Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

379: What is technical flow (akimbo!)

Garth is dead.

He died under the domain skill that only a swordsman can master - Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship (Storm Style).

After his death, all the things in the backpack were exiled to the different dimension space, and could never be found again.

However, with Mous' worth, he doesn't care about a splendid cosmic soul~.

He took out a − and gave it to Caesar.

Afterwards, he glanced at Held, who was eager to try, and finally disappeared as if he didn't know when he appeared.

"It's an instant teleportation potion! 35

Someone recognized why Mous suddenly appeared and why he suddenly disappeared.

This is the same product in alchemy called teleportation potion.

The function of the potion is just like the name, it can allow a person to break through the limitations of space and instantly appear at the target location.

"This bottle is worth 20,000 gold coins!

"President Mous is indeed rich!

"Nonsense, he is a dignified swordsman. If you pass some advanced dungeons casually, won't the gold coins come rushing?"

"Juggernaut is so handsome, I suddenly regret that I have changed my job to become the Great Red God."

"I'm also a big red god, but I don't regret it!

"Is it just Devil May Cry?"

"I found out, and I transferred to Asura? 99


Because of Mous's handsome awakening skills, he beheaded Garth, and the eyes of those who belonged to the ghost swordsman profession in the queue showed amazing expressions.

Whether it is the domain of swords that seems to freeze time and space.

Or maybe it's a phantom-like swordsmanship.

It made the blood of these young people boil.

Linus also started from scratch and witnessed it all.


Linus murmured Mous' name in a low voice, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.


After overcoming obstacles all the way, Zhang Yang, who came to the final boss room, suddenly sneezed a lot.

"Who's talking about me?"

Zhang Yang rubbed his nose, and just as he was about to move on, he sneezed one after another.

"It's definitely someone scolding me.

Zhang Yang is very sure that someone must be scolding him.

As a god, his sixth sense is extremely accurate.

In fact, when Zhang Yang sneezed, it was when Held and Gas were fighting.

It was clear at a glance who was scolding Zhang Yang.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Forget it, let's deal with the things in front of you first.

Zhang Yang looked at the zombie army in front of him and sighed.

This is the fourth time he has entered the dark and thunderous ruins, and the difficulty is even more terrifying king level.

In fact, by the third trip, Zhang Yang's job transfer task nine had already been completed.

The main reason why he came this time was because he had heard a rumor.


During the job transfer task, clear the level with the difficulty of the king, and there is a chance to give a special reward.

As for what the reward is, Zhang Yang doesn't know.

But it is better to believe that there is, not to believe that it is not.

It's just a brush trip, it doesn't take long.

"Light Eel!"

Zhang Yang first summoned three protective electric eels, and then charged up the shadow cat demon.

When the zombie army approached, he released the shadow cat demon.

In an instant, a black figure flashed through the zombie swarm, and without passing a place, a piece of zombies would fall to the ground.

Seeing the shadow cat demon showing its power, Zhang Yang threw a straw man with magic power, and after landing, it turned into the appearance of Zhang Yang.

This is also the magician's skill - provocative doll wide.

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