Zhang Yang himself didn't know that even if he didn't look for Deathwing, the other party would take the initiative to find him.

Now he has come to the Twilight Fortress.

Taking out the inverse scale that Onyxia gave him, Zhang Yang went all the way unimpeded, and in the deepest palace, he saw the legendary destroyer.

Deathwing - Neltharion!

As soon as they entered, the two sides began to examine each other.

"This kid... can really lead us out of the Infinity Tower? 39

"This old guy...- can he really fight?

Doubt flashed in the eyes of both of them.

A questioning opponent has no characteristics and looks like an ordinary person.

One, looking at the cracks all over the opponent's body, it seems that it will shatter in the next second, as if unable to fight.

But neither of them said anything. After a while, Deathwing finally spoke.

"sit down.

Following Deathwing's opening, the dragon mother who was also broken next to her raised her hand, and Twilight's power condensed a chair and appeared behind Zhang Yang.


The power of Twilight, which makes ordinary people afraid, has no effect on Zhang Yang, so he sat down.

This sitting made Deathwing and Dragon Mother twilight.

The power of twilight, although it sounds innocuous, is actually quite terrifying.

Even Deathwing would not dare to sit down so unprepared.

Nothing unusual has happened yet.

"Listen to my daughter, do you have a way to get us out of the control of the Infinity Tower?"

Deathwing said bluntly: "Tell me, what are you going to do?

"Join the dragon army under my command.

The other party was straightforward, and Zhang Yang didn't beat around the bush: "I can take you out of this world."

"So, is that what you said about taking us away?"

Deathwing's eyes were full of disappointment: "If that was the case, we would have left long ago.

"That's because the person you met before was wrong.

Zhang Yang raised his hand, and pure death power appeared in front of the three of them: "Is this enough?"

"What pure power of death...you are..."

Deathwing itself can bring death to everyone, and has a deep understanding of the power of death.

After seeing this group of power, he stood up directly: "God of death? Impossible!

"Why not?"

Zhang Yang took back the power of death: "You haven't seen it, is it impossible?

"God of Death..."

Deathwing came down from the throne and came to Zhang Yang: "It has been missing for countless years, and only a few words of this supreme being exist in ancient legends."5

·For flowers·

"But it is certain that the god of death is supreme, and the whole universe is under him.

Deathwing said word by word: "So, how can you be the god of death if you are so weak?"

"Do you want to experience it yourself?"

Zhang Yang raised his hand again, his fingertips condensed a bit of death power: "Practice, more effective than any argument."


"don't want!

Mother Dragon looked at Deathwing's expression, knowing that her husband was already moved, and hurriedly stopped it.

"Let me come. 95

She came one after another, directly touching the power of death: "After all, I am a dragon who died once.

Before Deathwing could stop it, he saw the Dragon Mother inhaling the divine power of death into her body.

In an instant, terrifying power fluctuations gushed out of the Dragon Mother's body.

That bumpy figure was directly propped up. If it weren't for the cracks on her body, she could vent the pressure in her body to some extent, I'm afraid she would explode directly.

"I believe it."

Deathwing wanted to suppress the power in Dragon Mother's body, but found that with his own power level, he couldn't fight against that power at all.

Just touch it, and it will die directly.

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