Yu Bo, who fought between the two, made the entire Kewpie Star tremble. The most important thing was that the earth could not bear it, and countless cracks spread around.

If you look at it from above, taking the position where the two are fighting as the origin, countless huge cracks are spreading all over the world at an extremely fast speed!

"If you fight again, the entire planet will be destroyed by you!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang directly summoned Mechanic Siro and Dark Prossero, preparing to transfer the battlefield of the two to the universe.

A tyrant deserves to be a tyrant.

Tyrande looked at the two uninvited guests, and did not panic, but kicked Ciro flying, and then met him head-on.

But the orders that Mechanic Siro and Dark Prossero got were not to confront Tyrande directly, but to take Tyrande's attack and fly him directly.

Afterwards, the two joined forces to perform their own big moves.

The D4 rays and the Dark Pros rays hit Tyrande precisely, but they were swallowed by the belly of the shellfish.

Even so, the huge impact force made Tyrande fly towards the universe.

"Good job! 35

Seeing this scene, Siro directly transformed into the miraculous form of the Moon God and flew towards space.

When Mechanic Siro and Dark Prossero sent Tyrande into space, they went silent.

Because of Zhang Yang's orders, they have already finished.

"Go help Siro swept the formation!"

Zhang Yang gave an order again, and then the green light that belonged to the god of life flickered on his body, and the entire planet began to slowly recover under this divine power.

Outside of Cupid's Star, in the dark universe.

Tyrande finally stabilized his body after the D4 rays and the Dark Pros rays disappeared.

The angry tyrant looked at the planet under his feet, and finally the fire began to flicker.

He used the energy absorbed by his abdomen to strengthen the flames in his mouth.

When all the energy gathered in the mouth, the hot flames enough to turn the whole planet into glass hit the Cupid's star.

The unlucky Siro just slammed into this flame.

In desperation, he directly turned on the shining form, which saved his life.


Siro didn't expect that in this universe, he would be able to activate this plug-in form. Excited, he directly used the power in his body to charge Tyrande with the flames that were enough to burn the planet.

One punch!

Just one punch!

Siro, who was in his radiant form, knocked Tyrande flying, hit a small star next to him, and smashed it directly.


Shining Light Siro held the ultimate power bestowed by Noah, and ended the tyrant Tyrande with one arrow!

"Hahaha... um... 35

Just as Siro was about to scoff, he found that his strength began to degenerate rapidly and eventually returned to his normal form.

The power on the body is also very empty, as if it was hollowed out 770.

"It seems that although it can transform into a radiant form, it only has the power of a single blow."

After Siro made an assessment, he looked at Mechanic Siro and Dark Prossero who were chasing after him, and nodded to them both.

Then the three returned to the ground together.

But when they went back, they saw a shocking side.

Zhang Yang, shrouded in the divine power of life, is extremely sacred, as if he is the origin of the universe, the source of all life.

Siro only wanted to fall to his knees.

When the green life divine power dissipated, Siro discovered that under the divine power, the entire planet had returned to normal.

This is a miracle!

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