Retreat indoors.

Xu Hai exercised for a while according to the method taught to him by the Uchiha family, and then went to the gym again and started to do various heavy weight training.

Time passed day by day, and after three days, Xu Hai looked at his various physical data on the bracelet and was a little disappointed.

"It seems that the initial improvement will be so fast, but now the improvement speed has been much slower."

He could feel that simple strength training and simple mental training in the retreat room had no effect on him.

"It's still necessary to enter the copy and find some ways to stimulate the eye of the wheel."

Xu Hai narrowed his eyes: "Then there's no need to hesitate, I'm bound to visit the fifth-floor golden map."

From the sixth day, Xu Hai changed his cultivation plan. Almost all the original projects were eliminated by him, and all that remained were some ways to increase endurance and the hell-style training he thought about.

In the shooting area of ​​the retreat room, Xu Hai was holding a gun, shooting at the target at an average speed of three bullets per second.

If someone was watching, they would be amazed. Even with this casual shooting speed and frequency, Xu Hai still hit the bullseye.

This is of course the credit of the writing wheel.

And this kind of high-intensity training also made Xu Hai feel a little out of strength. This was the third day he trained in this way.

Seeing that the target was almost filled with bullets, he suddenly felt weak and sat on the ground.

I don't know how long it took before he regained his strength.

And when he looked at his mental power on the bracelet, he stood up in an instant.

His mental strength has actually reached twenty o'clock!

To be honest, Xu Hai couldn't believe it.

He rubbed his face, making sure that he was not dreaming or unconscious, then stood up and walked towards the retreat room.

He can't tell what time it is now, because the training time seems to be a little too long.

I don't know if it was an illusion. When walking to the retreat room, he clearly felt that the structure of the retreat room was clearer in his eyes. He could even feel a speck of dust on the ground. He has not turned on the state of writing wheel.

It seems that after the training of the past few days and the exercise method he has pondered, Xu Hai's mental power has indeed broken through his previous bottleneck and reached a new level.

Correspondingly, there is a strong hunger.

It seems that he is so focused on training that he has forgotten about eating.

At the door of the retreat room, the uncle who guarded the door was playing games intently.

He had just won three kills, and before he could scream in surprise, he was attracted by the sound of footsteps.

Suddenly, he saw a somewhat tired figure walking towards the outside of the retreat room.

"Damn it? Has this kid never left the retreat room?

It shouldn't be, he stayed here for two to three whole days, and he must not starve to death. "

He still understands after a day of training, but after two or three days of training, it is still this kind of high-intensity training in a retreat room, so no one should be able to stand it.

Even if he could stand it, this kind of person would probably be a fighting maniac, and he would never choose a dead house major like the Science Department.

"Oh, boy, wait a minute."

"What's the matter, sir, is something wrong?"

Chapter 17 Meet the man with the national character face again

Xu Hai turned around, looked at the uncle in front of him, and did not dare to neglect at all.

Whether it is from his past experience or from the fact that he is the only one guarding such an important place as the retreat room, this uncle is definitely unusual.

"Have you been training here for three days, kid?"

Xu Hai nodded,

"It seems that you have obtained inheritance, and the inheritance is not bad. Which dungeon is your inheritance in which place?"

Xu Hai scratched his head and said, "The copy of Ninja Village, I have obtained the inheritance of Konoha Village."

"What the hell are you talking about, the Konoha Village that is recognized as trash?"

This surprised the uncle very much. He originally thought that even if Xu Hai signed a hidden inheritance like Orochimaru, it should at least be a first-class inheritance like Gaara.

It never occurred to me that what Xu Hai signed was actually Konoha Village, which was recognized as a garbage village.

He didn't show anything, but he felt a pity in his heart.

However, even if it is the inheritance of Konoha Village, under his hard training, it is estimated that there will be a little effect. In addition, this kid is from the scientific research department, even if the ceiling of his own strength is very low, it may not be impossible. There is a big promise.

"Boy, are you going to enter the illusion in two days?"

Xu Hai nodded.

"Looking at how hard your kid is training all day, the old man reminds you of one thing.

In the fantasy world, you must find the fantasy gems. Although this stuff is not said to be everywhere, it should not be difficult to find. As long as you can get the fantasy gems, you will be able to feel like a duck in the fantasy world. "

Xu Hai was stunned for a moment, he did not expect that the man in front of him would actually tell him such news.

You know, even the teacher didn't tell him.

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