Chapter 104 Am I waiting for you? Dear~

[Red Dragon Spine (Legend): The bones of the progeny of the Lord of the Red Dragon, which can be used for making soup! 】

Enmmm…Is it really okay to use a soup bone to make a hot spring? There is always a feeling of being shabu-shabu.

And Shaoyang…

Hu You remembered that this word first appeared in Zhouyi and was later annotated as Donggong.

Since the red dragon he killed was the son of the red dragon lord, it is understandable that he was named Shaoyang.

But what are Chu Yang and Lao Yang?

Hu You opened the VIP mall and tried to search, but found that no matter how he swiped his finger, no words appeared on the notebook.

Damn it!

Wordless clown! !

never mind.

Hu You had to put away the notebook. It seemed that he could search only after reaching the fortieth floor.


Hu You raised his head and looked into the sky, and found that there were still purple light clusters in several places, and gradually climbed upward…

ten minutes later……

Hu You came to the thirty-ninth floor.

The tenth floor has arrived, and the mask of the silent clown will automatically fall off, turning into a black shadow and disappearing in front of her eyes.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh overseas overseas…”

Shi An’s voice sounded on the right, and it seemed that the silent clown had reached his face.


Hu You sighed, the next step is to repair, he will inevitably fall into a deep sleep for ten minutes.

Before that, let’s take a look at what Chu Yang and Lao Yang are.

“Search for the first sun.”

【Inquiry, please wait…】

【A total of 3 products were found. 】


Hu You frowned, feeling a little bit bad.

The principle that things are rare and expensive applies no matter where they are. If there are only two Chuyang products…

The prompt box popped out in front of my eyes!

[F: Young Dragon Inverse Scale (Epic Material): Inverse Scale is the first scale born of the dragon family, and it is also the foundation of all scales. 】

[Price: 1,000 gold coins! 】

[D: Early Spring Sunshine (Excellent): Unable to view due to world level restrictions. 】

[A: Prosperity (Mythology): Due to world level restrictions, it cannot be viewed. 】


Fortunately, it’s just an epic item.

The outstanding red wing dragon corpse is 50 gold coins, the perfect level is ten times, and the epic level is ten times more, which is converted into an epic-level complete dragon corpse at most 5,000 gold coins.

Now it’s just the inverse scale of a young dragon, and a thousand gold coins is reasonable.


After Hu You bought the young dragon Nilin, he kept thinking about the first sun thing in the D-class world…

In the early spring…

What kind of world is it that will preserve the brilliance of the sun?

Hu Yu was puzzled, but he couldn’t find where to get the answer.

“Search for Lao Yang.”

【Searching, please wait…】

【A total of three items were found. 】

There are three more.

[F: Mulong Dragon Beard (Epic material): The old dragon dragon beard in the twilight years, that is the last thing on its body to decay. 】

[Price: 1,000 gold coins. 】

same price!

Hu You didn’t look at the next two things, so he bought Mu Long’s Dragon Beard.

Unlike sustainable water sources, both of these materials are fairly common, so they are not as outrageous in terms of price.

With all the materials in place, his net worth instantly shrank by 2/3!

Hu You picked up the drawing of Sanyang Hot Spring again.

[Whether to build…]


[Sanyang Hot Spring is under construction, estimated time: 5 hours! 】

Time-consuming Ascension.

Five hours, it’s almost nine o’clock now, and the time is not too bad.

When the construction of the hot spring is completed, it is time to have afternoon tea.

When the time comes, soak in the hot spring, use the huanghuali wooden tray to hold the Ru kiln tea set, and then take a sip of the big red robe~

One word, absolutely!

The corner of Hu You’s mouth rose up. Although it cost two thousand gold coins and a lot of resources, he had a hot spring belonging to his own…

This feeling is by no means a feast for the senses that a string of numbers can bring!

The finger touched the floating ladder, and the option popped out immediately!


[Climbing the ladder may trigger: return, trim, you can exclude one of the options. 】

Exclude the return trip!

Hu You turned up, and when he moved his center of gravity to the floating ladder, he instantly fell into a coma, and his whole body fell directly onto the floating ladder!

Xiaobai woke up instantly!

He immediately jumped down from his shoulders and pushed up with both hands to cushion Hu You.


Xiao Bai’s head tilted, as if he didn’t quite understand why Hu You suddenly fell into a coma.

It slowly put Hu You on the floating ladder, walked slowly in front of it, and stared at him with its head tilted…

Isn’t it… dead?

Xiaobai walked up to him and stretched out a short hand to probe his snort.

Phew… Fortunately, fortunately, there is still breathing.

Since it’s okay, of course I will continue to sleep~

Xiaobai took a cheerful step, got into Hu You’s arms, squeezed in, and closed his eyes when he found a comfortable position.

ten minutes later……

Hu You woke up instantly and stood up from the floating ladder.

It’s weird!

Unlike yesterday’s experience of being forced to’sleep’ by the Lord of the Red Dragon, this time he passed out without any prompt.

Wouldn’t it be easy for you to get cold if you encounter the transfer curse again during the coma?

But there is no other way. If you don’t want to return, you can only choose to fix it.

Just… I don’t know what surprises there will be on the fiftieth floor.

The system said, five options will only be triggered once within the forty level.

It is possible that on the 50th floor, the untriggered options of the first forty floors will be triggered inevitably, or there may be additional surprises on the 50th floor.

Hu You thinks the possibility of the latter will be higher.

After all, climb the ladder!

Something is a little abnormal, it’s also normal, right?

Hu You looked up at the sky. Now that the far-sighted effect has passed, he can only see the first two steps.


“Hey, boss Hu, are you still there?” Luo Jin’s voice suddenly sounded. He was still not far away, that is…still on the stairs to the sky.


Hu You replied and also proved his own position: “How many floors are you on? How do I feel higher than me when I hear the sound?”

“No, it’s only on the 77th floor.”


Hu You rolled his eyes: “If you are on the 77th floor now, our children from now on will have your last name!”

Luo Jin did not hesitate at all: “Okay! That’s it, you can just open the leaderboard and take a look.”


Hu You’s heart trembled.

The answer is so happy, shouldn’t it… is it true?

Hu You opened his own notebook, but the last page of the top ranking list.

1: Mina: 49th floor.

2: Chen Nuo: 49 floors.

3: Oda Middle Two: 49th floor.


Oda Nakaji? This name… why is it so familiar?

4: Luojin: 48 floors.

“Well, I lied to you!”

Luo Jin’s naughty voice sounded from the side again: “You should see the leaderboard, right?”

Hu You was full of black lines, but had to answer: “I saw…what’s wrong?”

“Don’t you think it’s weird?”

Luo Jin explained: “Since the first place, they have stayed on the 49th floor for more than 5 minutes. I asked the reason on the chat interface, and no one came out to speak.

It’s talking, not answering.

I doubt there will be any traps on the forty-ninth or fifty-fifth floor!


“So you stopped at the forty-eighth floor and didn’t go forward? Don’t you be afraid of the stairs disappearing?”

“Oh, am I waiting for you? Honey~”

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