This secret realm is different from what I have encountered before.

All the previous secret realms were mainly based on combat. As long as the combat power was crushed, there was no fun.

But this secret realm is mainly based on games.


is the game.

And it's a game with very simple rules.

For example now.

"Hint: Please use the sledgehammer in front of you to successfully hit the gopher's head three times from the nine caves below. Within each hour, the 10,000 players with the shortest time will be selected to advance to the next level."5

A prompt appeared in front of Zhang Yang, and then a sledgehammer appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

"Whack the moles..."

Zhang Yang was interested, picked up the sledgehammer in front of him, and prepared for 800.

Because of this secret realm, Zhang Yang's basic attributes are almost sealed, only a little bit stronger than ordinary people.

"Reddy, GO!"

As the game started, nine caves appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

A huge gopher head came out of one of the burrows with great speed.

And Zhang Yang's response was also very fast.

When he heard the sound, the sledgehammer in his hand had already fallen.

It's just that something Zhang Yang didn't expect happened.

The gopher stretched out half of his body, and with a pair of sturdy and powerful claws, held Zhang Yang's sledgehammer precisely. (cjfe)

He even wanted to break Zhang Yang's sledgehammer.

Zhang Yang responded extremely quickly.

The sledgehammer was taken back from the hands of the gopher for the first time.

Seeing that his strength was no match for Zhang Yang, the gopher released his claws, made a face at Zhang Yang, and then began to show off.

First, I brightened up my biceps, then my eight-pack, and then... no more.

Zhang Yang's hammer, which is very unspeakable about martial arts, fell on the head of the gopher, which was still in the concave shape, and hit a very exaggerated bag.

The gopher, who was inexplicably hammered, gave Zhang Yang a tearful look, and shrank back crying.

"This guy, there's so much drama.

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, and then began to prepare to attack the next gopher.

Before long, there was a sound in the cave on Zhang Yang's left.

As the noise got louder, Zhang Yang also prepared to attack.

What Zhang Yang didn't expect was that there was a sound in the cave next to him.

Now, Zhang Yang faces a choice.

Either left or right.

Soon, Zhang Yang doesn't have to worry anymore.

Because of two gophers, they appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

The two gophers were far more burly than the previous gopher, and they looked at Zhang Yang with indignation.

Obviously, these two gophers should be friends or relatives of the gopher that you Zhang Yang hit earlier.

Otherwise, he would not have looked at Zhang Yang with such eyes.

Zhang Yang ignored the indignant eyes of these guys, picked up the guy, and knocked on the gopher who was showing off his figure.


The huge sound made the gopher in the other direction stunned.

Looking at the huge bag on his brother's head, the gopher unconsciously began to run down.

How could Zhang Yang turn over such a good opportunity, pick up the sledgehammer, and attack again.


Another precise hit.

The two funny gophers covered their heads with tears in their eyes and left in despair.

"Hint: You have completed the challenge, time spent: 1 minute 11 seconds, current rank: no.1!35

With the sound of the gun salute, the cave and the sledgehammer in front of Zhang Yang disappeared, but a ranking panel replaced it.

Above, there is only one name.

NO.1: Eternal Night: (1 minute 11 seconds).

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