Chapter 162: A witty batch of daddy!

Hu You overestimated the power of the hand knob.

He thought that this kind of top weapon rich in human wisdom, even if it could not kill these red dragons, would at least cause them heavy damage!

When the tip of the Beast Strike Ranking came out, he even thought he had read it wrong…

Ten heads!

All ten red dragons died in the explosion! This is clearly impossible!

But Hu You, who was immersed in joy and the aftereffects of the explosion, directly pressed this idea deep in his mind…

He didn’t gradually come back to his senses until the scene before him came into his mind…

White smoke filled the air, and countless bright red minced meat flew in the air.

They are like moths, shuttled in the white smoke, looking for fireworks that can bring warmth to them!

And this firework is exactly the red dragon…

A few pieces of minced meat fell on a red dragon, constantly wriggling, corroding the outer scales. Accompanied by a faint, light sound, the scales gradually disappeared, but the meat emulsion is expanding…

In about five or six breaths, a red dragon was eaten to death like this alive, while the original minced meat has expanded dozens of times!

There is more than one scene like this! Ten red dragons rushed at the forefront, and those meat mince fell on the ten red dragons, and there were ten petri dishes that were breeding these monsters!

Yes, monster!

Hu You believes that he is not the only one who thinks this way, the remaining dozen red dragons on the other side of the cave should have the same idea!

But he guessed what these minced meats were…

Red dragon meat! That piece of red dragon meat that fell on the ground without being caught by Luo Jin!

But… is this still meat? A certain blue slime called the expert!

“What’s wrong?”

Luo Jin asked, she had already dripped the medicine into her ears, and turned around to look out.

“Wait a minute.”

Hu You raised his hand to hold her head and turned to look at her: “Answer me a few questions first, have you… ever seen the mermaid in the sewer?”

“No, I heard it’s disgusting!”

“Then you better stop watching…”

Hu You gently pressed her head down and rubbed it smoothly.

Not to mention, it feels pretty good.

“I’ll take care of this matter.”

Hu You spit out a word, stood up, and put the nirvana in his hands.

Since it is certain that the living red dragons are not threatening, then they are not afraid of being slammed by them when they shoot!

As for the minced meat…

Is there a better way than laser sterilization?

Bask in the truth of science! Bastards!

Hu You shot at a pool of meat close to ten square meters, and the deep purple laser instantly penetrated it!

This gun, even the main body of the Red Dragon Lord can be wiped out, not to mention just a pool of unformed flesh and blood?

But the incident did not develop as much as Hu You imagined…

How thick can the laser beam be? It’s nothing more than the combined thickness of the two fingers.

The laser penetrated the flesh and blood, and burned that part of the flesh, but the remaining flesh…still intact!

And it seems to be the reason for being stimulated by the outside world, causing them to devour the corpses even more crazily!

The ball is over…

Four words appeared in Hu You’s heart, but he didn’t even have the thought of running away!

He knew that once he slipped the number, he would undoubtedly let the tiger go back to the mountain! Want to obliterate it, now is the only and best time!

But even the killing mode of nirvana is useless! Is there any way to…

correct! Method!

I can’t help it, but there is something!

Hu You hurriedly took the magical conch out of the warehouse, and ignored Luo Jin next to him, and directly asked, “Conch, is there any way to kill these pieces of meat!”


This time there are caves up and down, left and right, I think you can still spit out the direction!

Hu You anxiously waited, the fastest player in front of him was about to swallow the complete red dragon corpse!

If you don’t feel better…


There was a tremor from the conch in my hand, and only two syllables were spit out…

“In front of you.”

Right now?

Although in a strict sense, this is also a direction, but it is better than up, down, left, and right!

But what does ‘in front of you’ mean?

Hu You was stunned for a moment. Could it be… Is this talking about the conch itself?

never mind!

A dead horse is a living horse doctor, even if you lose this conch, it is better than facing this monster yourself!

Hu You handed the conch to his right hand, preparing to make a perfect parabola and throw it into the heap of flesh and blood!

Originally there was only about two catties of red dragon meat, but now there are at least two hundred catties! But… it’s time to say goodbye to you!

“A grandson of a turtle!”

A standard Henan dialect was drilled from the top of the head, and there was a slight shaking in the palm…

Hu You couldn’t help but froze, slowly raising his head and looking upward.

I saw the conch trembling frantically, and a series of words quickly popped out!

“My Gannen mother, what do I mean by this? Your grandson didn’t go to school, didn’t you?”

“Huh… trough?”

“What kind of slot?”

Conch continued to complain: “I’ve never heard of it in front of my eyes? You deserve to be uneducated!

Did you understand this time?

Don’t think about throwing your grandpa over! Go over by yourself and all the problems are solved! I heard that there are no turtle grandchildren! ”

Hu You put the conch down, there was only one thought in his mind… One of my brain and the conch must be broken!

Um! It must be the latter!

It’s broken, then throw it away…

Hu You raised his hand again, preparing to throw the conch into the pile of meat!

But just as he was about to exert his strength, suddenly something flew from the front! The speed is so fast that he has no time to react!

This is…Red Dragon Meat!

Hu You saw what it was, but… it was already unstoppable.

The conditioned reflex caused him to close his eyes immediately, and the hand holding the conch was suddenly hard!

Damn it!

Is he going to end up with the group of red dragons?

But… why is there no feeling on your face until now?

Hu You opened his eyes slowly and found that there was indeed a piece of meat floating in front of him, but he was still about a fist or so away from him…

Unlike a normal piece of meat, this piece is not only bloodshot, but also like a jellyfish, giving birth to countless tentacles!

Every tiny tentacles kept wriggling towards him, as if…was greeting him.

“Guwazi! Reach out!” Conch’s voice came again, this time it was changed to Sichuan dialect…

“Take your hand? Are you really a melon? Daddy is a witty batch!”

As Hu You said, holding the conch in his hand, he approached the meat!

“Nen you die!”

The conch trembled frantically, seeming to be afraid of the meat: “Don’t you want to have the same power as the Lord of the Red Dragon!!”

The conch stopped one centimeter in front of the meat, and Hu You took it in front of him, as if he hadn’t heard what it just said: “What did you just…say?”

“The power of the Red Dragon Lord!”

Conch repeated it again, his tone was not as excited as before: “You can manipulate… the power of the rules!”

The Lord of the Red Dragon can make all the survivors come to its territory, can summon hundreds of survivors to the same place, and be able to transform into people…

Everything it does surpasses Hu You’s imagination!

If you can control the same ability…

Then in this wilderness, he is no longer a human being, but…


Hu You paused, the greed in his heart grew to the limit!

He tried his best to keep his mood stable, but his voice still trembled slightly: “Tell me, what should I do?”

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