Chapter 126 Xiaohong’s Cleaning Mode

The dark green eyes are wrapped with vertical pupils that are black like an abyss, and a pair of eyes are looking at the two-legged ants in front of them, as if they are brewing anger!

It was not the first time that Hu You faced such pupils, but every time he felt it up close, he would have a unique taste, such as… panic, uneasy, and the perception when he was closest to Death.


Hu You breathed out a suffocating breath. Although he didn’t know what was wrong with Jijii in his hand, he raised the muzzle and aimed at the green dragon in front of him again!


Before he could shoot, the green dragon’s two front paws propped up its body, raised its head slightly, and roared at the “ant”!

It, I hate others disturbing it to sleep!

The smelly air sank, enveloping Hu You in it!

He had to hold his breath and take a step towards retreated!


The description of the green dragon in Appraisal Technique is… green dragon, good at venom! In this dragon’s breath, there must be no only bad breath!


[Detection of your inhalation of green dragon breath (legend), resistance is being judged! 】


[Detected that your physique is lower than 150, intelligence is lower than 100, and resistance has failed!

Strength -50%, physique -1/s! 】

[Warning: When the physique is 0, you will automatically die! 】

Gan! Resistance failed! He remembered that his own intelligence attribute was almost 100! I knew… I knew I would eat more!

According to this description, I still have close to two minutes!

What can I do with two minutes left? A suicide note may not be finished!

It seems that only…

Hu You squinted slightly, searching for its flaws with the dragon’s breath!

Yes, now that Silence has intermittent convulsions, there is no way to exert its true power, and Hu You can’t find the key to its convulsions for a while.

But this is his only chance to comeback!

As long as Nirvana can fire bullets and find the flaw, he still has a chance to come back!

After all, the growing red dragon also died of dying! The silence at that time, but the killing mode has not yet been activated!

But if you catch it with your hands, or run away…

Hu You didn’t think that the green dragon was green, it was a vegetarian animal, and he didn’t think that it would not be able to run away because of its weight.

Even if you want to escape, you must bring a heavy blow to the lizard in front of you!

Otherwise…Do you really think that I, Mr. Hu, can only fool others?

Slaying the dragon, it’s not that Daddy has never slaughtered! Wouldn’t it be enough to slaughter one more time?

Hu You’s mentality gradually stabilized, and the green dragon also ended his roar.

And at the moment it was about to close its mouth, Hu You found what he wanted… the flaw!

No, it is not a flaw to be precise.

That is the pipe of the green dragon!

Previously, it raised its head when it gave out the dragon’s breath. Apart from the hardest inverse scale on the dragon’s body, Hu You couldn’t find any other place to try.

But now the moment the green dragon lowered his head, the open mouth of the dragon hadn’t closed yet, just giving him a chance!

It’s now!

Hu hesitated to tap the trigger, and a metal bullet was fired!

In the next moment, he turned around without hesitation and ran to his home base!

Regardless of whether this shooting can cause damage to the green dragon, he can’t find a second better shooting opportunity.

Leaving now is the best opportunity!

“Little Red! Help!!”

“Yes, master.”

A pleasing voice echoed, and Hu You watched Xiaohong drilled out another twenty barrels, each of which was pointed in the same direction.


It exploded with a muffled noise!

As if more than 20 fireworks exploded in front of him at the same time, his five senses were filled with fire and popping sound!

This was the first time he saw Xiaohong’s’cleaning mode’, and apart from shock, there was no other word in his heart.

Hu You felt that the frequency of his own eardrum trembling was almost the same as the heartbeat, but the speed of escaping did not slow down at all!

In the next instant, the twenty-odd fireworks were ready again, and they were still aiming at the same place!

Xiao Hong turned her head and asked Hu You: “Do you want to start the second cleaning?”

With no worries about stepping on branches and adding the buff of ‘flee for life’, Hu You already ran to Xiao Hong’s side.

At this time, he saw clearly where Xiao Hong was aiming…

“Don’t, don’t move first…”

Hu You smiled bitterly: “I’m afraid that if you shoot again, even if this big lizard is dead, the resentful spirit will haunt you.”

Whether it is a human or an animal, there are parts on the body that trigger a fatal blow.

Coincidentally, Xiao Hong was aiming… it just happened to be the fatal point on the green dragon!

Even though Hu You, who is also a male, looked at it, he couldn’t bear to let Xiaohong do a second cleaning…

It was a chill from the heart.

What’s more, now the Green Dragon has no reaction!

The huge body had fallen to the ground, and the sound seemed to overlap with Xiao Hong’s sound when he ran away, so Hu You ran to the cave wall to realize this.

Except for the dragon’s tail no longer flicking, the appearance of the green dragon is almost exactly the same as when he came over.

A bold idea came to Hu You’s mind, this big lizard… Isn’t it a hiccup?

But think about it, it’s time to belch.

Last time its big cousin resisted me and went to see God with a single shot. There is no reason why it was stolen by Xiaohong, and it was still alive even after I had a deep throat?

But Hu You didn’t dare to conclude!

Think of the bosses in the game, which one didn’t come to run away after being beaten to half blood?

In case… if this guy passively learns the Sunflower Canon from the palace, then I am not going to die?

Let’s take a look at Appraisal Technique first!

Hu You raised his hand, and shot an Appraisal Technique against the fallen green dragon from the air!

[Advanced Appraisal: Green Dragon Corpse in the Growth Period (Legend): It must be very painful before death…


Corpse? Corpse! !

This guy is really belching!


Although a little scared, this wave of blood is undoubtedly earned!

Not only harvested a complete corpse of a legendary dragon, but also…

Hu You looked at the silence in his hand, and the smile that had just climbed up his face instantly faded.

I also found a point that was enough to kill me!

He still doesn’t understand what happened to the dying, but at least he knows that it is indeed a problem!

If it was not discovered in time this time, then when he faced the Lord of the Green Dragon when this situation reappeared, there would only be one ending…

The scientific name Death, belching the name!

Regardless, let’s go back and talk about it.

Hu You turned and drilled through the cave wall and returned to his own base: “Xiaohong, take our trophies into the warehouse!

There should be enough space, right? ”

What he asked was of course the warehouse belonging to the VIP notebook, which was the notebook that had been built on the Starship Mothership!

Not to mention pretending to be a long-term green dragon, even if it is installed in the three big aunts, there should be no problem.

“Yes, Master.” Xiaohong replied respectfully.

Hu You passed through the cave wall and found two’unrecyclable garbage’ pretending to be dizzy when he came back.

Xu Yun is okay, he didn’t see any signs of pretending to be dizzy, but Mina is different… This guy, with his trembling legs, is almost catching up with Parkinson’s patients!

It is estimated that the movement just now woke them up.

Also, just now the ‘art’ performance of Long Xiao and Xiaohong, even if the vegetative heard it, they had to get up and water themselves, and was overwhelmed by the shock.

What’s more, it’s just two girls who have been treated with narcotics.

“Don’t pretend when you wake up.”

Hu You now needs to brainstorm. Even if Xu Yun and the big foreign girl don’t have enough brains, he wants to hear their opinions.

After all, a wise man must have a loss, and a big-minded man must have a gain!

The two guys didn’t respond, they still kept the appearance of Xiaohong throwing them over, motionless.


Hu You walked over slowly, looking down at the two condescendingly. As soon as I wanted to speak, I was gagged by a system prompt!


[Warning: Your physical strength has dropped to 50%, please replenish it in time! 】

This is……

Hu You was stunned, and hurriedly patted himself with a big Appraisal Technique!

The other attributes are fine, but the last column of status has a small line hanging on it.

[Negative status: Green Dragon’s Breath. 】

In other words, the green dragon is dead, but…the dragon’s breath is still affecting him!

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