Chapter 143 Hey~ Is it Hu Youxiao Big Brother?

Hu You’s head tilted and his expression instantly solidified.

He suspected that he had heard it wrong for the first time.

Isn’t this death?

Can it still be a fire stick? This bad old man definitely wants to fool me!

But the next moment, he suddenly thought about the possibility Balluff said…

If you are facing Death, and you are ready to fake death, will you put your own weapon by your side…

This is obviously impossible!

If conditions permit, it must be a fake one!

So… this death may really be fake! ?

“Wait a minute!”

Hu You looked at Balluff, he had already put the nirvana down: “You said this nirvana is fake? But it is obviously a mythical weapon!”

“It’s a myth level, it’s just a myth level in your world.”

“The myth of our world?”

Hu You reacted, suddenly remembering the appraisal result of the goblin merchant.

F: Myth/C: Perfect!

There are three levels from C to F, and there are exactly three levels from perfect to myth.

In other words…F-class myth is just a legend in the E-class world!

If it’s just a legend, then in the case of Han Ruier’s treasury, it is not impossible to create a false death.

“Then what…”

Balluff smiled embarrassedly: “Since it is a false death, the method of use may be different from what I know.

My friend, or you…”

“Do not.”

Hu You stretched out his hand and took Ji Ji out of the table, and put it back in the warehouse: “Balluff, I am a man of integrity.

Now that we have completed the transaction, you only need to tell me how to use it. ”

“You are such a generous human being~” Balluff smiled.

I don’t know why, Hu You always felt that this guy’s smile was mixed with a hint of sarcasm.

Had it not been for fear that he would rub the sky and fall into the world, Hu You would definitely press his face on the ground and let his nose come into close contact with the soil!

Soon, Balluff told Hu You both how to avoid the dragon’s breath and how to use Nirvana, and after speaking, the hour hand was almost twelve o’clock.

Before Hu You saw him off, Balluff stuffed all the food in front of him into his mouth, and walked to the hole in the cave wall.

With a lobster whisker hanging from the corner of his mouth, he stood on the other side of the hole and waved at Hu You: “See you next time! My friend!”


Hu You simply replied, but in his heart he prayed that he would never see you again.

Judging from his movements and expressions when he left, Balluff clearly knew that the survivor would move to the base after zero.

So… this guy knows more than I think now!

But such a smart guy, will he really be deceived by what I call “Holy Water”? Or…I used holy water to deceive him, and it was in his original plan?

But what is his purpose for doing this?

Just to give me something? Is it the problem in that black sign, or…for the sake of dying?

“Huh…Anyway, at least the benefit is that I got it really.”

Hu You was relieved after seeing Balluff’s back completely disappeared from his sight, he walked to Xiaohong’s side: “Turn on.”

“The butler-type robot-Xiaohong, I will serve you wholeheartedly~” Xiaohong re-lit the green pupils and bowed respectfully to him.

“Well, clean up the dishes on the table.”

Hu You gave an order. Just now, he was busy compiling the information that Balluff knew. The dishes on the table hardly moved, and there were even a few main dishes still in the kitchen.

There is no time to eat now, only to wait until tomorrow.

“Yes, master.”

Xiaohong set off to clean the table, while Hu You went back to the villa first.

The base area is about to be refreshed soon. If you don’t go back, it won’t be fun to affect the system’s judgment.

Hu Youshun took out his pocket watch and found that the three needles happened to coincide at ‘12’, but… he didn’t faint this time!

How is this going?

Suspicions came to mind, and a system reminder happened to sound!


[Warning: Due to ***, next time transfer, the base area of ​​all survivors will be locked into the Red Dragon Forest! 】


The same warning was played three times. Unlike all the previous prompt boxes, the color of the prompt box this time…is blood red!

It is the color of the red dragon lord’s scale armor! Also… the color of Hu You’s eyes.

Red Dragon Forest!

That is the lair of the Red Dragon Lord! !

He can be found in this broken place, let alone that place? System… Isn’t this sending him to death!

“Ma De!”

Hu You cursed and looked up into the air: “Is your special mother aimed at…”

The word ‘I’ was not uttered, the three prompt boxes disappeared at the same time, and Hu You also fainted and fell heavily to the ground.

At night, fell into silence.

Red Dragon Forest…

A figure in a red dress was walking in the moonlight, with a half bottle of Fat House Happy Water dangling in his hand, walking aimlessly, seeming to be looking for something.

The system prompt flashed past her eyes, she just smiled, and didn’t even stop: “It seems that the big lizard is really on fire. It actually used the power of rules.

It just so happened to save me looking for him all over the world.


Han Rui’er frowned slightly, looking at the almost identical trees and grasses around her, she was a little dazed: “This Red Dragon Forest is too big! How can I find it!

Oh, right!

9527 should still be by his side! ”


the next day.

Hu You felt the warmth coming from his cheeks, his eyes trembled, and he slowly opened: “Xiao Bai? I am…”

Before I finished speaking, what happened last night flooded my mind!

The three blood-red reminders in a row are really hard to forget…

He immediately got up, did not even bother with Xiao Bai beside him, turned around and went to the door, and put his hand on it!


Give daddy the trigger option! !

One second, two seconds…

The door… pushed open from the outside!

From thatched huts to wooden villas, the doors always open and close in both directions. Hu You knows this, but he has never experienced the situation of opening the door outside when he wants to open the door!

The heart trembled fiercely. Before he could take out Ji Jiu, Xiao Hong walked in, carrying a basket in her hand with a few brown mushrooms in it…

Xiaohong greeted him softly when she saw him: “Master, breakfast will be ready soon, please wait a moment.”

“I was almost scared by you so I don’t have to eat breakfast, you know?”

Hu You vomited expressionlessly, raised his eyes to look at the scene outside the house, his heart felt cold for a moment…

A forest.

Judging from the types of trees, there is a high probability that the Red Dragon Forest is right.

“Please confirm, do you not need to prepare breakfast?” Xiaohong turned to look at Hu You.


Hu You replied, Xiao Hong turned around and went into the kitchen: “I really don’t know what the goblin is worried about. Such a cute and stupid robot can be called a devil by him…”

He took a step forward, and just about to go out to trigger the administrator interface, the wooden door closed automatically, and a system prompt was triggered!

[Reminder: The time has not yet reached eight o’clock, please wait. 】

Isn’t it eight o’clock yet?

Hu You took a look at his pocket watch and found that it was only 7:45, and there were still fifteen minutes before the exploration began.

What can I do in fifteen minutes?

Maybe it’s just enough for breakfast…

Hu You took Xiaobai to the kitchen and looked at Xiaohong who used the leftover ingredients to prepare breakfast. He suddenly remembered something and couldn’t help but blurt out: “I don’t know what happened to your original owner.

If there is no accident, it should be resurrected, right? ”

After Xiao Hong heard it, she turned her head sharply and looked at Hu You with a blank face: “Contacting the user…Han Ruier.”

“Contact user? What do you mean?”

Hu You was stunned for a moment, and got up early in the morning, causing his cerebral cortex to not be fully active, but such a scare scared him to the spirit, and immediately yelled at Xiaohong: “Don’t…”

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Hong let out a soft beep: “Ding! The other party is connected!”

“Hey~ Is it Hu Youxiao Big Brother?”

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