Chapter 133 The owner of the notebook… is still alive? !

Five hundred milliliters of mythical dragon blood!

If someone else puts this thing in the trading column, Hu You can give a pound of legendary dragon meat at most, and he can be called a conscience merchant.

After all, he is the only one who can offer this price at this stage.

The price of legendary dragon meat is obviously higher than that of dragon blood in the eyes of people who have eaten dragon blood.

But if the transaction party is Luo Jin…

Hu You really couldn’t figure out what she wanted. Why did she have eaten dragon meat?

M4 rifle?

She has seen herself holding a firearm, and it is not surprising to have this idea.

But… it is impossible for Hu You to let this level of weapon fall into the hands of others, no matter who that other person is!

“What do you want, just say it.” Hu You said coldly.

“It seems you really don’t know…”

Luo Jin clicked to confirm, and the transaction box flashed in front of Hu You!

This is……

Hu You’s pupils shrank and looked at him in disbelief…

She, clicked to confirm?

In the case that I did not put anything in the transaction column, she confirmed the transaction!

Could it be that the hand slipped?

Impossible, if this is good at slipping, then she will have to eat more chicken feet to make up.

To be cautious, Hu You did not click to confirm, but asked again: “What do you mean by this?”

“What do you mean?” Luo Jin asked back, and then joked: “Can’t you see this? This is my dowry for you~”

“Don’t be kidding.”

If it was Hu You a day ago, he would take it without hesitation and give something as a ‘beautiful gift’.

But… after a whole day of getting along, he already knew what kind of person Luo Jin was.

Fairy? evildoer?

This is not enough to describe!

It is estimated that you have to add a description of “cannibalism without spitting out bones” before these two words to be considered reluctant.

No matter how beautiful such a girl is, he would not dare to marry home.

Luo Jin: “Well, I won’t tease you anymore. I left a part of the stuff, and this part is supposed to be for your favor.”

Favor? Hu You couldn’t think of any favors for her to pay it back.

Could it be those four conditions?

“Don’t think too much.”

Luo Jin added another sentence: “I’m talking about the grace of not killing on the ladder. As for the four conditions…they are still valid~”

The meaning of “not to kill” should be that I didn’t do anything to her, but set up a gambling contract, right?

Hu You pondered for a while, and finally clicked to confirm.

When the five hundred milliliters of dragon blood was obtained, Luo Jin shut down the trading interface, and the two said nothing.

Looking at the mineral water bottle with golden yellow liquid in front of him, he also confirmed one thing.

Luo Jin…want to chase him.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to send a bottle of mythical dragon blood over to repay her favor.

Hu You shook his head and threw the dragon’s blood into the warehouse. Seeing that the time was almost up, he turned to the chat interface and said, “By the way, everyone!

Because I was busy with other things just now, and I didn’t have time to collect dragon blood.

If you have extra dragon blood… I can trade it for legendary dragon meat.

But dragon meat is limited. I only trade with the first three friends who want to trade. As for more…

Oh, I am not being taken advantage of. You will know how valuable the food you have eaten is in a moment. ”

Hunger marketing.

Hu still dare to bet that some people can’t help but try the effects of dragon blood in less than a minute, and after a minute and a half, some people can’t help but find themselves to trade.

At most half an hour, all the excess dragon blood in this area will be concentrated in his own hands.

After all, the cooking conditions of dragon blood are so high, Hu You is certain that these guys can’t find more than three cooking techniques.

Especially after eating it for the first time, they will not try it if they see the entry “Only effective for the first time.”

It’s just a pity…

There is only one trading opportunity in his own body, and they have to find Xu Yun and Mina to trade when trading.

A total of ten chances… it doesn’t seem to be enough.


Didn’t these two guys pass through the bases of other survivors? You must have someone else’s notebook on you!

A new notebook represents five trading opportunities!

Hu You hurriedly came to the two of them: “Where is your notebook?”

Xu Yun and Mina looked at each other, and the one that should be here is here…

The two of them were already mentally prepared and pointed to the backpacks behind them.

Hu You didn’t say much, he took the backpack directly from behind the two of them, opened the zipper and looked at it, and he was instantly stunned…

The two backpacks on the left and right are both sophisticated and the same in size, but… there is only one notebook inside!

What’s this?

Didn’t it mean that four people died? Even if they didn’t cross the no-man base area, at least four more notebooks would be needed!

Could it be that… Xu Yun or Mina weren’t the killers, and someone else was slaughtering the survivors secretly! ?


Hu You took a breath, a little uneasy.

Or ask these two guys first, what if they lose their notebook?

He took the backpack and walked in front of the two of them, frowning and questioning: “Where is the notebook?”

Xu Yun’s head tilted, and she snarled at Bao Li, “Hey, isn’t it?”

“I mean other notebooks!”

“Others?” Mina was puzzled: “Where is there any other?”

do not know? She doesn’t seem to be pretending.

Hu You frowned and asked again, “Didn’t you kill the four survivors? Where are their notebooks?”


Xu Yun understood what he meant: “You said theirs? Say it earlier!”


Hu You rolled his eyes and opened Xu Yun’s notebook: “If I don’t ask them, can I still ask you?”

“When a person dies, the notebook will naturally disappear.” Xu Yun replied casually.


Mina also responded: “Hu, you killed Nakaji Oda, you should know about this.

Oh yes, you were far away at the time, you probably didn’t know. ”

what! ?

A thunderbolt directly hammered the top of Hu You’s head!

The notebook disappears when the person dies! ?

This special mother… I really don’t know!

He came to the wilderness and killed two people in total. Neither of them died in front of him. This… can you know a Pippi Shrimp!

But Hu You’s first instinct was that these two guys were joking with him and lying!

But in the next moment, he drew a conclusion from the expressions, tone of voice, and situation of the two of them.

They can’t lie unless their brains are (broken) at the same time!

This probability is lower than the probability of winning the first prize after buying a lottery ticket with 5 million and two yuan, and then using a fraction of the bonus to buy the lottery ticket!

So…what is the VIP notebook in my hand?

That person… the person whose base is the Star Mothership… isn’t that dead yet! ?

A chill rushed to Hu You’s heart.

This feeling is more exciting than using his son to make soup in front of the Lord of the Red Dragon!

You know, A-level administrator authority, but it can be sent to a fixed point!

If the person really didn’t die, but was in a suspended animation or sleeping, what would happen after he woke up?

Thinking with your toes is an insult to IQ!

Hu You looked down at the soles of his feet, and a thought came to his mind.

Or… I bury this notebook, right? In this way, even if it is a fixed-point teleporter, it is impossible to teleport to me!

This idea flashed past, and Hu You immediately rejected it!

Wait a minute!

Tomorrow when Conch’s CD is reset, I will ask first, if there is no danger, keep the notebook by my side.

If there is danger… let’s talk about it if there is danger! He can’t bear to give up this artifact! Besides, there are two legendary dragon corpses in this notebook!

Hu You came back to his senses, and a system prompt popped up in front of him!


[Reminder: Because of the mythical creature in this area: the lord of the green dragon has left.

The night walk will be transferred to another mythical creature, please be prepared for all survivors! 】

Another one? This other mythical creature is not the Lord of the Red Dragon! ?

Apart from this, Hu You could not think of other possibilities.

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