As soon as this sentence was said, all the teachers present were shocked.

[-] million, that seems a bit too much, right?

You must know that for many unimportant majors in the school, the annual funds allocated to them are only [-] to [-] million yuan, and the principal awarded Xu Hai [-] million yuan at once, which can not help but make all school leaders feel a little bit. Lamented the greatness of the principal's handwriting.

"Of course, I don't think you are necessarily interested in these rewards, so our group thought carefully and decided to open all the training equipment in the school to you, and the price required to enter these special training places is only normal. sixty percent below.

But don't think we are stingy, this is already the cost price, if you think it is still not enough, you can tell us your requirements carefully, we will consider it carefully. "

"Oh, by the way, doesn't the Department of Science have the right to enter the dungeon every year? The school has also doubled the number of times you enter the dungeon, which means that in addition to the normal coursework, you can also choose to A copy of interest goes in.

When you enter these dungeons, the school will also be specially equipped with corresponding masters to protect your safety.

Not only that, we also plan to let you participate in our national freshman competition at the end of the semester. I believe that with your current strength, you will definitely be able to win the championship. "

This series of rewards almost made Xu Hai stunned. Whether it was a bonus of [-] million yuan, or the conditions of these half-price openings, or the number of times he entered the dungeon, it was extremely precious to him.

He never dreamed that he would only get so much attention and resources by doing some routine operations in the fantasy dungeon.

If he had known this would happen, he would not have entered the golden map so early, and would have stayed on the valley map to score eight or nine thousand points.

After talking about these rewards, the principal's face suddenly became a little serious, he stared at Xu Hai and said to him: "There is one more thing I need to tell you.

The military intends to invite you again, and this time the invitation is from a quasi-marshal-level powerhouse. Behind him, there is General Sun Jiancheng who invited you before. "

After saying this sentence, all the leaders present looked at Xu Hai again, and Xu Hai said in confusion: "Invite again? Are you inviting me to join the military?"

He was a little curious, this is not the first time he has refused this kind of invitation, right?Are you not afraid that he will be disgusted by coming to him frequently?

"Yes, the military intends to invite you to join their special forces again. As long as you are willing, the quasi-marshal-level powerhouse will take you away tomorrow and give you personal guidance."

"Of course, as a part of the school, I still hope that you can stay in the school and in the Department of Science."

"As long as you can stay in the school, if nothing else, the convenience that the school can give you will be satisfied as much as possible, even regardless of the cost.

As for the Department of Scientific Research, we also transferred a quasi-marshal-level teacher, that is, Teacher Sun Qiang, who taught in the Department of Combat. His strength is no worse than that of Xu Haodong from the military. "

Chapter 42 Attractive Conditions

"Of course, I want to tell you that the school has the advantages of the school, but after all, the troops fight on the front line all year round, so their experience in combat is much stronger than the school.

You can indeed get better training resources and expert guidance there. From this aspect, entering the army is even more beneficial than you get in the combat department. "

After listening to the headmaster talking about the advantages and disadvantages of both sides, Xu Hai said without hesitation: "Headmaster, don't worry, I never planned to join the military, otherwise I would be in the phantom copy. Just followed them away."

Not to mention that the principal of Imperial Martial Arts University came to keep him personally, even if no one kept him, he did not intend to leave the school.

Only in the school can he find all kinds of information, and have more opportunities to contact these hidden inheritances that have not been discovered by human beings.

Of course, there are more opportunities for the troops to enter the dungeon, but they are still performing tasks more often.

Moreover, Xu Hai knew that most of the battles the military participated in were to clean up the periphery of the dungeon, and the time to be able to contact the inheritance would be less.

The most important thing is that the order of the soldier is to obey his vocation. If he chooses some unpopular but actually extremely powerful inheritances in the dungeon, he is likely to be forced to be replaced by some military leaders.

At that time, I really can't express my suffering.

But the school is different. As long as he is willing, even if he chooses a few more recognized garbage inheritances, out of their commitment to him, the principal will recognize them with their noses.

Hearing Xu Hai say this, the corners of the school leaders' mouths almost reached their eyebrows.

Immediately, a leader stood up and said to him: "Xu Hai, don't worry, our scientific research department will definitely not have less resources than you in terms of resources, the scientific research department will definitely give you what the military can give you. Not much at all."

"And we all know that you are accepting the inheritance of Konoha Village. Originally, we thought it was a less powerful inheritance, but it seems that you should have obtained a hidden inheritance by mistake.

If you want, these teachers in the Department of Science can work with you to study the inheritance you have acquired and find a way to develop it to perfection. If it can be developed, not only for you, but for us and the entire human race, then It's all great work. "

If the inheritance of Konoha Village is really so powerful, then in the future, the Department of Scientific Research will have a very important research topic, which may subvert the human race's cognition of the copy of Ninja Village.

"Xu Hai, wait a minute, don't go to the retreat room, because we have organized a freshman assessment.

Once you train in the retreat room and forget yourself, it would be a real pity if you ignored this freshman assessment.

This time the freshman assessment is not just a simple assessment, but also some knowledge about different dimensions and some basic combat knowledge. It will be good for you to listen to it. "

Xu Hai was a little curious when he heard this.

Most of the territory in this world has actually been occupied by alien beasts of different dimensions. Most people don't know what the world on the other side of the dimensional crack looks like.

Even though the dimensional war has started for so many years, due to the problem of resources, if people of Xu Hai's age have no chance to be admitted to the Martial Arts University, they will most likely be ordinary people all their lives.

And these ordinary people, for the truth of the world, I am afraid that it is difficult to have any chance to dig out.

Strictly speaking, before he entered Imperial Martial Arts University, Xu Hai also had the same fate as them.

Therefore, he is really looking forward to all kinds of knowledge about different dimensions.

While they were discussing this matter, in the square not far away, many students were walking and discussing the matter of this gathering.

"Didn't we just finish our experience in the fantasy dungeon? Is this time for a summary meeting?"

"No, no, I've already asked my boyfriend. This time I'm here to test the strength of the new students. The summary of the fantasy copy is just an incidental."

"A strength test for freshmen? What does this mean? Didn't we already have a test?"

"The previous test can be regarded as an entrance test, but this time the test is actually to see what is the gap between you and before admission, commonly known as how much potential and talent you have."

"It is said that if the strength grows faster or the grades are very good, then it is very likely that he will be elected to the student committee."

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