Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

360: The heartbreak of the old father!

"Stinky boy, don't let go!"

Linus felt that his heart was bleeding, and his attitude was naturally not very good.

But Zhang Yang just rolled his eyes, didn't let go of his hand, and even clasped his fingers!

This made Celia's face flush, and Linus blew his beard and stared, but there was no good way to do it.

"Stinky boy, as long as you let go, I'll give you a set of advanced blue equipment!"

If the threat failed, Linus could only choose to lure "Seven Seven Zeros": "In terms of weapons, I will directly give you an autumn leaf knife, how about it?"

"Not so much. 35

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and turned on the light of his equipment.

For a time, the dark golden, purple, and colorful rays of light reflected Linus' face a little weird.


Linus looked at the various advanced equipment on Zhang Yang's body, a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat.

Although these equipment will be suppressed in their own world, the quality will not change.

This also explains why Zhang Yang's disdainful expression appeared after he proposed a complete set of blue advanced equipment.

A powerhouse with dark gold, purple, and even several artifacts, would he like the blue advanced equipment he created?

Couldn't he be able to save Celia from this stinky boy?

Linus was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

In the end, Celia was afraid that Linus would get angry and began to introduce each other.

"Yongye, this is Uncle Linus, he has always been protecting me.

Celia's voice is lively and lovely, making people sinking: "Uncle Linus, this adventurer is Yongye, he saved me from the hands of goblins and minotaurs 1"

"You say you."

Linus glared at Zhang Yang angrily, and said, "I have nothing to do to go to the Grand Forest, don't you know that it was occupied by the goblins that suddenly appeared?"

"Also, the rumored powerful Minotaur King Sauta started to gather forces in Graka because of the forest fire, ready to catch the culprit of the arson!

Linus said, and sighed: "I don't know who is so crazy to set fire to the entire Gran Forest!"

"I also want to investigate, so I..."

Celia lowered her head: "Also, I also want to retrieve my memory. 99

"Let's go.

Linus raised his head: "Go home! 99


Celia nodded, suddenly thought of something, and looked at Zhang Yang: "Yongye, you just came here, don't you have a place to live?


Zhang Yang nodded.


Celia was about to continue speaking, but was interrupted by the black-faced Linus: "This kid can live with me, I'll give him a house!

"is it okay?"

Celia originally wanted to invite Zhang Yang to live at her house, but she was very shy, and Linus interrupted her, making her relieved.

"Of course not.

Zhang Yang refused: "I am allergic to men! 99


Celia was stunned, and Linus was also stunned.

Allergic to men?

Thanks to Zhang Yang for being able to say such a thing 5.4.

Celia and Linus returned to God, and their performances were different.

Celia looked at Zhang Yang's lowered, but still extremely handsome face, and her little face was gradually flushed.

And Linus looked at Celia, that worried.

I was afraid that I had watched the little cabbage for so many years, and I was so confused by this pig and dog.

Hey, who can understand the heartbreak of the old father?

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