Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

240: Call the wind and call the rain!

"Okay, I know you're hungry."

Zhang Yang reluctantly interrupted the atmosphere that was about to develop towards the Shura Field: "Morena, go get some food and drink, let's celebrate tonight!"


Morena nodded gently to Zhang Yang, then went to prepare.

Seeing that the situation around him was wrong, Riel took the initiative to ask Ying to help in the kitchen.

Of course, whether to help or steal, Zhang Yang felt that "six or seven" had to be verified.

As time passed, most of those displaced returned to their homes.

Although they don't know why this time the secret realm was solved in such a short period of time, most of them are very satisfied.

There are also a small number of people, who don't know if their brains are lacking or what, they always feel that the Secret Service is playing tricks on them.

No, there is an idiot downstairs in Zhang Yang who is using his poor vocabulary, embarrassedly trying to encourage others to ask the Secret Service for an explanation.

The purpose is also very simple, that is, compensation.

Although the government has now prepared a lot of benefits for everyone, as long as you enter the Tower of Infinity for 12 hours a day, you can get enough supplies, but there are still people who are not satisfied.

Wang Ergou, the guy below who instigated others to seek compensation from the Secret Service, is one of them.

He felt that why others could live in a villa, and he could only live in this broken community.

Why do others eat lobster and abalone, but I can only eat some pig food.

Well, by his so-called pig food, he was referring to the common meal, the kind with meat.

In any case, he is the kind of parasite who has high eyes and low hands and does not want to make progress.

Most people are indifferent to this impoverished agitation, and even want to laugh.

But a small number of people are thinking about this matter very seriously.

It's not that they were inspired to succeed by this ridiculous, even childish guy, but they also belonged to the kind of character who loves to take advantage of petty things and is greedy.

Although they are not worried about eating and drinking, they still want to ask for more.

So a few people hit it off and began to divide the labor.

Some people go to pull banners, some people go to pick up horns, some people go to rent a pickup truck... It's just that this assignment has just begun, and they have fallen into infighting.

"Why do you want me to pay for the banners myself, do you think I'm rich?"

"That is, why do you want me to rent a pickup with my own money, three hundred yuan a day, enough for my one-day salary!"

"I do have a speaker in my house, but the electricity bill needs to be shared equally by everyone...

It's not a fuel-efficient lamp, a group of guys who love petty cheap but have no vision gather together, that's what it looks like.

It wasn't until a pattern was a little bigger, that I was willing to take out a banner that had not been used for a long time, or even changed color, and provided spray paint, then the situation improved.

Infected by him, another person with a loudspeaker at home generously said that the electricity bill does not need to be shared equally by everyone.

Then there are pickup trucks.

5.4 Each person gives him 200 yuan, which is the cost of car rental. He will pay for the extra.

In the end, it took a full three hours before they were finally ready, driving a pickup and carrying a banner, ready to set off.

And Zhang Yang, because everyone else was preparing dinner, stood on the windowsill and watched a big play.

When they were leaving, Zhang Yang decided to give them a gift temporarily.

"The wind is coming, the rain is coming!",

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