Chapter 167 I am the leader of this world!

“You must tell them your true identity, right!”

Hu You turned his head to look at Mina, his eyes sliding down…

It’s impossible for such a big pair to be fake, right?

Before Mina could react, he looked away, exchanged a bottle of Coke from the mall, and poured half of it into the empty mineral water bottle.

Passed it to Mina.

“You… guessed half right.”



The same vocabulary with two different tones came out of two different people’s mouths!

Mina held the Coke, the throat slid up and down unsatisfactorily, but still did not unscrew the bottle cap.

She put the Coke in her own warehouse, and then began to think again.

Presumably… She wants to get the other half of Coke.

Luo Jin looked at Hu You strangely, she knew what Mina meant by her true identity.

This guy…should be bluffed by Shi An’s words, and until now he still believes that Hu You is a manager’s absurd remarks.

But Luo Jin won’t believe it!

Apart from other things, just that time when this guy was shot by the waves and ate shit, he didn’t look like a manager!


Luo Jin nudged Hu You with his shoulder, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: “Are you planning to fool these people?”

“How can this be said to be a fool?”

Hu You immediately disagreed with her statement, and then said awe-inspiringly: “I give them hope of survival!

and also……

You shouldn’t read the collapse prompt yet, right? ”

“Crash tip?”

“It’s the prompt box that got out after the death of the Red Dragon Lord.”

As Hu You said, he also drew out a box shape with his hands: “Go and see, maybe you will know the specific method I’m talking about.”

“Hu You!!!”

Before Luo Jin could see the so-called collapse prompt, a celestial accent that was obviously different from the translation tone came from the front!

Hu You sounded familiar, thinking it was the little comrade Chen Nuo.

The little comrade still can’t hold his breath…

If it were me, I must stand at the front end of the team and never show up before completely restraining the opponent!

After all, like this way of shouting, it is easy to get a headshot!

But Hu You didn’t plan to do this. He just took a step forward, saying that he heard his voice, but said nothing.

Sometimes, the effect of silence is much stronger than words.

That’s it!

The speed of the red light in front began to slow down!

They were very close to Hu You and the three of them, and even both sides could see each other’s faces and the weapons in their hands clearly through the light of the fire.

More than 20 crossbows, plus support behind him…

Under this circumstance, normal people would think that the Huyou side has no room for resistance. They should divide up the spoils as quickly as possible, and then part ways, so as not to cause unnecessary variables!

But it turned out to be the opposite…

The fire… stopped about ten meters away from the three of you!

Hu You was a little disappointed and a little excited!

Disappointment is that I overestimated Chen Nuo.

Originally, he thought that the guy who could plan this conspiracy was at least on the same level as Luo Jin, but now it seems…

He was still a little more cowardly and hesitant.

And the excitement lies in…

More than twenty people to three people, there are close to forty people behind them, but they are still afraid of themselves!

Then the success rate of that plan will increase by at least 30% later!

“Chen Nuo, right?”

Hu You smiled and spit out four words. In the face of an opponent of this level, he has no need to hide himself: “We should have seen it.”

“If you are talking about when you robbed us last time, then you are right!”

Chen Nuo was a teenager. Seeing that face that was as immature as himself, Hu You always felt whether he was too old.

He stood at the forefront of the crowd, holding the torch and the bowed crossbow in his hand, facing Hu You in front of him: “But… at that time, you didn’t expect that you would end up like this, right?”

Hu You smiled, and he stepped forward and walked directly to where Chen Nuo was, seeming to ignore the more than twenty crossbows in front of him!


Chen Nuo was a little panicked, and he lifted the crossbow up a few minutes: “I told you to stop! I heard it!”

Hu You ignored him and walked forward according to his own rhythm.

Just this distance…

If it is used for running, it will arrive in a blink of an eye.

But in order to build momentum, Hu You had to walk at this speed!


A crossbow arrow was sent from the front, and the target was Hu You!

But… it wasn’t Chen Nuo who did it, but someone behind him who was already shaking with fright!

The man in front of you named Hu You, he had slaughtered the existence of the Red Dragon Lord!

If this were placed in ancient times, it would be the grade for children to cry at night! The psychological quality is almost afraid, and it is normal.

The crossbow arrow shot towards Hu You, directly into his heart… the ground one meter away!

The master of body stroke calls the insider!

Hu Youqiang endured the smile in his heart and continued to walk forward with a cold face…

There is still a distance of about four meters!

“what are you doing!”

Chen Nuo saw that the crossbow arrows did not hit Hu You, but turned to look at the newly collected younger brother behind him: “Quick! Take his crossbow arrows to me!”

“What are you doing so loudly!”

The person who fired the crossbow arrows just now yelled at Chen Nuo: “What do you mean by that! Do you really think you are our leader?

You said you met Hu You, we let you lead the way! You are just a dog! Can’t even go up the second ring without a tethered rope! ”

“You… believe it or not, daddy bit you!”

“Then believe it or not, I will tie the rope for you!”

As Hu You listened, he had to bite the soft flesh in his mouth, forcibly not letting himself laugh…

Good guy… When I saw these two, I didn’t listen to Deyun Society.

Four meters in a blink of an eye, Chen Ye glared at the guy who was about to tie the rope and turned his head. He still knew which one was lighter and heavier.

But when he turned his head, he was greeted with a heavy slap!


With a clear sound, Chen Nuo covered his face and stood still. The crossbow in his hand was taken away from him. Hu You stood in front of him, following the giant panda in his arms. Back hair.

At this time, Hu You only used less than 30% of his strength. Otherwise, even if this guy didn’t fall to the ground, his face would be swollen like a bun like a guy who fell into the belly of Old Brother Green.

“Do you know why I beat you?”

Chen Nuo was full of anger and wanted to do it, but rationally told him not to seek death.

Facing Hu You’s question, he had to gritted his teeth and shook his head.

“I don’t know.”

Hu You replied, glanced at these guys in front of him, then set his eyes on Chen Nuo again: “You know, I actually don’t like killing people very much.

After all, as an artist, no matter how bad his own works, he would not think of destroying them, but…

Your stupidity today gave me such a thought. ”



“What is this guy talking about? Isn’t it crazy?”

“Hush! Do you want to die! This is the man who slaughtered the Red Dragon Lord!”

“It doesn’t look like a second-degree illness, maybe it’s crazy…”


Hu You raised Sha Ying and shot a guy in the head.

It’s just a possibility that the blood will not be seen.

But now… it’s better to see blood!

The sudden gunshot interrupted everyone’s discussion, and Hu You laughed twice and held the sand eagle in his hand high: “Hehe, you idiots!

Haven’t you thought about why I have this thing, but you can’t find it in your mall?

that is because……

I am the leader who takes you into this world! ”

Goddess Han can be a prophet, so isn’t it too much for me to be a leader?

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