Secondly, the overall strength of the monsters here should be said to be much stronger than the fantasy dungeon. If you are careless because of the performance of the fantasy dungeon, it is very likely that you will die here.

So, don't run around when you enter the dungeon, you know?

Of course, the various non-human creatures in this dungeon are much gentler than most of the creatures in the fantasy dungeon and other dungeons. As long as you don't provoke them, they will not attack you. . "

"It's the same sentence. Survival is the most important thing. If you really encounter a monster that you can't afford to offend, let me escape immediately. After you find an opportunity, go to complete your mission and return to Earth."

After Sun Qiang finished speaking, he looked at the classmates present and added, "Any classmates have any questions."

No one was present to speak, and finally Xu Hai hesitated and stood up and said to Sun Qiang, "Teacher, I would like to ask, what are the specific tasks we have in this dungeon?"

"One more thing is that you seem to say that the tasks are different, so is the final ultimate task to kill a certain powerful alien beast here?"

"If you want to kill powerful alien beasts, can only students be able to take action? Or can you assist some strong people here?"

These questions of Xu Hai were actually questions that other students present wanted to ask.

Sun Qiang told them before that these alien beasts with the worst strength have a combat power index of around [-] points. This strength is difficult for most freshmen to solve.

Even weaker students, even if they form a team, are expected to lose both.

You must know that in the fantasy dungeon, zombies with a combat power index of around [-] are basically only available on the third-layer rainforest map.

Even on the desert map on the second floor, the [-]-point combat power index is a small overlord.

But this time the dungeon, the alien beast that actually started has a combat power index of [-] points, and after that, it is estimated that there will be many stronger ones.

Especially the black shadow who was not mentioned by Sun Qiang by name, probably already at the peak of the general level.

It is impossible for these freshmen to kill alien beasts of this level, and even if the students of the third, third and fourth come over, it is impossible to kill this level of alien with their own strength. beast.

Sun Qiang looked at Xu Hai who stood up, smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's definitely not for you to kill the alien beasts here, not to mention the advanced ones, even if they are simple ones, I am afraid that more than half of the people present are Not an opponent.

Letting you kill this one will bully you more or less.

Tasks like killing alien beasts are generally only done by graduates. This time, the main purpose of bringing you to this dungeon is to consider your team's ability to fight.

This time you can work in groups instead of fighting solo as before.

Furthermore, we also want you to see how powerful the different-dimensional monsters in the dungeon are.

After all, in the future, after you graduate, you will definitely have to step out of the sheltered circle of human beings. In the face of these alien beasts coming out of the cracks in various dimensions, if even the alien beasts inside can scare you, then there is no end to the outside world. The alien army of the beasts, it is estimated that they will scare you to death directly, and they will fart. "

After speaking, Sun Qiang pressed the button in his hand again, and two maps appeared on the blackboard.

Sun Qiang pointed to a map and said, "As for the forces in this dungeon, strictly speaking, they are divided into humans and alien beasts, but we don't necessarily have to stand on the side of humans. Among these two camps, you Whether it’s a human being or an alien beast in a city in the virgin forest, it’s okay.”

"Teacher, if we choose one of them, what should we do after that?"

"Don't worry, choosing a faction is not your only task.

After choosing the faction, you also need to choose the difficulty of the mission.

The difficulty of the task is divided into first level, second level and third level. After all these things are selected, there will be specific things you need to do, and this thing is your specific task content. "

After finishing speaking, Sun Qiang pressed the button again, and then the details of the Terran camp appeared.

"Generally speaking, our people will choose the camp of the human race. After all, we are also human beings. Helping human beings will make us feel more comfortable.

Like human tasks, the first level is probably to protect dozens of people from harm. As long as these people can be kept alive within the specified time, then the task is completed. "

"This task doesn't seem to be difficult. As long as we hide them well, there should be no major problems."

Sun Qiang, who was on the podium, nodded, but changed the conversation and said: "This level of tasks is indeed not difficult, but the rewards are very small, and may even be less than the rewards you get in the fantasy dungeon. few."

"If you have confidence in your own strength and you are more ambitious, I recommend that you choose the second-level mission.

As for the second-level task, one more item has been added, which is to protect those alien beasts that live in peace with humans. Simply put, it is to be a reconciler, so that humans and alien beasts can coexist peacefully. As for the third-level task, now come Say that no one has done it, because it is a task that you simply cannot do. "

"A task that can't be done? Can you tell us about it, teacher?"

"The third-level mission is actually very simple, although he has not announced it, but we all know that it is to protect all the humans in this dungeon, and to kill all the monsters in this dungeon, who can do it? where?"

Chapter 59

After listening to the third-level task, the students present lowered their heads one after another.

Not to mention this third-level task, even that second-level task made them feel embarrassed for a while.

It is necessary to protect these alien beasts, as well as human beings, and let them coexist peacefully. If it was really that simple, would there still be such a copy?

"Kill all the monsters and protect all the human beings. I guess that even if the teacher goes up, he may not be able to do it."

"As expected of a third-level task, wouldn't it be enough to just change this third-level task to an impossible task?"

After finishing these tasks, the next thing is about the alien beast camp in the primeval forest.

"Actually, there are very few people in the alien beast camp who will choose them, and it is estimated that even less than [-]% of our students will choose them.

Their mission is simply to kill dozens of people from the Human Race camp. Of course, the rewards for completing this mission are not many. "

"The second-level mission is to kill a thousand warriors of the family and help these alien beasts who are secluded in the depths of the primeval forest to return to the main battlefield to conquer the entire world."

"Next, the third-level task is actually similar to the third-level task done by the previous people, and it is an almost impossible task.

First of all, [-]% of the population must be slaughtered, that is to say one million people, and secondly, it is necessary to defeat Sombra and Little King Kong, and completely rule the entire virgin forest. "

After listening to this task, the students present immediately fell silent.

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