"no problem.

After Pluto buried a seed of power in Luxie's body, he drew out his power as if nothing had happened.

"It's okay...35

The two ancient beings were just about to say that there is no problem, but they were interrupted by Lucy: "There is a problem!


The two ancient beings, plus Hades, turned their heads and looked at Lucy.

Amidst two questions and a look of uncertainty, Lukxi said something that greatly changed the expressions of the three of them.

"Lord Hades left a seed of power in my body.

Luxie put down the melon rind in his hand and stood up: "Although I don't know why Lord Pluto didn't say it, it shouldn't hurt me, right?"

"Thank you in advance for the gift of Pluto-Sir."

Luxey looked at the two ancient beings: "Two ancestors, I have finished speaking.

As soon as Lukexi's voice fell, the two ancient beings came to Zhang Yang's side together, and different divine powers rushed into his body.

Under the pull of Luxi's power, they discovered the seed that contained the power of death.

Above, there is the breath of Pluto.

"Kid Pluto, I need a reasonable explanation."

After Lukal and the old blood god got rid of the divine power seed in Lukexi's body, they said, "Otherwise, you will know what the wrath of the ancients is!"

"I admit, I did it."

Although Pluto didn't know how strong the ancients were, he didn't believe that the person who existed from the time when the Blue Star escaped from the famine thousands of years ago was really in the realm of a high-ranking god.

So he simply admitted that he was wrong.

"As compensation, for the resource consumption this time, the bottom-level personnel, my Ming clan has left."

Pluto put out his conditions very simply: "Next, my clone should go out to fight with all my strength."


The old blood god and Lukal looked at each other and nodded.

As a result, another conspiracy against Blue Star is being implemented.

And Zhang Yang rubbed his temples after getting the news from Lucy and asked Foyego to pass the news to the Secret Service in a special way.

How long has it been quiet, has it been three days?

The last secret realm disturbed by the Ming clan has just ended, and now there is another three clan targeting?

Are you still playing?

Can't you just have fun?

After the inner roar, what should be prepared, still has to be prepared.

.....for flowers .....

After all, this time Pluto personally took action, and the two ancients held the battle.

This lineup is enough to destroy those races that are ranked lower among the top 100 races in the sky.

In the end, it was used to deal with a Blue Star whose novice protection period has not yet passed?

Overkill, use a knife to kill chickens... All in all, Zhang Yang is too lazy to describe the prudence of these guys.

"The underworld should move."

At present, Zhang Yang can only set his goal on the underworld.

"I don't know if Mo Qinglan and Leoric have successfully controlled the underworld now..."

Underworld, the sea of ​​bones.

In this land occupied by the god of bones, a terrible battle is breaking out.


Leoric, whose combat power had reached the realm of the gods, took the lead, swept all the senior members of the Skeleton Council newly formed by the God of Skeletons, and roared at the needy who exuded a powerful atmosphere in the sky.

"Damn, Mo Qinglan, are you really going to force me?"

The God of Bones looked at the elites under his command, who had almost lost everything in this battle, and the beautiful and outrageous woman in front of him was still staring at him, roaring: "Aren't you afraid that I will fall to Hades?" Guang.

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