"He did it in front of everyone!"

In the Secret Service of the ancient city, a middle-aged man slapped the table with indignation on his face: "He is a waste of life, I suggest arresting him directly! 99

"Who's going?"

Lao Zhang looked at the excited middle-aged man, his tone was flat: "You?


The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, recalled the combat power of the target in the report, and calmed down: "I definitely can't!"

""Seven-five-three", then who do you let go?"

Lao Zhang raised his eyes and glanced at the middle-aged man with disgust in his eyes: "Tell me?


The middle-aged man said a name without hesitation: "The country has raised him for so long, and it is time for him to make a little contribution to the country."

"Okay. 35

Lao Zhang stood up directly: "Then go and inform Thunder Dragon.


The middle-aged man was dumbfounded when he saw Lao Zhang preparing to leave: "I need your permission.

"You are so capable, I don't think you need my permission.

Lao Zhang just left a sentence and left.

Left behind incompetent and furious middle-aged people.

In the command center, Lao Zhang saw Thunder Dragon who was fighting in the Tower of Infinity.


The old man sighed.

The middle-aged man just now, named Wang Shouqiang, was the deputy director of the Secret Service, second only to Lao Zhang.

It is also the uncle of the arrogant and domineering fat man in the shopping mall.

It is precisely because of Wang Shouqiang's protection that this fat man is so arrogant and domineering, and does not put human life in the slightest.

In fact, the Secret Service had already obtained the murder evidence of Fatty Wang Qiang, but they were all suppressed by Wang Shouqiang.

Lao Zhang always wanted to arrest Wang Qiang, but every time he was blocked by Wang Shouqiang, the operation failed.

This time, Wang Qiang provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked, and if he died, it would save Lao Zhang to make arrangements.

Even so, Lao Zhang felt that Wang Shouqiang was right.

Zhang Yang's behavior is really a waste of life.

But so what?

to catch him?

Lao Zhang doesn't think that the guy who can kill the cosmic dinosaur Jayton is so easy to deal with.

not caught?

The dignity of that law was gone, and the face of the Secret Service was wiped clean.

Especially since Zhang Yang is still a member of the Secret Service, it is even more difficult to deal with.

"Not good, Chief!"

At this moment, a young man rushed in in a panic: "Deputy Director Wang has sent someone to arrest Zhang Yang!""


Old Zhang stood up straight, his eyes full of shock.

He did not expect that Wang Shouqiang would be so bold.

Lao Zhang didn't know whether to praise him for not knowing what to say, or praise him for not being afraid of tigers when he was born.

Do you really think Zhang Yang is a soft persimmon, easy to bully?

If you don't see a skeleton, is it called the highest combat power of the Secret Service?

Without this skeleton, the ancient city has no idea how many times it has fallen, and how many great young men would have become a member of the dead list.

Such an existence can also be provoked by a mere deputy director?

"Who did he take with him?"

Lao Zhang looked at the young man who had just joined the Secret Service, but his blood was not yet cold: "How long has it been 5.4 rooms?"

"Deputy Director Wang took Gu Yi and a dozen or so eighth-tier powerhouses and drove away three minutes ago.

After the young man finished speaking, he found that Lao Zhang's expression was very strange.

Very complicated.

"I know, go back.

Lao Zhang patted Xiao Young on the shoulder: "This is a good job, do it well. 35

"I love you!

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