A green light flashed, and it affected the entire Lu Gaoin.

Except for Zhang Yang and the undead army under his command, the controlled Lu Gaoyin residents were almost wiped out!

Why is it almost?

Because there are still a few people standing there with ugly faces.

Obviously, these few guys are the mother-in-law who caused the outbreak of this incident.


Behind the scenes, the black hand raised his hand tremblingly and looked at Zhang Yang with unbelievable eyes: "You don't hesitate to attack so many unarmed and incompetent people, is your heart made of iron?


Before the black hand behind the scenes was finished, he found that Jay Hein, who was supposed to belong to Zhang Yang's camp, rushed towards Zhang Yang like a madman, and his body actually exuded a coercion comparable to a demigod.

"Those are hundreds of thousands of innocent people, how can you do it!"

Jay Hein's eyes were red, and the power on his fist was amazing: "Why, why did you kill so many people without changing your face!"

"You clearly promised me, but why..."

Jay Hein punched Zhang Yang punch after punch, but he couldn't break the bone shield that appeared beside Zhang Yang.

Even Zhang Yang's eyes didn't stay on Jay Hein for even a second.

"Can you tell me who you are"~?"

Zhang Yang fired a bone spear and nailed Jay Hein to the city wall, and looked at the mastermind behind the scenes with some curiosity: "This strange method is a bit similar to the Ming clan.

"You found out. 35

The village chief's body gradually rotted, revealing the illusory smoke form: "I, the underworld Kaxiu, have been ordered by the king of the underworld to invite you to my underworld clan.

"That's how you are recruiting from the Ming clan?"

Zhang Yang pointed to the empty Lu Gaoyin: "Are you sure it's a solicitation, not a revenge?"

"Are you worthy?"

Kaxiu looked at Zhang Yang arrogantly: "My god Pluto, but to devour the underworld and achieve the existence of the supreme god, he sees you, that is a blessing that you can't cultivate in many lifetimes!

"Then this kind of blessing, there is no blessing to enjoy it."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, a green light flashed on his hand: "Is there anything else you want to say? If not, you should go too!"

"You want to kill me?"

Kaxiu looked at the green light on Zhang Yang's hand and shuddered subconsciously.

The power just now almost melted them.

Simply everyone is equipped with a small bottle of comprehensive recovery potion, combined with a series of alchemy potions such as super-large healing potions, life potions, etc., to save their lives.

come now?

If they died just now, it doesn't matter, because they didn't report their families, and they were taken away by AOE purely because of their unprofessional strength.

If you want revenge, you have no face to take revenge.

But if Zhang Yang takes action now, then, it will not be so simple.

This is slap in the face.

Moreover, it is hitting the face of the entire Ming clan.

It's hitting the face of the god-level Pluto.

As the ninth underworld in the heavens, what would you do if you were slapped in the face?


Mad revenge.

The last person who slapped the face of the Ming clan, the entire family, the entire civilization, and the entire planet were slaughtered.

The soul was prevented from being in the abyss and suffered unimaginable torture.

And what kind of revenge will be met for hitting Hades in the face?

The last guy who slapped Pluto's face was an upper god.

At that time, Pluto was nothing but a median god.

Pluto, who was beaten in the face, did not retaliate immediately, but waited patiently.

(Wang Zhao Zhao)

When that high-ranking god encountered a great battle, when all his divine power was lost, he brazenly took action.

Ignoring the pleadings and threats of the upper gods, he directly swallowed it raw, using his own strength to turn it into his own nourishment.

Therefore, Pluto has become a superior god.

And the first thing to achieve the upper god is to destroy the upper family who slapped him in the face, the family that is ranked among the top 100 tribes in the heavens, and the entire planet, and even the entire galaxy is destroyed in one fell swoop.

At this point, the power of the Pluto can be said to have changed in the heavens, and children dare not cry at night.

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