Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 56: , First-class team

"You all should be good people! Then I'll be a villain!" The little princess Qian put her hands on her hips and said, "How much is the labor fee? After all, we are the ones who charge ahead, and the moonlight bunny sits behind and enjoys the benefits. Can't justify it!"

The irritable Dragon King glared at Little Princess Qian: "You are here again! Besides money, what else do you know?"

Yiye Zhiqiu also said: "Little princess, the labor fee will be waived. Anyway, we are going to take a taxi, so let's take her for a ride."

"Hmph! You are all rich, and you have mines at home! I am the poor and the wicked! Let it go!" the little princess said angrily.

"When you're fighting monsters later, don't let me help you recover your blood! Go fill the blood-enriching medicine yourself!"

"Okay, okay! Don't quarrel, everyone, I will pay the labor fee for Moonlight Bunny." The giant **** came out to smooth things over again. He smiled and initiated a transaction application for the little princess of money. The little princess of money gave him an angry look, and then Transaction declined.

"Today, for the captain's sake, I don't want any money! But, don't expect me to restore blood to the Moonlight Rabbit!" The little princess Qian turned around and said angrily.

The irritable Dragon King whispered to Zhang Ze: "Little princess Qian is the only nanny in our team. Although she is open to money, she has a good personality and good skills, but she has a bad temper! Luo Sha Brother, don't be as knowledgeable as her!"

Zhang Ze nodded with a wry smile. He had already seen the nature of the little princess of money in reality, and she really did anything for money!

"Everyone, get ready, this time we must defeat the fifth floor black fin wizard!" The giant said to everyone.

"After we failed last time, I summed it up. The reason is that the blackfin wizard's skills are too powerful, and we didn't make enough preparations at the time, so we failed."

"This time, everyone should have brought enough blood-enriching medicines, plus the green blessing from Little Princess Money to restore blood to everyone, and the joining of Brother Zhang Ze. I believe this time, we will definitely succeed!"

Everyone nodded, this fifth level of black fin wizards is not a bit stronger than the first four levels of Demon Realm!

It can even be said that starting from the fifth floor, the difficulty of Demon Realm will increase by a big step!

Not only are the monsters on each floor more difficult to deal with, but their skills are also several times stronger than those of the previous floors!

Also starting from the fifth floor, the requirements for adventurers become higher.

At the same time, adventurers who fight alone will become more and more sad. Only by working in a team can they pass the level more easily and safely.

"If everyone has no questions, let's go."

Afterwards, the Giant God led the crowd out of the altar, and Zhang Ze walked in the team. The adventurers around who were watching Zhang Ze, seeing Zhang Ze joining the team, temporarily gave up the idea of ​​attacking him.

After all, killing people in the Demon Realm is condemned and punished. Although this is a place outside the law, it is difficult for the police to find the murderer, but if there are too many witnesses, their names will also be on the most wanted list of the Demon Realm Administration.

If the crime is particularly serious and the killings are particularly high, the Demon Realm Management Bureau will also put their names on the reward area!

At that time, they will also face the risk of being hunted by other adventurers.

Therefore, it is better to do things like killing people quietly.

From the altar to the beach, you can encounter many monsters along the way.

These monsters are divided into two types, one is a white murloc holding a fishbone javelin, and its name is Surfer!

After encountering adventurers, these surfers will throw the javelins in their hands at the adventurers, causing considerable damage!

But this is not the most deadly!

These surfers are often found in groups, so they act in unison when attacking their targets, throwing their javelins together!

Adventurers are often stabbed by four or five javelins at the same time! result in serious injury or even death on the spot!

At this time, defensive fighters with shields are more popular. His shield can resist the attacks of these javelins and protect his companions behind him.

And after those surfers threw their javelins, it took at least a minute for new fishbone javelins to appear in their hands. During this time, they were unarmed and easy to kill.

The second type of monster is a yellow murloc who wears robes and can cast restorative spells, called Tidecaller.

These Tidecallers often follow a group of Surfers, restoring health for those Surfers.

Although it doesn't recover much HP, its recovery spell is group recovery! This greatly increases the chances of Surfers surviving, buying enough time for them to get new javelins to attack the enemy.

Therefore, when encountering these murloc monsters, adventurers usually kill the tidecallers first, and then turn their heads to deal with the surfers.

The giant gods and others did the same.

Colossus is a shield warrior. His main weapon is a thick shield tower with a height of three meters and a width of 1.8 meters. As long as you hide behind his shield tower, it can basically resist 90% of the attacks!

Not only The giant god's innate skills are also very powerful!

Zhang Ze heard from the irritable Dragon King that the giant god's talent skill is a super defensive halo!

defensive aura

Grade 1

Experience: 857/1000

Consumption: 10 Vitality

Cooldown: 60 seconds


Within a range of 3 meters, increase the defense of all team members by 50, with no time limit.


Level 1 defensive halo, increasing the defense of all team members by 60.

Level 2 defensive halo, increasing the defense of all team members by 70.

Level 3 defensive halo, increasing the defense of all team members by 80.

Level 4 defensive halo, increasing the defense of all team members by 90.

Level 5 defensive halo, increasing the defense of all team members by 100.

As long as the teammates are within the three-meter range of the giant god, the defense power will be greatly improved, which can ensure that the team members have a greater chance of survival.

After the surfers throw the first wave of javelins, Yiye Zhiqiu will use his skill Ice and Wind to freeze all the surfers in place for thirty seconds.

Taking advantage of this time, the irritable Dragon King and Liu Yueying would rush out of the giant god's shield tower, directly enter the enemy's line, and start a killing spree!

The attacks of the two of them are melee explosive, with high damage value and fast attack speed, which can quickly destroy the target.

Even if the two of them are injured in the battle, there is no need to worry. The little princess behind Qian has been paying attention to the blood volume of the two of them. As long as there is something wrong, she will cast the green blessing in time to restore their blood to ensure their safety.

This is a mature team. The members trust each other and cooperate with each other tacitly. In Zhang Ze's opinion, such a team is definitely a first-class team!

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