
Malzaha turned his head and looked at Kasha who was staggering along with Kassadin. The anger in his eyes wished to burn the father and daughter to ashes.

"My lord, this woman is the messenger of Belvis. 39

Seeing that the situation was beyond his control, Malzaha immediately said: "She is from Belvis!"

"I also watched the previous battle."

Zhang Yang lowered his head and looked down at Malzaha, which meant that "800" was a strong presence in the void: "Both of you are fighting."

"This also means that some of you are lying to me. 35

Zhang Yang closed his eyes: "Then let me see, who are you lying!

Terrifying, even more than Vel'Koz's mental power poured into the three's brains.


Malzaha still wanted to resist this force, but he forgot the gap between himself and Vel'Koz.

And Vel'Koz can't even match Zhang Yang, which also makes Malzaha's resistance doomed to be futile.

After reading the memories of the three, Zhang Yang looked at Malzaha, who was covered in cold sweat.


Malzaha realized that it was not good, and was about to beg for mercy, but before he finished speaking, he was directly wiped out by Zhang Yang's mental storm.

A generation of Void Prophet, but never expected his destination, reduced to a hot corpse.

"You, too, are intruders. 99

Zhang Yang looked at Kassadin and his daughter: "And the intruder will pay the price!

"We are willing to surrender!"

Kassadin was seriously injured at the moment, and could not perform Void Walk.

And his daughter was hurt because of him.

Kassadin looked at the young man in the sky, and finally lowered his head.

"Yes. 99

Zhang Yang was very satisfied with the existence of Kassadin who could freely enter and leave the void, so he agreed to his request.

So, the power of the god of knights came online again.

Zhang Yang turned the Kassadin father and daughter into his own knights.

It's just that the name is not easy to choose, so I still use the original name.

Daughter of the Void - Kai'Sa, Knight of Virtue - love.

Void Walker - Kassadin, Virtue Knight - Family.

Under Zhang Yang, two generals were added again.

"As for you..."

Zhang Yang set his eyes on Rek'Sai and Kha'Zix who were half-crippled next to him: "What should I do with you? 35

"We are also willing to surrender!"

In their heyday, Kha'Zix and Rek'Sai were not rivals of Malzahar and Vel'Koz, nor were Kassadin's eyes alone.

Now facing Zhang Yang, who was able to kill Vel'Koz and Malzaha, and Kassadin, who was able to defeat them in half, and gained new strength, they resolutely chose to surrender.

So, these two guys also have new identities.

Void Reaver - Kha'Zix, Guilty Knight.

Void Escaper - Rek'Sai, Guilty Knight.

"Now, you can locate the existence of the void.

Zhang Yang looked at the few people who had returned to their peak state and said, "Then leave the positioning to me.


Kassadin and others nodded and assured Zhang Yang that they could complete the task. 5.4

Then, Zhang Yang glanced at the devastated ground and sighed.


To say that the twelfth floor is also full of disasters.

How long has it been since he recovered, and it has become like this again.

Both times, it was because of the invasion of the Void Clan.

However, Zhang Yang is now preparing to counterattack the Void Clan to see if he can bring the Void Clan under his control.

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