The 146th chapter: The ghost is not scattered, the little expert-Shi An!

go out? Still not going out? this is a problem.

Judging from the white light hitting just now, Han Rui’er obviously didn’t shine on own. Even if she has the position of Xiaohong, it is impossible to come from a high place…


A Daoist shadow fell from the sky and landed directly in front of Hu You.

Red dress, long hair, a smile on his face, and a flashlight in his hand.

This is not Han Ruier!

In Hu You’s heart, how did he persuade own, but… who else could it be if this isn’t Han Ruier?


Han Ruier smiled, with two dimples on her face: “This is the first time we met, right?”

“Well, meeting for the first time.”

Hu You answered five words indifferently, and stretched out his right hand towards Han Ruier: “Please check…”

There was another “photo” that was not said, and Han Ruier also stretched out her hand at the same time, but the moment she stretched out her hand, Hu You ran without even thinking about it!

The agility of nearly one hundred made him quickly escape the base! And the goal… is the direction from which the fishy wind blows in the cave.

There should be the seat of the Red Dragon Lord.

But Hu You has no other choice!

Or, run to a safe place, and then be caught up by Han Ruier, facing unknowable danger. Or, run to the territory of the Lord of the Red Dragon, as it is said that the two tigers will be injured in the fight!

Han Ruier wants him to be alive, and the Lord of Red Dragon wants him to die. There is a conflict of interest between the two, and a fight will definitely occur as long as they meet.

No matter how bad it is, I can let Brother Honglong delay it for a while.

But the problem is…the exploration distance has a limit! One hundred and forty meters, can this run to the front of the Red Dragon Lord?

do not care!

Let’s run first! Can’t stand and wait to die!

“Run again? Really! Is it useful to run so fast!”

Han Ruier shook his head, looked at the wooden villa in front of him, and saw Xiaohong’s figure in the window: “9527, start.”

In less than a second, Xiao Hong lighted up her pupils again, and answered her instructions: “The butler-type robot Xiao Hong is here to serve you wholeheartedly.”

“Little Red?”

Han Rui’er frowned slightly: “This name… is too trivial to obtain!”


Hearing the sound from outside, a little head climbed onto the window sill and looked outside through the glass window.


Han Rui’er took a deep breath, and didn’t even bother Hu You who was rushing forward, walked directly into the courtyard and looked at Xiao Bai through the glass window: “This is… a panda? How cute!!”

No girl can refuse a panda! Especially the kind of juvenile panda that can be hugged!


Xiaobai roared, holding the glass window with two paws, seeming to be demonstrating against Han Ruier!

“You are his pet, right?”

Han Rui’er’s big eyes flickered, and without opening the glass window, she talked to Xiaobai through the transparent glass: “Your master is gone, do you want me to take you to find him?”


Xiao Bai’s head tilted, and he looked left and right. It seemed that Hu You really didn’t notice the existence of Hu You.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, and then pushed the glass window open, moved forward and looked at Han Ruier for a few seconds, sniffed twice with the tip of his nose, and hurriedly backed away: “Oh!”

“Nonsense! Obviously fragrant!”

Han Ruier seemed to understand what it said, and lowered her head to smell her own clothes, and confirmed again: “Yeah! It’s fragrant!”


Xiaobai yelled twice, closed the window, and jumped off the window sill, as if he didn’t intend to care about her!

“Ahhhhh! It’s all that bastard!”

Han Ruier cursed and turned to the hot spring: “I should have taken a bath when I woke up! 9527, give me bath supplies!”

“Yes, master.”

Xiao Hong answered, opened the wooden door and walked out, standing by the hot spring with bath towels, flower petals, changed clothes, and Han Ruier’s favorite shower gel.

In addition to her, there are also a group of people lying in their bases watching.

“If you still want eyes, I advise you to take all the tortoise heads back.” Han Ruier’s face was cold, completely different from the appearance of Xiaobai just now.

“I’m looking at the scenery! Why do you say I’m looking at you!” said a wretched Fatty.

Another blond man responded: “Yes! Beauty, you may not have heard of Celestial Square, let me give you a popular science…”

Before the words were finished, a bullet hit the man’s head!

The gunshot came out, and everyone who could see this direction buried their heads.

Han Ruier was holding a sand eagle in her hand, and white smoke came out of her muzzle. Xiaohong just handed it over, and she…never gave an order to take a sand eagle.

She put Sha Ying aside, turned her head to look at Xiao Hong, and shook her head: “Is this also corroded? It looks like it should be No. 9528.”

“Xiaohong doesn’t understand what you are talking about?”

“You don’t need to understand.”

Han Ruier said, she took off her clothes and stepped into the hot spring with one foot, allowing herself to be gradually submerged by the hot spring water: “When you understand, you should become a Devil.”

After speaking, she touched the sand eagle next to her and raised her hand and fired a shot!

A bullet penetrated the Fatty’s head just now!

“Say okay first, I don’t mind playing gophers in the bath.”

Han Ruier smiled at the outside: “But I hope the gophers are smarter. Don’t think about digging a hole to peek at me.

Understand? Mrs. Gophers? ”

“Han…Han Miss!”

Mina’s voice sounded not far away. She was not concerned about Han Ruier’s figure, but her behavior: “Don’t you need to find Mr. Hu?”

“He will be back.”

Han Ruier said something confidently, then reached out and grabbed a handful of petals and put them into the hot spring. It seemed… quite enjoyable.


Hu You ran for a long time, and wanted to stop when the system prompts the exploration limit, but he never waited.

So I stopped seeing where there were less people.

He turned his head and looked behind him, and found that the woman was not chasing him, and he was a little relieved.


A gasp attracted the attention of many people.

Although there are not many people here, there are three or four wooden houses, five or six cabins, and Hu You even saw a few thatched houses.

“What are you looking at?”

Hu You carried the M4 on his shoulders: “Have you never seen someone who exercises!”

As soon as this threatening weapon came out, no one was stretching his head. Even if he had any thoughts, he would hide in the dark and prepare for the yin.

But… this is a cave!

Even Hu You who is proficient in shooting can hardly aim, let alone them?

“Hu…Boss Hu! Is Boss Hu you!”

This voice… is Shi An!

The ghost is not going away, little expert, I can really meet you everywhere!

“Shi An?”

Hu You looked in the direction of the sound, and he really found this guy.

He was hiding in a wooden house, and the crossbow he held in his hand was instantly put away, and he did not show any thoughts against Hu You.

Shi An immediately walked around from the window to the door. Just about to open the door, he walked around again: “Hu…Boss Hu, can I come out?”

“Come out.”

Well, I’m pretty sensible, knowing to ask my opinion first.

Hu You nodded in satisfaction and watched Shi An put his hands behind his head and walked closer.

He didn’t tell Shi An to do this, it was all his spontaneous behavior.

I have to say, this old man is really able to handle it!

With about twenty steps left, Shi An stopped in front of Hu You: “Boss Hu, do you know what’s going on?”

“do not know.”

Hu You replied, turning his head and looking behind him: “But it’s either related to the Lord of the Red Dragon, or… it’s related to that woman.”

While talking in his mouth, he was beating a drum in his heart.

Han Ruier hasn’t chased him yet?

Isn’t that woman taking his base to pay off her debts? But can he go back now? Obviously not!

Or…she has reached the limit of the exploration area, so she can’t track me down?

It shouldn’t be!

She didn’t even have a base area, how could there be restrictions on exploration?

and many more! Explore the limits!

From pushing the door to running, he didn’t see any prompt to choose the direction of exploration from beginning to end, the same as when he climbed the ladder yesterday!

And the limit of exploration… He was sure that he ran no less than two hundred meters! But… what about warnings and tips?

not a single one!

Is it possible that you have already left the base area, but the system prompts that for various reasons, it does not appear?

Do not! no!

He must go back and see now!

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