Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

422: Devil Flower? No, it's Zyra!

It has to be said that the vitality of this herbaceous monster is tenacious.

If this is replaced by other kinds of monsters, it will die sooner?

This has to smash its body to be considered... No!

Zhang Yang suddenly discovered something.

Even if he smashed the dryad's body now, its roots are still in the ground, still extracting nutrients.

Right now, Zhang Yang found some green seedlings appearing on the ground.

In other words.

As long as the roots of these dryads are not pulled out, sooner or later, the dryads will be resurrected again.

"Too cruel!"

Zhang Yang also had to sigh, although this tree spirit's combat power was worrying, its vitality was really terrifying.

However, these are all things later, Zhang Yang now went to the next floor after killing all the tree spirits in his sight.


Because of Rotes, the controlled GBL cultists did not attack Zhang Yang, and even blocked Zhang Yang when the Dryad wanted to attack.

Zhang Yang summoned Yadeyan, Bingnais and Leiward to kill these dryads in turn.

Soon, he came to the last room where the boss of the dryad jungle, the guardian of the giant tree, Rodin.

Just beside Rodin, but not only himself, there are many tree spirits and tree demons, as well as gardener Ruer, and a dragon head cannon.

This faucet cannon is unusual.

Not only can it act autonomously, but its attack power is comparable to that of a sharpshooter's laser cannon.

Looking at the large number of enemies, Zhang Yang also began to summon himself.

Due to the increase in level, Zhang Yang obtained a new summoning skill.

Contract Summons: The Flower of the Demon World, Wosso!

A huge magic circle appeared, and countless flowers of thorns bloomed.

A huge flower bud appeared in the magic circle and slowly bloomed.

"Rise of Thorns—Zyra, answer your call! 35

The flower of thorns turned into a royal sister and walked towards Zhang Yang.

"Kill them"~!"

Zhang Yang was also used to it. The first time he called, there would always be some problems.

"At your command, Master!"

Zyra's elegant voice sounded, then she turned her head, looked at the complicated monsters, and said with a small smile: "Feel the anger 1"

With her voice, the earth trembled.

Countless thorn seeds fell out of thin air, turning into plants full of aggressiveness, attacking all around.

The damage of these thorn sprayers is not bad, and they are still penetrating attacks. Once they spit, a series of enemies are damaged.

And those thorn lashers have a special slowing effect on their attacks. Although the attack range is not large, and there is no penetrating attack, the effect of slowing down is very obvious.

"The vine of strangulation!"

After seeing the thorns everywhere, Zyra shot again.

The flower of thorns blooms again.

Only this time, it is not only good-looking, but also has terrifying offensive power.

This rage from nature appeared at the foot of the giant tree guardian, Rodin, and quickly grew into a twisted dense forest.

All creatures that set foot in the jungle will be strangled by the vines.

For a time, all the monsters were trapped by this strangling vine.

Under the fury of nature, those tree spirits were drained of their vitality without even having a chance to revive, and they became the nourishment of the strangling vine.

Soon, apart from the guardian of the lord giant tree, Rodin, no other monsters survived.

Looking at Luo Ding, who was dying, Zhang Yang was not interested in making up the knife, and motioned Zyra to kill him.

"At your command, Master!

Zyra's voice carried the breath of nature, and then she raised her hand and manipulated the vine of strangulation, bringing Rodin to her.


Endless vitality floated out from Rodin's body and was sucked in by Zyra.

Rodin's body quickly withered and eventually decayed.

And Zyra's face glowed red, looking very attractive!


Zyra looked at Zhang Yang's eyes as if they were drawing silk: "Let's..."


Zhang Yang didn't understand what it meant at first, but looking at the flower of thorns that wrapped him and Zyra, Zhang Yang seemed to understand something.

the next day.

The flower of thorns blooms again.

Zhang Yang was supported by Zyra and walked out.

She hadn't slept all night, but Zyra looked better.

Even the power in the body has been slightly increased.

He also had a special aura.

That is the momentum of God.

That's right.

After a night of cloud and rain, Zyra was infected with Zhang Yang's power characteristics that belonged to the god of nature, and thus became divine.

Since then, she can truly be called a representative of nature.

"Go back."

Zhang Yang sat on the ruins of the destroyed dragon head gun, covering his waist with one hand and waving with the other: "I will call you again if something happens. 99

"Yes Master.

Zyra gave Zhang Yang a drawing look again, then turned into a flower of thorns and disappeared from the world.

After Zhang Yang rested for a while, he picked up the unrefreshed drops on the ground and left here.

Without going to see Ophelia, Zhang Yang went offline and Meimei slept for a while before getting up.

After going out, after buying some ingredients at the canteen, he turned around and found that nothing happened, and Zhang Yang was relieved.

Sure enough, as long as you don't go to that supermarket, nothing will happen.

After returning and letting Foyego cook, Zhang Yang entered the thirteenth floor of the Endless Tower again after inhaling the storm.

|| You are back.

Celia looked at Zhang Yang and showed a sweet smile.


After hugging Celia, Zhang Yang turned his head and looked at Linus who was still working on the iron. He thought about it and handed him a hammer.

"This is..."

As a master blacksmith, Linus naturally could see the special features of this hammer.

Not only can it greatly improve the forging power, but it can also improve the quality of the (money) equipment after forging.

"gave it to you."

Zhang Yang waved his hand: "I hope to make your level even higher."


As a blacksmith, Linus naturally likes this kind of thing that can improve the quality of his creations.

Although Zhang Yang had already inhaled the food once in the storm, he still ate Celia's loving breakfast before leaving here.

Returning to the body of the giant beast, Zhang Yang entered the dungeon again.

The copy this time is Purgatory.

The monsters here are all twisted monsters with green faces and fangs, and their leaders are even more powerful.

But for Zhang Yang, it is not a cause for concern.

Now he can summon more advanced intermediate element spirits, and his combat power is even stronger.

Although, Zhang Yang doesn't really need it.

In addition, the primary element elves are more cute in shape and more in line with Zhang Yang's aesthetics.

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