But this time, Xu Hai, a student who even he was not very optimistic about, actually won the second place.

This is a good thing for him, and for the entire scientific research department.

At this moment, a man in a military uniform came up to him and said, "This teacher, you are the head teacher of Xu Hai in the Department of Studies, right?"

Zhang Jian nodded.

"I'm his head teacher Zhang Jian, what's the matter, what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, I think like this classmate has such a good fighting talent, if he just stays in the scientific research department to do scientific research, he will be somewhat underpowered.

So I think that the military may be able to jointly train this student with the Department of Scientific Research. Usually, he will not be absent from the compulsory courses in the Department of Scientific Research, but there are some unimportant elective courses, so we hope that the military can take him. Do some training in combat skills.

This can not only ensure that you will not fall behind in your course, but also ensure that his fighting talent can be brought into play, killing two birds with one stone, what do you think? "

Zhang Jian was silent. This condition cannot be said to be unfavorable. There have been very few students who can be jointly trained by the two giants of the military and the scientific research department since ancient times.

If Xu Hai can seize this opportunity, then even if he obtains the inheritance of Konoha, he will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

After all, isn't Sun Qiang from the battle department next door the best example?

And just when he wanted to give an answer, there was a sudden sound not far away.Excited voice: "Look! His score is almost doubled."

The people who were talking turned their heads to look at the big screen, and saw that the first place, which was about [-] percent, actually reached more than [-] points in an instant.

The whole place was buzzing.

Chapter 33 The Ultimate Fantasy

This means that in the moment just now, the first place killed several intelligent zombies.

"My god, isn't the strength of intelligent zombies able to reach the peak of the extraordinary level, is this really a new life?"

"That Hao Rong from the Combat Department is actually so strong? I'm afraid this has already broken the records of all freshmen."

"With this kind of talent, it is estimated that within ten years, you will definitely be able to enter the marshal level."

"I think it's not just as simple as a marshal, but now the young and middle-aged geniuses at the quasi-marshal level entered the fantasy dungeon and only stayed in the rainforest map for a period of time, and few people were able to kill the intelligent zombies alone. , not to mention killing several intelligent zombies on the valley map."

In the front, the noses of the teachers of the combat department are almost up to the sky.

Originally, he felt that his students were close to being destroyed, and the reputation of the battle department might be lost this time, but he didn't expect that Hao Rong would be so ambitious, and he would get a grade that no group of people could get by himself.

"Oh, I really didn't expect to have such a talented student this year."

"This year's combat department will probably become the strongest one in the past five years."

Just when they were feeling Hao Rong's talent and strength, the name of the second place on the screen finally dimmed.

At the entrance of the copy, a figure slowly walked towards the outside.

Everyone quickly turned their heads to look, although they knew that [-]% of the people who came out were Xu Hai, they were still shocked.

After this fantasy dungeon experience, I am afraid everyone will be impressed by the inheritance of Konoha Village.

"Xu Hai, Xu Hai."

In the haze, Xu Hai heard another voice calling his name.

He said impatiently: "Your fantasy copy is too much. Why do you use the same method every time? This trick has been used in the rainforest map, and it is not easy to use."

After speaking, he opened his eyes, but the sight in front of him made him stunned.

Because the current self is actually lying on the bed, and this bed is actually the one in my room in the previous life.


His hands trembled unconsciously, and the people in front of him were his biological father and mother.

On the other side of the bed, Xu Hai's parents, who were nervously watching Xu Hai, said excitedly, "Son, you finally woke up. You have been in a coma for many days."

"Coma? How long have I been in a coma?"

"It's been about a dozen days. During these days, you have been shouting things that we don't understand. What is the inheritance of Konoha Village the most powerful, what is the evolution of Sharonyan, and what zombies are there? We are all worried about you.

But the doctor came to see him. He didn't say that there is nothing unusual about your body. How are you feeling now?Let's go to the hospital. "

Listening to what his parents said, Xu Hai was silent for a while.

Is it all dreams that you have experienced during this time?

No combat department, no scientific research department, and none of the people you met?

This time, he was actually a little suspicious.

Because he can feel that the world he lives in is no different from the world he lived in in his previous life.

"Could it be that I've never traveled through it before, and didn't rely on the information gap to become the Son of Heaven?"

Afterwards, he looked at his parents and said curiously, "Mom and dad, why do I sleep so long?"

"Son, have you forgotten? Our city was attacked."

"Assault? What attack."

"Son, have you really forgotten? We have been in a world war since you were born. Don't you remember such an important thing?"

World War?What bullshit world war?In his last life, he had always lived in a time of peace.

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