The appearance of Varian represented their last hope was shattered.

The idea of ​​​​returning to the great nobles was scattered, and there was only despair on their faces.

Hold on until Varian returns and returns to the nobility.

This is the belief they hold to now.

Today, their beliefs have been shattered, and many great nobles can no longer bear this kind of self, and have cut themselves off.

Varian said nothing, and was not qualified to.

Now he is just a prisoner.

this afternoon.

Accompanied by the sound of high heels "Tap Ta Ta", a familiar figure came into view of Varian.

"Caterina Presto.

Varian looked at the mastermind who planned his disappearance, staged a coup d'etat, and welcomed Van Cleef into Stormwind City, with a calm mood: "Should I call you the Black Dragon Princess, Onyxia?

"Long time no see, Varian. 55

Onyxia greeted Varian with the tone of an old friend, as if she didn't do it all.

"What are you here for?"

Varian looked at the countess who had been most trusted, and his tone was not salty or indifferent.

"Certainly to appreciate his masterpiece.

Onyxia said this deliberately, but didn't see the reaction she wanted, and sighed: "You're still so boring.

"Now that you see it, what are you going to do?"

Varian looked directly at Onyxia: "Whatever you want to do, I have to say, your plan is brilliant."

"All for Deathwing!"

Onyxia pretended to shout a slogan and said, "Varian, do you want to play a big vote with me?


Varian looked at Onyxia suspiciously, not understanding why this woman said that.

Is it

Varian suddenly thought of something, and looked at Onyxia strangely.

"Don't look at me like that.

Onyxia was very uncomfortable with this look: "I mean, your life was saved by me. Doing something to repay me is what a knight should do, right?"

"You saved me?"

Varian couldn't understand just now, why VanCleef was so generous, and he didn't kill him, the former king of Stormwind City, on the spot.

Now I understand, it was Onyxia who spoke.

As the Black Dragon Princess, as the existence who personally raised Van Cleef to the throne, she naturally has this face and protects herself.


"What do you think.

Varian did not agree immediately, but prepared to listen.

"After a while, someone will take you to another world."

As soon as Onyxia spoke, she paused, and Varian frowned.


After a long time, just when Varian was about to speak, Onyxia suddenly showed a little woman in front of him.

It made Varian's little heart thump.

Before, the reason why he relied heavily on Onyxia was not only the other party's political skills, but also the other party.

He covets the beauty of the other party, and the other party knows it.

But until he was attacked and thrown into the tribe, he failed to touch his inner goddess.

And now, his goddess, even showed such an expression.


Varian thought of a picture, and suddenly felt that his head was green, and the expression on his face became a little distorted.

You know, even if he was caught by Van Cleef and thrown into prison, he didn't have any mood swings.

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