In contrast, although the combat department looks a little dangerous, at least in the university, as long as you don't kill yourself, there is basically no fatal danger, and at most it is only a slight injury.

Moreover, the men with the national character face said that General Sun Jiancheng personally asked Xu Hai to enter the combat department, which is equivalent to an extra layer of protection from the military boss.

They really didn't understand why Xu Hai insisted on staying in the Department of Scientific Research.

Chapter 8

The man with the national character face looked at Xu Hai with a calm face, clenched his fist slightly, and said solemnly, "Xu Hai, are you sure that you really want to go to the Department of Scientific Research and that you really want to reject General Sun Jiancheng. invitation?"

He was very angry, very very angry.

General Sun Jiancheng, as a high-level human race, is almost impossible to know Xu Hai because of his busy business.

It was he who defied public opinion and told Sun Jiancheng what Xu Hai said at the beginning, which made Sun Jiancheng interested in Xu Hai, and ordered him to enter the combat department.

Because of this incident, I was also reported by some people with ulterior motives and lost a month's salary.

As a result, he was busy working for so long, thinking that everything was in order, and finally came to Xu Hai, but Xu Hai actually told him that he did not want to go to the combat department.

Is this more or less bullying?

The teacher next to him saw that the man with the Chinese character face was about to burst with blue veins, and he was a little embarrassed. He immediately walked to Xu Hai's side and whispered to Xu Hai, "Xu Hai, have you thought about it?

In fact, the combat department is much better than the scientific research department. If you are worried that your life will be in danger if you stay in the combat department, you can discuss with this instructor to see if there will be any guarantees from General Sun Jiancheng.

Besides, look at those seniors, which one is not alive and kicking?The real danger to life is almost one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand. "

Seeing Xu Hai still didn't seem to have any idea of ​​changing his mind, the teacher persuaded again: "Think about it, you have chosen the inheritance of Konoha Village now, which means that the ordinary path is probably not suitable for you.

If you stay in the scientific research department, you will have fewer opportunities to practice. If you go to the combat department, there are so many bigwigs who can take you to experience, and you will have more opportunities to enter the dungeon. Maybe you can get other The inheritance of the tree to make up for the inheritance of Konoha Village. "

From the bottom of their hearts, these teachers still do not believe that Xu Hai's Konoha inheritance can have any potential for development, and even feel that Xu Hai is only because he is worried that his Konoha inheritance is too weak and will die on the battlefield, which is why he joined the Department of Scientific Research of.

Xu Hai glanced at the angry instructor and bowed respectfully to him: "Instructor, I thank you very much, but I hope you will stop interfering with my decision."

He is indeed very grateful to this instructor. He knows that this instructor must have worked hard to come here with a general's order at this time.

But these people in this world whose minds have been solidified are destined to be unable to realize how powerful the inheritance of Konoha Village is in a short period of time.

This inheritance does not require messy resources, but only constant training and use and cultivation.

This is actually a bit contrary to the tone of the combat department's non-stop fighting and various strength training, which is why he is so determined to go to the scientific research department.

Zhou Hua on the side looked at Xu Hai like this, and snorted coldly: "Counsel."

"Brother Hua, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. I don't even know if a person like this was ever regarded as an opponent by you. I don't know if I'm insulting you or elevating him."

"Yeah, yeah, it's really interesting that this kind of waste doesn't even dare to enter the battle scene, and wants to compete with our brother Hua."

"Even if someone like him enters the Department of Scientific Research, he probably won't be able to achieve anything. Maybe he will be afraid that the laboratory will explode and kill him if he does a dangerous experiment, hahaha..."

The man with the national character face looked at Xu Hai seriously, and after a long time he said, "I hope you have your own special reasons not to follow me to the battle department."

He was a little sorry.

Putting aside Xu Hai's perverse character, he actually liked this student quite a bit, otherwise he wouldn't have paid such a high price to ask that general to transfer Xu Hai to the combat department.

But since Xu Hai said so, there is no need for him to persecute others, in case Xu Hai really has any special reason.

Turning around and sighing slightly, the man with the Chinese character face left the classroom.

Seeing the back of his leaving, Xu Hai clenched his fists unconsciously.

"Don't worry, I will definitely show you how powerful Konoha's inheritance is."

"Okay, classmates, today's assignment is over, if you have any questions or are not satisfied with your major, you can apply to the school, we will consider it as appropriate, and notify you when the time comes.

Students who have no objections can leave with their leading teachers. "

Most of the classmates had no objections, and those who did not sighed slightly when they saw their fit and inheritance, and walked behind their leading teacher.

These results, after so many teachers and days of thoughtful research, are basically impossible to go wrong.

In the school square, it was crowded with people, this place is where the students of the school are officially assigned majors.

There are flags of different colors inside the square. These flags divide the whole square into many blocks. Each major major will occupy a major area, and there are different secondary majors in the major area for students to choose from.

"Wow, you see that senior is so handsome, he deserves to be the senior of the combat department."

"Look, that senior sister's temperament is honed on the battlefield."

"Hurry up, let's take a photo together. The brand of the battle department at the back must be photographed for me. I want to send it to the circle of friends."

Most of the students are very excited. Even if they are not assigned a major that they really want to go to, being able to stand here means that they have a bright future in the future compared to ordinary people.

But Xu Hai didn't care much about this matter, he just wanted to finish the formalities quickly, and then go to the retreat room to study his own writing wheel.

But after walking around the square for several times, he couldn't find a place to report to the Department of Scientific Research. He scratched his head, thinking in his heart that this should not be the case. Although the Department of Scientific Research said that the scale was not large, the treatment was only A major major next to the combat department.

Even if there isn't a reporting location as big as the combat department, it shouldn't be impossible to find it.

After searching for a while, he found a small stall in the corner.

Above that booth, there were a few unshaven boys sitting here and there, with the words "Department of Scientific Research" written on them.

Seeing this scene, Xu Hai was a little speechless, it seemed a little different from what he thought.

It seems that he saw Xu Hai staring at his booth all the time. A boy sitting there pointed to Xu Hai, then hooked his hand and said, "Hello classmate, you are here to report to the Department of Scientific Research. ?"

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