Chapter 116 Return! Sit on the ground and divide the spoils!

Its two paws took the token into its arms, as if nothing had happened, and landed firmly on the spot.


The token was thrown into Hu You’s arms, as if he had done a trivial thing.

Xiao Bai is now about sixty centimeters tall, and the height of the token is more than two meters. If you calculate it as two meters…

Xiao Bai, jumped 3.5 times its length!

What is this concept?

Can you imagine a human who can jump more than 6 meters out of thin air without using any tools?

Hu You now looked at Xiaobai’s eyes as if he was looking at a monster…

A strange and cute little animal.


Xiaobai rejoined Hu You’s cheek, pushing with two small claws, as if urging him to hurry down.

“Good, good, got it.”

Hu You knows that Xiaobai’s life experience is by no means simple, but he quickly put the matter behind him and took the Dengtian Ling in his hand and put it in front of him.

After all, this is not the time to struggle with this.

Since there is no automatic return for obtaining the token, the key point of the return is on the system itself.


[Congratulations to the survivors for obtaining D: Climbing Order (Legendary Item)! 】

【Triggering back, please wait…】

[The D-level beast attack has ended, and the system will distribute rewards based on the ranking on the beast attack standings! 】

[Congratulations to player Hu You for becoming the first in the beast attack standings, he will get the golden treasure box*1, the golden key*1]

Hu You was taken aback, before he even turned his mind, he saw a white light exploding in front of him!

He closed his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened them again, the gravity on his body had disappeared, and he had returned to his own base!

This is… back?

It’s really back!

Hu You confirmed it again and looked down at the token in his palm.

[D: Order to the sky (legendary item): ***]

Sure enough, it is a legendary item in the D-class world! However, just like nirvana, all information except the name is hidden.

Hu He didn’t hesitate, as soon as he sent a big Appraisal Technique, he threw it straight up.

【Advanced Appraisal: Wisdom…】

Yes, as expected.

Forget it, put it in the warehouse and let it go ashes.

Hu You thought, and a prompt popped out!


[This item cannot be placed in the warehouse, please take it with you! 】

Um? Can’t place the warehouse?

Hu You frowned. For some reason, he smelled a conspiracy.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, the most important thing now is… he is back!

Hu You turned his head to look to the left and cleared his throat: “Ahem, Luo Jin, are you okay?”

The deep voice echoed in the cave, and he waited quietly for the response, but… ten seconds passed, there was still no sound there!

A bad thought came to mind, and Hu You said again: “Luo Jin? Stop playing, you can reply!”

Echo, or only echo.


Hu You made a fist with his right hand and made a crisp bone noise.

He didn’t speak again this time, instead he carried the legendary dragon tooth and walked slowly to the left side of his cave!


“Little Red!”

Hu Youqiang endured the trembling voice and shouted to Xiaohong in the wooden villa: “Help me and Xiaobai prepare lunch, as soon as possible!”

“Yes, my master! You will have a delicious lunch in ten minutes!”

He is not thinking about preparing lunch now, he just wants to dig this damn wall…

The excellent copper hoe can’t be shaved, but the legendary dragon tooth can!

As soon as the sharp teeth went down, a layer of visible dust appeared on the wall of the cave!


Just follow this process and it will take no more than half an hour to dig through this damn wall!

five minutes later……

Hu You’s hands were already numb, and his palms were rubbed red, but at this moment…


A slightly tired voice sounded, as if he had just woken up: “How do you feel that someone is planing my wall?

Could it be that guy is back? ”

This voice is…

“Luo Jin!?”

Hu You stayed in place, and stopped unconsciously holding Longya’s hand: “You…you are not dead?”

“Huh? Is it really you?”

Luo Jin stayed lazy in the cabin: “Even if you win the bet, you can’t curse people to death, right?”

“No, I didn’t mean that.”

Hu You put Longya back into the warehouse, and he collapsed on the ground, leaning back against the pit he dug out: “It’s fine if you don’t die, it’s fine if you don’t die…”

Tired, really tired.

He had just stepped down from the ladder, and his body hadn’t recovered to his best condition, so he forced a high-intensity digging exercise without having lunch!

This was originally supported by a single breath, but now that Luo Jin is not dead, this breath naturally dissipated.

“I’m not dead, but… shouldn’t you give me an explanation!”

Luo Jin’s annoyed voice came from the opposite side: “Say, what is your attempt to dig the cave wall secretly!”

“Secretly digging the cave wall? Do you have any evidence to blame me?”

Hu You was pretending to be confused. He knew what Luo Jin meant, but he would never admit it.

“Oh? Don’t you? I can hear the sound of soil sliding just now!”

“That was I was building a small building, but you didn’t expect this to be discovered by you.”

“Don’t talk! You must give me an explanation today! I want 60% of all the trophies!”

So I was waiting here.

Hu You took out his ears, and simply sat there waiting for Xiaohong to deliver lunch: “What trophy? Do we… still have a common trophy?”


Luo Jin snorted coldly: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t give me the spoils, then I will…”

“Don’t! Everything is easy to discuss!” Hu You hurriedly said.

There are many trophies, but the only one with quality is the dragon egg!

In addition, the best things are just three golden treasure chests, as for other silver, brass…what can those things come out?

“Then talk about it~”

Luo Jin came over as soon as he sent a transaction request.

If she can, she doesn’t want the dragon egg, but the treasure chests and the determined resources!

Not for others, mainly…

There is not enough food!

Adding Shiratori Golden Falcon alone will eat enough. If you add a dragon…

I’m afraid I can’t afford it!

Hu You accepted the transaction request, Luo Jin did not hesitate to put the Dragon Egg on the transaction column, as if he really intended to give him this thing.

“The selling price of this item in the mall is 50,000 gold coins. The scarcity is the most expensive. Let’s round it up and calculate it as one hundred thousand gold coins. No problem, right?” Luo Jin asked.

Round up?

I think you are good at bargaining, let me learn how to cut trees!

Did you make it up like that! Why don’t you just say rounding up!


Hu You took a picture of a wooden house and uploaded it. Judging from the lack of warehouses, she should urgently need this: “Then this is a discount of 5000!”

“Silver coins?” Luo Jin asked tentatively.

“Come on, sell me one for fifty gold coins!”

“You are making a random price!”

“Eh! Be careful when you speak, don’t let me sue you for slander!”


Luo Jin was silent for a while, then said again: “Okay! The price of the dragon egg! All the treasure chests below all the crystal treasure chests belong to me, and the architectural drawings belong to me!

The rest is yours! ”


Hu You pondered for a while and took out all the treasure chests: “Except for Shi’an’s resources, the treasure chests below gold belong to you. I only need one architectural drawing, and all the remaining materials belong to you!”

Treasure chests are lined up on the ground, and each treasure chest is inserted with a corresponding key.

He stood up, stroked one by one, and rows of prompt boxes popped out of his eyes.

He excluded those with treasure chest traps, and he received two treasure chest traps from another warehouse, and then took out a treasure chest of the same level.

He didn’t want such an interesting person to die.

Even if you don’t become a girlfriend, it’s nice to have an interesting opponent.

Anyway, there is no limit to the number of exclusion options, so it’s just one day… No, this is more than forty good.


Luo Jin’s voice sounded, and by the way, he began to search the architectural drawings he had, wanting to see if the drawing was with him: “What do you want?”

“Yunlong Rockery!”

Hu You spit out four words and smiled at the corner of his mouth: “It’s just a good-grade architectural drawing.”

Hearing the name, Luo Jin also fell into contemplation.

There were only three golden treasure chests this time, but there were 18 silver treasure chests, and copper treasure chests even more than 24.

Counting other architectural drawings, and those materials, not to mention more, almost made up for the value of this dragon egg.


Luo Jin finally agreed, but added another sentence at the end: “But…huh? What does it taste like?”

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