Thinking of this, Xu Hai rested again, and then walked towards the Chakra retreat.

Just as he walked out of the retreat room, Li Changsheng appeared in front of him.

"Xu Hai, why did you come out?"

"Hurry up, if you don't come out again, I have to come in to find you. We are ready to go to the dungeon, don't miss it."

Hearing Li Changsheng say this, Xu Hai was stunned for a moment, and then he ran towards the meeting place without even changing his clothes. When Xu Hai arrived at the meeting point, almost all the classmates had already arrived here. .

"Xu Hai."

Hao Rong's voice came from his ear, Xu Hai turned his head and saw her smilingly looking at him.

After thinking for a while, Xu Hai walked towards Hao Rong.

In front of the crowd, Sun Qiang saw that everyone had already arrived, and said, "Okay, classmates, now we officially set off for the next dungeon, Primitive Forest dungeon."

After saying this, everyone boarded a special plane and flew directly towards the copy of the primeval forest.


At the entrance of the copy, there are several huge statues of alien beasts standing there. If Xu Hai is there, he will definitely sigh how lifelike this statue is.

Inside the statue, there are layers of protective shields.

"I thought this copy was already under our control and there was no danger. I didn't expect so many military personnel to be here."

"How many dungeons can there be that are not dangerous? Which dungeon do you see that doesn't have at least one regiment stationed here."

In the outermost part of the dungeon, there are various fortresses, large and small, and modern weapons are piled up together like no money. There is a tendency for fortresses to become front lines.

Outside, layers of fences surrounded everything. Many people in military uniforms were stationed or patrolled near various weapons. The overall atmosphere made the students present feel serious for a while.

Suddenly, not far away, rows of single racks were carried out by the medical staff. The students present became a little terrified when they saw the bloody people covered in wounds.

"My God, he won't be a student who has been trained in the previous dungeon, right?"

"It should be because I completed the task, but after completing the task, it is a bit scary to actually make myself look like this."

"It's good to be able to come out alive. I just heard from them that several students died inside."

"My God, I want to go back. I thought this was a bit unreliable."

"What are you afraid of when you come here? If you really back off, you shouldn't have come when you signed up."

Xu Hai looked at these classmates with panic and excitement on their faces, and thought for a moment in his heart.

After a long time, he finally let go of the frown that was originally slightly frowned.

This copy should be very interesting, right?

Now that he has mastered the flying technique and Rachel, in the dungeon, as long as he does not kill himself, there should be nothing that can threaten him too much.

Not far away, Sun Qiang, who was watching the feedback from these students, coughed and said, "Don't worry, everyone, this is only an occasional phenomenon, and most of the time we are very safe to enter.

Think about it, hundreds or even thousands of students go in every day, so the number of people who are brought out and injured is not a big percentage. "

Chapter 65 I Want to Choose a Level [-] Mission

The students present looked at Sun Qiang with no sign of believing them. They were no longer children. Just by looking at the familiar process of dealing with the wounded in the copy, it could be seen that there were definitely many such incidents.

As for saying that the proportion is not proportional, it is meaningless if there is no real statistics.

Of course, these people present are also outstanding college students who have experienced two dungeons, and they are not too scared to enter the dungeon because of these things.

"But I want to tell everyone that now that you already know how serious the injury will be in this place, then you should choose your tasks more carefully.

Don't think about completing the second-level quest with only a few dozen points of combat power index, otherwise the result you will get may not only be as simple as being injured, and you may even not be able to get this dungeon at all. "

Sun Qiang's voice echoed in everyone's ears again. This time, he didn't intend to lie to his students like before, but told them clearly the consequences of this dungeon.

"Of course, every time you enter this kind of dungeon, there will be casualties, so I hope everyone will not be afraid, but more importantly, everyone will not be arrogant."

"Every time you enter the dungeon, the ones with the highest survival rate are those who choose the first-level task. Don't think that the first-level task is easy to complete. You will know that even the simplest first-level task is often the same. Dangerous."

"To be honest, for most of the students, I prefer you to choose the first-level task.

First of all, your current strength is really not strong enough. If you choose a second-level task, even if you are a class of people, you may not be able to do it.

Second, and the most important point, you are still young, and there are infinite possibilities in the future. This dungeon is just a very inconspicuous dungeon among the vast dungeons we will go to in the future, so there is no need to choose one for yourself. A task that is likely to be unfinished.

If you really can't come out, it will be a pity for our school and this human race. "

"I can tell you that in your previous class, there was a class that had chosen a task with a too high level of difficulty, and half of them had never walked out of this dungeon, so please remember that blood is very hard. Okay, but life is your first priority."

Listening to Sun Qiang's solemn words, those classmates also had their own considerations.

Originally, some people were actually dazzled by their blood or breath, and wanted to choose a second-level mission, but after hearing what Sun Qiang said, the fear in their hearts still made them sober. come over.

After all, Sun Qiang was right, he was still young, and he would enter countless dungeons in the future, so there was no need to sacrifice his future in this dungeon in order to fight for a breath.

Not far away, other professional teachers are also explaining the copy to their classmates.

"Classmates, this is the third dungeon we are going to enter, and it is also the first real dungeon we are going to enter.

In this dungeon, we have to face the alien beasts in the dimensional cracks, as well as countless human beings.

This is an exercise for you and a simulation of your future battlefield.

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