.

"Lu Gaoin, fell!".

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