As the biggest threat to Azeroth, the Burning Legion was formed by the fallen titan warrior Sargeras, and absorbed the army of the most powerful demon warriors in the entire universe, leaving only ruins wherever they passed.

And because they are good at using the fel hellfire, they are also called the Burning Legion.

In the world of Azeroth, they have destroyed countless planets, and I don't know how many civilizations have ended in the hands of the "723" regiment of the Burning Army. And now, the minions of the Burning Legion have come to the real world.

So seeing this scene, Zhang Yang frowned.

Because he knew that the Burning Legion had a unique way of positioning.

Before invading a world, they will be the first to send some forward troops to the planet.

Then through a special summoning circle, more and stronger Burning Legion soldiers will be summoned, so as to achieve the purpose of destroying the whole world.

in Azeroth. For some reason, the Burning Legion's invasion has never been successful.

But Azeroth is an exception. Except for Azeroth, no other planet can resist the invasion of the Burning Legion.

If there is no Zhang Yang in reality, he believes that the results will not change. Because the Burning Legion is too powerful.

For example, the demon soldier in front of him.

Although only the lowest level of the Burning Legion fighters. In fact, those have come to the master level.

Generally, players at level 50 or 60 would beat him like scratching a tickling. Unless they have special talent or something like a mage, the melee class might not even be able to break the armor on his body.

What about causing harm?

Fortunately, now that Zhang Yang is here, he can take advantage of the fact that these demonic armies are not set up with summoning circles to remove them, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating the coordinates of reality.

Now he does too.

The undead army faced the Burning Legion, and a war of the century began.

Zhang Yang's subordinates, even the weakest skeleton, has divine power to attack, ignoring any defense.

The Demon Legion is naturally no problem, their defense is like a thin piece of paper in front of the undead army under Zhang Yanghui, and it will be broken with a stab.

As for the demon army, their attack fell on Zhang Yang's undead army, and the damage was cut by 99%. The remaining 1% sometimes couldn't even break the defense, and could only force a little damage. This is also because of their attack power. The reason for the super high, otherwise, even a little forced attack will not appear.

The battle didn't last long.

Because this secret realm is mainly to transmit the soldiers of the Burning Legion, and then rely on these soldiers of the Burning Legion to summon more powerful officers of the Burning Legion, Zhang Yang directly eliminated these soldiers of the Burning Legion, resulting in no way for these officers to come to the real world. .

This is how the secret realm is cleared.

Therefore, as long as you find the right method to clear the secret realm, it is not difficult. Of course, the method is important, and the strength is also important. If it is not important, such a powerful strength, just the most inferior warriors of the Demon Legion, can cause considerable damage to everyone. Degree 5.4 trouble.

They can't break the defense of the demon warriors, nor can they stop the demon warriors from forming a teleportation formation to teleport the higher-level demon officers.

The battle will naturally present a one-sided situation. There will be more and more Burning Legions, and fewer and fewer people will resist. With the burning coming, the members of the Legion will become stronger and stronger. In the end, the entire civilization will be burned, and the Legion will be occupied. burn, destroy. This is how the Burning Legion fights.

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