The deserted city hall was quiet, but on the greening terrace on the fourth floor, the siren sounded.

Shenzhen looked down at the road in front of the government building and down the radio he was communicating with the president.

Flowing from the speakers on the roof are emergency evacuation sirens that reverse the nerves. The shadows scattered across the road are gathering at City Hall so that it can be hit by high volumes. I'm trying to get over the barricade and get to the front door and windows.

In the empty lane in that motion, a van jumped out. I catch a few zombies, but I keep bouncing them off.

A few more trucks follow. The influx from the bridge continued, but it succeeded in breaking through the thin areas of density.

Deep moon glanced off at that lane heading to the dock.

The front track is ridden by two young brothers and a girl who finally couldn't get her name. I told him it was because I was bound to rendezvous and put him in the truck. I remember the two faces at that time, and the deep moon gripped the railings and relaxed.

There is no means to follow the train in the late moon.

It was also a bet that we could get out.

"... Huh!

And he lifted up his face to inspire himself, and the deep moon returned the stiffness.

The road side on the ground floor is already hacked into by zombies. I ran down the deserted hallway to the back entrance.

The city hall, where many refugees lived until before the shroud, was desolate, and there was no shadow to see. On the door of the opening, the personal belongings that were thrown away. Supplies spilling in distribution from rolled cardboard, and blood stains creeping onto the poster as it remains stretched on the wall.

Downstairs, I heard the dead screaming.

On the second and third floors, there remains a tragic, intense blood odor that continued in the city hall. It was only a matter of time before the zombies came up.

The deep moon chose the staircase furthest from the entrance, making sure to jump down to the dance floor and go down. Dangerously balanced, a black shadow crossed the hallway downstairs where I finally saw the ground floor.

I grab the railing and stop.

There were only a few footsteps left, but the shadows did not respond.

Dragging footsteps slowly drift away.

It would be a zombie wandering around the ground floor.

While breathing faster, Deep Moon strengthened his limbs. The scariest thing is that you can't move because of fear, not because of injury or anything. I knew about that at the West End Building.

I waited awhile before going down to the ground floor and looked carefully to the left and right.

There is no shadow.

From the entrance, the noise of the intruding zombies continues. I don't have much time.

Near the back entrance was a staff-friendly area, so the passage was a killer landscape. Walking down the footsteps, exit into the glazed smoking room and the hangout space of the vending machine.

At that time, something moved in the sight.


A woman sat down to hide in the slightest clearance of a lightless vending machine.

I'm not a zombie. I'm looking at this one in a frightened phase.

I looked familiar to my face.

I was among the men who stood up in the West Office building, a criminal group woman.

(Didn't you run away!?

After the crackdown on the West Government Building, I knew it was missing. City Hall humans were looking for it, but I didn't know it was still there.

(I wish we'd run away together. Eh)

Did you think they would kill you? If I had surrendered from myself, it would have been safer than here.

The sirens are ringing.

Zombies are approaching.

The late moon tried to abandon it.

If I help, I'll lose a few seconds.

(... cum!

They're people who tried to harm themselves. I thought I deserved it. I thought, but I was sure that the late moon pulled the zombie onto the city hall, which gave this woman a tiny amount of time to survive.

"Over here! Come on!

As the deep moon stepped out, the woman screamed and ran in the opposite direction. It's a trick I feel like I've touched, and I run to roll.

"No! That way!

Heading to the entrance. That's where a lot of zombies are already in.

I tried to chase him, and I stuck around. I can't help you any more.

I turned around and tried to rush out, and at the end of the aisle to the back door, I saw a shadow. From the worn out outfit, I knew at a glance who I was. Zombies.

I can't afford to slip through the aisle.

More unity emerged from the back.

We'll be far away, but we'll have to use the other exit. It solidified trying to rush out. My opponent, who had just spent time under the stairs, was coming around this way from the corner.

I heard a woman screaming from behind.

It is not a situation where the entrance side can return either.

Zombies approach to block the escape route. When I find this one, he opens his mouth to roar without a voice, and he storms in.

The only escape was a nearby door. Go in to roll, make a noise and close.

It's a glass smoking room.

The deep moon lagged behind and looked around.

There's no other way out, there's just a bench and ashtray. Nothing like a weapon. Same thing with guns and knives. In the arms of the deep moon, it can only be intimidation. Zombies who don't remember fear are useless in their opponents.

The door is an internal opening with no locks, and the door knob can be easily opened by turning it. One zombie is at the door, two are stuck on the glass, and we can go inside. Hurt cloudy eyes staring at this one. Blood stains the glass as you paint the red paint all over it.

The radio rang. I kept holding it in my hand.

"The guy who sounded the siren, you hear me! We're at the dock! I guess we'll rendezvous properly!? We're getting closer too! We can't wait forever!

The president's hurried voice.

Trying to get back to me, I realized I had no words to say.

Believe me, I'm going to wait until the end of the day.

Deep Moon stood on the spot, holding onto the radio.

The door is under zombie pressure. Even if you open it and try to escape, it will sneak in front of you. I couldn't think of a way to take it. Should we give up our escape and tell them that for the ship? My heart is about to be dominated by fear.


I didn't want to die. I anointed my black-painted fears with the power of my will. One or eight, he solidified himself and tried to escape through the door.

That's when the explosion sounded from the outside.

A piece of zombie strapped to the glass was stripped to shock.

It was a gunshot.

Blast again. The two bodies left were blown together. I get a white crack in the glass.

From behind the aisle, a shadow appeared.

With the bag on his shoulder, he pumps the shotgun and loads the cartridge he took out of his pocket.

Keep your footsteps slow and open the smoking room door.


I don't see the expression in the dark. I took off the earphones I had on my ears, and not long before the late moon said anything, I took my hand forcefully and walked out.

It was Yusuke.

The noise in the hallway becomes intense. The zombies must have reacted to the gunfire.

Yusuke walked to drag the deep moon with no expression.

He also seemed angry.

"Ah, ahhh!

Yusuke glanced down slightly, taking up the radio that was gripping the deep moon. Keep it on your mouth and emit it in a hard voice.

"Are you listening to me? Get the ship out. Pull over to the back park shore. We'll rendezvous that way."

"Become... Takemura!

"Signal with a light. Find it."

Stop communicating and look back at the deep moon.

"This is it, isn't it?

"... is, yes..."

Keep Yusuke holding my hand hard and running.

I thought I left the city hall for a while.

I couldn't keep my head on the change of circumstances.

Fluffy and stubborn.

From the back entrance access road, exit to the park.

It's dark around and I don't know when zombies will come out of the shadows of the trees. It was a dangerous situation, but I couldn't afford to feel anxious.

Yusuke seemed to know exactly where he was headed. We're not lost, we're headed to the rendezvous point.

Eventually what I saw was a promenade along the river, a place used by city hall humans for waterlogging. A bucket of rope is placed on the railing.

Deep Moon was going to use this rope to join the boat on the river.

I asked Yusuke unexpectedly.

"Hey, how did you figure that out?

From what I remember when I worked in the water supply squad, I thought of something else. It's dangerous, but I thought that was the only way for everyone to survive. It was the only plan in the head of the deep moon.

"You've been watering a lot."

Don't bluff. I got stuck in that word, for a second, in my voice.

Instead of a conversation, it was a time when we barely even looked at each other.

Still knew me. You got it.

The thought caused me to lose the words of the late moon.

From afar, the engine sound of the Pleasure Boat approaches.

Yusuke puts a shotgun on his right hand, turns the left hand light, and sends a signal to the boat, keeping his perimeter alert.

You noticed this one, the boat and the platform ship pulled by it slowly pull over to the shoreline. Taiwanese ships had such flavors as boxes floating on the surface of the water, and the sight of people densely appeared to be in jeopardy.

With Yusuke's hand, a rope wraps around the lower back of the deep moon. Wrap it around the railings to create friction so that it does not fall all at once.

Yusuke lifted the deep moon from her waist and said,

"I'll put it down. Hold the rope properly.... Don't mess around anymore."

I couldn't think of a word. Stick to the rope as they say, and let it down over the railing. Yusuke's hand stretches the rope and the shore slowly drifts overhead. The lights lit from the ship concentrated on the deep moon.

The rope rocked unstable, but several arms stretched from the lower platform ship and received the descending deep moon. An ancient tyre of buffer material hits the shoreline, with dark water ripples. It was a situation of fear, but the late moon could only stare at Yusuke overhead.

Kudo, who holds the steering wheel in the steering seat, Sasaki, who rides himself out of the deck, and the refugees who anxiously lean against each other on the platform ship, all stared at Yusuke, who stood in the dark.

"Takemura! You come too!

The president's yelling.

Yusuke looked bitterly smiled at the concise words.

"I told you there were troublesome guys! If those guys chase us all the way to the mountains, we're done! You're not going to speed anyway."

Anyway, if it's just a Pleasure Boat, I'm towing a Taiwanese ship. I could barely get the speed out.

"I'm going to hook you up here."

Yusuke has a shotgun on his shoulder and a far-sighted view of the city hall.

As all the men on the ship watched, Yusuke returned to the place that had become the nest of the zombies. Get away from the riverside, and you won't see what it looks like.

As he pursued the vanished phantom, the late moon was flashing for a while, but he shouted back at me.

"... I'm waiting! I've been waiting for you!

The voice disappeared beneath an unmanned shoreline, sounding across the river.

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