After killing a chicken with another bull's knife, Zhang Yang sent Deathwing back weakly, cleaned the battlefield, and left the dungeon.


This is not Versailles, nor is it pretence.

This district lord boss, even if he doesn't summon, Zhang Yang can easily beat him.

But every time there is such a big battle, it is easy to lose interest.

Just like now.

Zhang Yang is not interested in the next dungeon, Stone Giant Tower.

Zhang Yang came to the dungeon and was just about to go in, but a message came from his ear.


Zhang Yang returned to reality and saw a serious Foyag face.

"Super-large - the secret realm has come again?"

Zhang Yang felt the fluctuations in the surrounding space, and frowned: "Furthermore, the fluctuations this time are - a bit violent!

"After research by the Secret Service, this time there will be a lower god and even a median god coming!"

Foyeger also reported the Secret Service's findings to Zhang Yang: "Now the ancient city has launched a fire program and is evacuating residents."

"That's too late."

Zhang Yang came to the window and looked at the sky: "Secret realm, it's coming!"

In the next second, the surrounding space became gloomy.

A shadow covered the sun and enveloped the earth.

"This is..."

Zhang Yang looked at the shadow above and suddenly felt familiar.

It was only when the building was completely stopped and fully revealed that Zhang Yang suddenly realized.

Isn't this the city in the sky that he just entered?

"This time, the secret realm is to go to the city of the sky?"

Zhang Yang searched the memory, and finally found a useful information in the corner of the memory.

In the previous life, at the end of the war, the Huahua family suddenly brought out a terrifying sky fortress, which caused unimaginable harm to the Allied Forces.

In the end, several gods joined forces to defeat this sky fortress.

If nothing else, the prototype of the sky fortress should be this city in the sky.

"Hint: The super-large secret realm - the city of the sky is coming!"

"Everyone can come to the Sky City to carry out the strategy. The first person to successfully defeat the Sky City Lord Seghardt will obtain all the permissions of the Sky City.""

It was just a hint that directly detonated the audience.

Castle in the Sky!!!

Although most people don't know what the Sky City is, but just by looking at the appearance, they know that this city is very powerful.

•••••••••••**・・・ …

After hearing the news, Old Zhang of the Secret Service widened his eyes.

"Castle in the Sky..."

As a special force of flower growers, the Secret Service has a large amount of information after establishing channels with the outside world.

They naturally know what kind of existence the Sky City is.

Thinking of the various attributes of Sky City, Lao Zhang reported directly to the top.

When people from all ancient cities and even other cities chose to come to the ancient cities to attack the city of the sky, Zhang Yang did not participate.

It's not because of anything else, but because it's not necessary.

Sky City is very powerful, and it is also very helpful to ordinary people.

But for Zhang doesn't seem to be of much help.


Now the entire Blue Star is almost his back garden.

sphere of influence?

Now under Zhang Yang's command, more than a dozen galaxies are completely under his control, and the number of galaxies that are indirectly affected is even more numerous.

Just like the current death army, it is heading towards the Kepler galaxy.

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