Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

256: Four Nine, Secret Service

"I heard that the Ming clan recently and the wolf clan and the blood clan plan to attack Blue Star?"

Although Zhang Yang knew about this matter, but Lucy was only the son of the wolf king after all, and he didn't know about the bigger decision.


Zhang Yang's Savika, who has been ups and downs with all his heart, and Savika, who has become a death knight, told the whole process like a bean.

"Good plan."

Zhang Yang had to sigh with emotion, the old fox is the old fox, this plan, if it is not crushed by absolute combat power, Blue Star will have no chance to resist.

But now, not to mention the wolf prince, the next wolf king is his spiritual slave, and even their ally, the only god-level warrior Pluto... No, it is the death knight Savika who has become his subordinate .

Knowing the battle plan in advance, the two inside secretly, even the highest combat power, are their own... How can I lose this battle?

It's just that Zhang Yang's plans are bigger now.

If you want to complete it, there is no need to destroy the heavens and the races that surrender to you.

To achieve this, relying on Blue Star alone, relying on himself alone, he cannot do it at all before he achieves the highest achievement, or even achieves the creation of the world.

Now he is preparing for it.

The wolf clan, the blood clan, and then the underworld clan.

Now, among the heavens and myriad clans, three of the top 100 have already been grasped by him. Next, after controlling half of the Baida, it is equivalent to taking control of the heavens and the world.

"Next, you act according to your original plan, remember to bring those old and immortal."

Zhang Yang arranged for Savika to follow the previous plan.


Savika left here after a second of silence for the future of the two races.

Zhang Yang watched the surrounding space recover quickly, stretched out, sent all the summons back, and left here.

"My lord."

Mo Qinglan looked at Zhang Yang with the eyes of a little fan girl, and the sweet tone made Zhang Yang feel that the whole world seemed sweet.

"I go first.

Zhang Yang told the truth: "The wolf clan, the blood clan and the Ming clan are preparing to attack my planet, I have to go back and make arrangements."

"Is there anything I need a letter girl to do?"

Hearing this, Mo Qinglan pronounced the death sentence for the blood clan and the wolf clan in his heart.

But now she has no way to leave the underworld, and the Church of Death still needs her leadership.

"By the way, this is for Leoric.

Zhang Yang handed the throne of the underworld to Mo Qinglan: "Help him become the king of the underworld!"

"Yes! 35

Mo Qinglan doesn't care how Zhang Yang's personality came from, she just needs to obey Zhang Yang's orders.


Zhang Yang bid farewell to Mo Qinglan and returned to reality.

Kyoto, Four Nine Cities.


In the Secret Service Bureau of Sijiucheng, an old man looked at Thunder Dragon who was silent in front of him, and his tone was calm: "Your recent mental state is a little wrong, you are too eager to improve your strength, and your foundation is a little unstable.

"Elder Yao, it's my fault.

Lei Long also felt it. Recently, he has been stunned like a demon. He desperately tried to catch up with Yong Ye. He almost made a move to the next tier without finishing the rewards of the current tier. .

"Is it because we put too much pressure on you?"

Yao Lao actually had some guesses about why Thunder Dragon was like this: "Don't worry, only you can go step by step, go on steadily, achieve the highest, and help Blue Star the most. 39

"The foundation is unstable, and the road ahead will be full of hardships. At that time, in the face of disasters, when you are powerless, it will be the most uncomfortable time.

"Listen to me, go back and have a good rest, reduce the time to enter the Infinity Tower, and give yourself some time."

"Let's go to the ancient city, I heard that there is a powerful skeleton there, maybe you can find like-minded comrades in arms."

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