"Knight of Lust..."

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes at this title, but it didn't matter.

The newly promoted knight of lust joined the queue waiting for the food. Zhang Yang laughed when he saw this harmonious scene.

After the meal, Zhang Yang was ready to fulfill his promise to the gluttonous knight, taking her out for a walk and tasting real-world food.

Seeing Zhang Yang get up, the new lust knight Andariel also got up, and he had to go with him.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang was also helpless, but it was still the same sentence, it didn't matter.

Bring it with you, it's not a shameful activity.

Just on the way of shopping, I happened to encounter a rush of cold ice.

And a figure Zhang Yang has not seen for a long time - Vivian.

"How did you two get together?" 677

Zhang Yang was a little stunned: "Could it be that the cracks in time and space have appeared again?""

"No, Vivian came here especially this time.

Leng Bing looked at Zhang Yang with two more beautiful women, her eyes were a bit resentful, but her speech rate did not change: "According to Vivian's news, there will be a large secret realm here.

"Is it here?"

Zhang Yang felt it carefully. Indeed, ripples appeared in the surrounding space, and the power of the Infinity Tower was converging.

"Thank you for your hard work, Vivian."

Zhang Yang nodded (cjfe) to Vivian who came specially: "If you need help, speak up at any time.

"It is now.

Condensing Bing said coquettishly: "This time the space crack, according to estimates, should exceed the seventh level, that is, the 70th level of the secret realm.

"None of us has reached level 70, so you still need to take action."

"No problem." 9

Zhang Yang agreed without any hesitation.

After all, Zhang Yang is not stingy in helping his friends.

After summoning the army of the undead, and having them guard each position, he stood guard and clapped his hands: "Okay, even if the secret realm does appear, my army of undead can clean up those monsters in time.

"Now, it's shopping time. 99

"Master, according to your instructions, a large-scale secret realm has been created to descend on the target planet. 35

It's still a dim space, and it's still the twisted, bodyless Ming clan.

He also held a strange statue and muttered to himself.

"Throw a demigod-level combat power. 35

Inside the statue, there was a strange sound.


The shadow said softly, and then took the initiative to leave the space.

After returning to the Endless Tower, he looked at the wild BOSS who had been caught behind him, selected the strongest one, and threw it into the space.

"Demigod-level combat power..."

The phantom murmured, and finally threw himself into the distorted space.

In his hands, there is no demigod-level existence, but the command of God cannot be violated.

Therefore, as a demigod, he is ready to take action himself.

This time, the contract is equivalent to selling his life to the Infinity Tower. Although the contract can be terminated, after the termination of the contract, he will no longer be able to enter the Infinity Tower.

This means that his strength is forever stuck in a demigod, and he has to be integrated into the plot.

According to what he is doing now, he should be a villain.

But the villain has the villain's way of playing.

Zhang Yang decided that everything starts with how to fill his stomach.

Well, keep it simple.

He is hungry.

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