Another special unit.

After swallowing up the power of the poisonous nova around him, Kogmer set his sights on Zhang Yang.

Because, in his mind, Zhang Yang exudes deliciousness all over his body, attracting him.

Seeing Kegmo swaying towards him, Zhang Yang threw a bone spirit.

The powerful Bone Spirit rushed towards Kog'Maw, but a shocking scene appeared.

This is completely composed of soul, and it is also a skill that acts on soul, but it was swallowed by Kogmor?

This ability is a bit scary.

Zhang Yang casts the spell again, this time, a real bone spear!

It worked!

The bone spear pierced Kog'Maw's body, pinning it to the ground.

Just when Zhang Yang was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he found that Kegmo, who was nailed to the ground, did not show any pain, but began to devour his pierced body.

One bite, one bite, he bit his body into two halves.

Not only that, it also devoured the bone spear little by little.

The sound of chewing bones made the scalp tingle.

"Looks like it's a one-hit kill!

Zhang Yang can see it.

At this stage, only attacks with attached entities can cause damage to Kog'Maw.

Therefore, Zhang Yang directly raised his hand, and hundreds of bone spears flew out, tearing apart only a small half of Kogmo's body.

After being torn apart, cjfe finally stopped moving.


Zhang Yang looked at the World Stone with only half left and heaved a sigh of relief.

Even if only half is left, this World Stone is enough to carry the power of the entire world.

Also, it can repair itself over time.

"It has to be well preserved."

Zhang Yang came to the World Stone and took the red gem in his hand.

Just as he was about to leave, no one noticed that the shredded Kogmor's body on the ground was constantly gathering with extremely hidden energy.

When Zhang Yang and the three happened to pass through the area, a terrible explosion occurred.

The huge explosion blew up the space and shattered the branches of the long river of time. The power was extremely terrifying.

Affected by this huge explosion, the entire World Stone Hall fell apart, as if it would collapse in the next second.

Zhang Yang took Baal and Tyrael to leave here quickly.

The portal was opened casually, but when the portal was just formed, it started to get out of control for some reason.

Endless suction came from the portal, as if to transport the three of them somewhere.

Zhang Yang closed the portal with all his strength, but he couldn't stop the collapse of the World Stone Hall, nor could he stop the space that was gradually getting out of control.

black hole.

A huge black hole appeared in the hall.

All existences felt a terrifying attraction that was hard to resist.

When the nearby objects flew into the terrifying black hole one by one, Zhang Yang had an idea and stretched out his hand towards the black hole.

In the next second, the power belonging to the Mage God erupted, and the endless elements gathered into an element planet, which was swallowed by the black hole.

"Boom! 99

Not long after, there was a violent explosion inside the black hole, and the entire black hole was closed.

After seeing the black hole closing, Zhang Yang and the three were relieved.


Bar patted his chest: "These guys are worse than hell demons!

"I really don't know how you've made it so far.

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