I was at a college campus execution site.

I woke up hungry.

Yusuke opened her eyes faintly and immediately closed them.

Around is closed in the dark all the time. Open your eyes or not, they're both the same thing.

I haven't eaten in days. Instead of being hungry, there was only a heavy feeling like a stone stuffed in my stomach.

My hands and feet don't move.

I never imagined what would happen to a human being who was devastated by extreme hunger. I don't know how to put my strength into it, and I can't crawl anymore. I guess I'm going to stay slowly starving to death, not even standing up to look for food.

Most of all, I just got up, and I don't have any food here.

(I'm hungry...)

I can't think of anything else. An energy-deficient body is squeezing the supply to the brain.

The water was also exhausted, and the lips were dry on the calf. Some of the pet bottles are empty. I was trying to lick every drop of tea and juice I had left in the dressing room to rehydrate, but that also went away a long time ago.

(As long as there's an escape route...)

Think blurry.

There was no way out of the hall. It's a space reserved for trapping zombies, naturally.

Second, I heard footsteps.

Someone climbed onto the stage.

Behind the dark screen, its footsteps approach in the direction of Yusuke, who was lying in hiding.


To that light carry, I hit it from memory.

She's a girl who tends to hang herself in a worn sailor outfit. I wonder how many days ago he was dropped? Desperately resisting the attacking zombies, the sight delighted the prisoners, but quickly lost consciousness and stopped moving. He had been bitten by a zombie before he was dropped, and so, he must have been disposed of even though he was a good looking woman.

After a while she also joined those who wandered in the dark.

Its petty footsteps stopped right next to sleeping Yusuke.

From the signs, I think I'm looking down at this one.



The girl is a zombie.

I don't think Yusuke has anything to do with it.

The air moved.

I'm giving in here.

(Will they finally eat you)

In a hazy consciousness, I thought so. Until now, zombies have never attacked Yusuke, but that's how lucky they are.

But I missed my expectations.

The girl is pressing something in her hand against this mouth. A sticky thing hits my face, and my thin fingertips blur my cheeks.

(What the...)

I shook my head faintly in an uncomfortable sensation.

Seeing Yusuke not react, the girl pulled her hand.

Then there was the time.

After a while, I had a hand on my shoulder. The girl is riding herself out to meet us.

A soft, wet feel pressed against my lips. My tongue is screwed over this tooth.

Something chewed on the drool was poured in by mouth transfer.

When I realized that was food, my throat moved to swell. Swallow without chewing. It was an instinctive move, trying to keep up with the raw. A pleasant feeling passes through the esophagus.

Then, thoughts come back.

What I just ate.


Where did you get it from...

I thought about it, I thought about it.

(of humans…)

There was an impact. I tried to spit it out unintentionally, but my survival instinct won. Blood begins to sweep through my body trying to digest the food I haven't been given in a long time.

Thinking of it in terms of freshness, it would belong to the victim who fell yesterday.

(... I don't know...)

The refusal to contraindication disappeared lightly.

In my life on campus, my humanity is so worn out. It was dropped at the hands of humans in the first place.

I was more worried about you eating raw meat and not breaking my stomach or getting crazy sick.

Yusuke is not the only one.

Zombies also eat humans.

Then days went by.

Many sacrifices were lost.

Yusuke slowly understood what was happening to the zombies on the spot.

One day, as usual, light plunged into the darkness.

Upstairs, the door leading to the control room was open. A shadow is pushed out of it. Behind, there are several humans with blades and blunt weapons, followed.

Today's sacrifice appeared.

The inmates' operation fills the hall, which was closed in the dark, with lighting.

Yusuke narrowed his eyes to his eyelashes.

Because I was used to living in the dark, my eyes couldn't quite adapt.

Yusuke stood up as he remembered the billionaire on the way to noise. I can really keep my eyes open when the bait called human appeared but still sat in the corner.

There was a stupid laugh going on up there.


Already my buddies have reached saturation.


A bunch of zombies.

Each of them has its own power.

Those who fell in the early years are less damaged and eat many humans. He was also gaining strength.

The prisoners are unaware of the change.

As usual, the execution was prolonged.

It is their way of not dropping them immediately and enjoying their appearance. A man with a video camera is recording it in the back. He's a record keeper. They do it with their hobbies, and they're always the same people, so I already remember their faces.

But that's not until today either.

Yusuke, with a white look, made that foolish noise.

Sacrifice is driven to the end of the execution bench.

At that time, from somewhere, a scorching smell hit my nose.

(Doing something like that)

When the cloth is wrapped around the vicinity of the lighting, it ignites even if there is flame retardant. The lights on the stage are twitching and turning up the heat.

The prisoners have yet to realize.

I didn't know how far the fire would spread.

If only we could get out of here with a gap.

Even if you can't get away with it, burning to death isn't such a bad option. I'm tired of pleasing the prisoners. If everything turns to ashes, you'll blame it on me.

Suddenly, there was a blackout.


The hall is closed in the dark.

In the days of the prisoners, there was confusion.

The sacrificial movement that was at the brink of life and death was desperate. He tries to escape to the hallway side with his hands tied, but he bumps into one of the inmates who was blocking the front. Angry voices rise.

While rubbing, everything fell down. Screams leak that could be both.

As I panicked, Maglite's light took it up there.

A fellow herd moved.

In the illuminated light, a sacrificial man is grabbed by a zombie and dragged out into the dark.

That's the only way to eat it.

Zombies arrive to respond to Yusuke's thoughts.

The other man left is swinging his weapon in an odd voice as he crawls to the floor. It's just this stick in your hand. Did it hurt somewhere when it fell, it's not a move.

The zombies look at it in faraway windings as they devour the sacrificial man.

There is no one to strike.

(That's fine)

Yusuke stood blurry.

There are few lights, and no one pays attention to Yusuke.

The fallen man is desperate for help.

Several of them rode themselves out and looked down at the ground floor. You might have wondered why the zombies wouldn't hit, but soon the end of the rope was thrown off. Undefensible behavior. Maybe he thinks he can't climb a zombie.


Behind the dark screen, the firehand went up.

The blackout was unexpected, but enough heat seemed to hold.

In the dark, the flames stood out.

The inmates upstairs take their eyes off this one for a moment.


To the fallen man, my people have arrived. Eat it down your throat before it screams. I can bury it right under the zombies.

With that in his ass, Yusuke jumped onto the rope and climbed gruntly with only the power of his hands.

My body is light.

Unexpectedly, my mind was floating.

Before they cut the rope...

Maybe, maybe I will.

It took a hand on the sleigh.

The prisoners finally noticed this one. He stares at me like he's been taken aback.

Yusuke lifted his body and sat down on the sleigh.

From the upstairs aisle, there was a good view of the hall. It's something I felt a lot wider in the dark, but only slightly when I look at it this way.

Blood, corpses, and a sweep of rot.

I finally got out.


I got a full smile.

"Ha ha!!

The blackout is still going on. Only a few lights on the maglite are the light sources. Yusuke laughed and disappeared into the darkness of the lightless passage.

The confusion of the prisoners increases.

Because zombies shouldn't talk. Yusuke's behavior has drained him.

In that gap, another fellow herd climbed the rope.

From there it became a riot.

The other one has a weapon. But at times, they are the people who were defining the sights of high view. Weak for surprise.

One of the incarcerators, kicked, falls off the aisle.

My people downstairs surrounded me and slaughtered me.

I am less willing to kill than my appetite.

I wasn't willing to stop it.

Three people entered the door of the control room, including Yusuke.

There was one inside.

Look at this one and try to escape.

Yusuke grabbed the bamboo that was standing against the wall and slapped it on the man's back. I hear a broken spine, blunt groans and fall. Then he swings a swing down his head. The crushing feel of a hard shell leaves you with paralysis in your hands.

After he saw the man stop moving, Yusuke looked around with his giddy eyes.

"The key! Find it!"

The area is stirred around. The cabinet is ripped open and the storage is pulled out of the tear.

To the feeling of being pulled behind my brain, when I turned around, one of my buddies threw me a small key.

Receive with one hand and see tags.

Front of the hall, key to the door.


Gatspaws and jumps out into the aisle. Surmount the railing, flex and land on the ground floor.

I headed to the door early, turned the key forcefully, and kicked it open.

A hot breeze blew outside.

The hallway was dark and quiet.

Clean air fills the lungs. The air, which was filled with blood and rotten odors, slowly slips out of my body.

Only the cold moonlight illuminates the scene.

There's nothing to hold back.


A voice of joy with no voice was raised by the fellows behind them.

Intense willingness to kill blows up.

(Whatever you want)

A number of shadows pass by Yusuke, scattered with beastly momentum.

There are still a lot of people on campus.

Finish them off.

On this campus, the prisoners were able to follow the majority with force and power. There are many people who are not involved in the execution site.

But it doesn't matter what happens anymore.

The herd is craving it.

That's enough.


An explosive joy comes thrust up my chest.

I feel like I could even sing in my nose.

I didn't know you'd feel this happy again.

Blessed time was interrupted by footsteps running down the hallway. Yusuke turns a blind eye.

From the corner, a man appeared desperately shaped. I don't even have a weapon. They've been running away from someone in the herd. Notice this one, make him pull his leg.

It was a familiar face.

I toyed with a pre-execution human, and I was playing.

I remember very well.

Yusuke stepped in from herself and shook her. The blade in my hand ran in a straight line.

I stabbed him vertically in the arm of a man poked out like a coward. Beat and break the cockroach.

A man's mouth shapes a scream, but he can't hear a sound.

Yusuke did not question it and waved it again.


From the shape of the blade, it is not suitable for piercing. Fatal injuries were difficult to give.

I had no choice. I cut it.

I was surprised.

A girl with a spear in her hand stood in front of her as she threw out her bloody body and raised her face as she prepared her rough breath.

After looking down at the man who turned out to be a torn blood bag, I raised my gaze here, and Ni, laughed.

Yusuke went crazy too.

My buddies and I have feelings for each other.

I felt happy.

Kill them all.

He shook up the ox like a conductor stick, put it on his shoulder and proceeded down the hallway.

I killed three people.

The campus was in havoc.

The excitement of the herd is transmitted.

There were killings everywhere.

Each time, the heart that was missing is filled.

Follow the spear girl, on her way to find her next prey,

The appearance suddenly caught my eye.

(... ah?

At the end of the hallway.

A shadow stood.

Moss green, wearing a camouflage raincoat and a hood.

My face is shadowed and invisible.

Only the mouth peeks.

Three knitted brunettes spilled from the hood hanging in front of his chest.

It's a woman.

Quiet as a dead man, staring at this one.

For some reason, I felt something shiny.

(... Was he like this?

A woman I don't know.

But I have a connection to myself.

That means he's one of the herds.

But there shouldn't have been a woman like this in that hall.

My leg stops.

There was confusion in my memory.


From behind, signs of tingling approach.

A girl with a spear, a strong gaze, is pouring on her back.

I felt it painfully.

I'm on guard for something.


Suddenly, without any foretaste, the glass window next to him broke. The crack spreads and the fragments fall apart. That inexplicable way of breaking, it takes my eye.

At the end of the gaze through the window, in a distant courtyard, there was a massive pile of bodies.

Humans with careless expressions floating in the dark in lumps.


Remember the sight, the sense of vision, and the doubt.

Campus control should still take some time.

Not enough to have such a mountain.

Orderly logic is lost.


There was a cloud on the moon.

The lights turned on and a piece of glass that remained in the window frame faintly reflected the hallway and twinkled.

And Yusuke blurred his face, which was made of flesh.

(... what the heck...)

I glance at your face with my hands.

The gums peeled out and the meatless cheekbone hit my hand. My nose is also falling. There was only a crusty bone feel.


(Since when?

As soon as I remembered the doubt, I felt like I was being pulled away from something.

Connections to the herd are lost.

I didn't know what was going on and looked around in the confusion.

At some point, my vision had changed.

A few meters away, in the place where Yusuke stood until earlier, there was a tall figure.

He wears a worn coat and has a wax in his hand.

A man who was Yusuke until earlier.

He's a punk.

With fiery eyes, he stares at this one.

An earlier connection struck me with intense hostility, as if it were a lie.

That's right. Yusuke killed many of the herd's people.

(... right. Yes it was)

Finally, the perceptions that had been lost came back.

What have I been doing?

What was it about to become?

Next to Yusuke, who stood still, the woman stood.

Catch the memory you gave me, in a camouflage raincoat.

The hood leans this way and the sides glance.

Three knitting spills.


Strange colored eyes look up at this one.

So Yusuke woke up from a dream.

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