Chapter 171 Rebellion! ?

Hu You continued to walk forward. I don’t know how long he walked. There was no riot behind him, and there was no news of the Green Dragon Lord in front of him. Just when he thought everything was calm, suddenly…


A pigeon call echoed in the cave, as if it was annoying the pigeon’s nest. Suddenly, the sound of pigeons came one after another around~

Hu You couldn’t help turning his head, and found that the ‘believers’ behind him all looked like ‘begging for food’.

He didn’t even see it, and silently turned his head back.

Take care of the meal?

What peach do you want? It’s not bad if you don’t make you buns!

“Master, here it is.”

Xiao Hong’s voice suddenly sounded, and she raised her finger not far forward.

Hu You looked in the direction of her fingers, and found that the two-story own villa is not far away in the corner!

It is estimated that I was hungry just now and didn’t pay attention to look for it, otherwise I should have seen it long ago!



“You…who wants to try it first?”

“Why don’t I turn around and go back? Just tell me after you try.”

Many people behind him heard Xiao Hong’s voice, and they became noisy, some were excited, some were afraid.

But Hu You ignored any of them!

Since this group of people saw Xiaohong, they had believed in the worldview Hu You constructed 80%, and the remaining 20%…

Either he suspects that Hu You’s identity is not so great, or he believes that he has not committed a crime.

So in the face of experiments that might be found ‘above’, many people have chosen to back off.

Of course, except for some iron-headed babies.

Hu You took advantage of their hot discussion and glanced at Luo Jin, and the two of them accelerated their pace at the same time.

Going back to the base first is the kingly way!

In a blink of an eye, the two of them brought Xiao Hong and Xiao Bai to the front of the base area, and stopped moving forward.

As Hu You stopped, the group of people also stopped where they were.

They think that Hu You should turn around and say something now, and then give himself a choice, stand on the left if he wants to restore his memory, and stand on the right if he wants to go to the front line…

In order to choose whether to stand on the right or in the middle, many people are thinking about the pros and cons.

As for restoring memory…

Funny, who would want to be an experimental mouse?


The sound of the wooden door sliding sounded. Hu You not only did not look back, but also opened the door to his base!

Before everyone could react, the two of them took Xiao Bai drill in and left Xiao Hong outside…


There was a soft sound, interrupting everyone’s thoughts, the door…

It’s actually closed!

The whole process went smoothly, as if rehearsing hundreds of times, without even giving them the slightest chance to interrupt!

Many people were stunned, especially Chen Nuo!

He watched Hu You walk to the door, and began to leave the team and move on, intending to be the first person to restore his memory.

But before he reached half of the team, the door was closed!

He couldn’t help being stupid, feeling that he had experienced the despair of being abandoned by his first love again…


Chen Nuo rushed out of the crowd and wanted to pounce on the door, but he was a little afraid of the little red outside the door, so he had to pounce on the ground: “In broad daylight, you can’t just throw your nephew and me outside just to make a villain with your aunt. !”

Standing behind the door panel, Hu You couldn’t help rolling his eyes…

Why didn’t you find that this kid was so owed just now?

However, in order to stabilize these guys, Hu You still looked at the chat interface and explained with a smile: “Due to various reasons, my base area is still not open to the outside world.

after all……

I don’t know if there are spies sent from above or some fanatics who want to commit suicide.

So in order to ensure the safety of the repair cabin, I have to isolate you first. ”

As Hu You said, he already walked towards the wooden villa, turned his head and glanced at Luo Jin, and motioned for her to follow.

Xiaohong should have lunch ready, right? Let’s talk after eating!

“All right.”

As he walked, Hu You looked at the chat interface and said: “Time is running out. You quickly selected the first three people who volunteered to repair their memories.

When my side is ready, come in quickly! ”


Chen Nuo quickly got up from the ground and faced everyone: “As my uncle’s nephew, I have one of the first batch of places! Isn’t it okay?”

Everyone didn’t answer, it seemed that they wished this second stunner to be a guinea pig!

After all, the original plan to encircle Hu You was proposed by him. With him doing experiments, the credibility is not low.

As for the second…

Everyone looked at each other, no one was willing to come out first, and they didn’t know who to recommend…

“and many more!”

Just now the bald man suddenly walked out of the team, facing everyone, holding a piece of paper in his hand, and writing on it in charcoal, “I have an idea!

Maybe you can know the truth without resuscitating your memory!

But… you have to cooperate with me in a play! ”


Hu You brought Luo Jin and Xiaobai to the lobby of the villa. At a glance, he saw nine silver dinner plates placed on the table.

This seems to be preparing lunch for two hosts, so the portion is more than the previous one…

“Sit down, don’t be polite, it’s the same as in your own home.”

Hu You put Xiaobai on the wooden bed in the guest room, and then turned to the kitchen to get the tableware. He didn’t seem to worry about the group of guys outside the door at all.

Luo Jin gave a wry smile. Since the parties are not nervous, why am I nervous?

She simply sat on the side of the dining table and watched Hu You put a tableware in front of her.

Taking the tableware, Luo Jin looked up at the smiling man in front of his mouth, still unable to suppress the curiosity in his heart: “Aren’t you worried?”

“Worried? What are you worried about?”

Hu You took the tableware and sat across from her, and opened the first silver plate: “Oh, those guys outside?

If I want them to die now, without even raising the ashes by myself, what should I worry about? ”

Hu You couldn’t help closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw nine golden and crisp cuboids in front of him.

As soon as the fragrance penetrated into his nose and throat, a reminder popped out in front of Hu You!

[Advanced appraisal: Sanxian meat (excellent): Use yellow croaker belly meat, crab fillet meat, and the softest piece of meat in the palm of the bear’s palm, then wrap it with black truffle powder, color it with olive oil, and then piping hot Fried meat with hot butter!

Tip: Since you have taken all the main ingredients, it cannot bring about the increase in attributes.

Remarks: Dip a layer of royal honey, it will taste better~]

Queen honey? Isn’t that orange-red liquid on the side of this plate?

Before Hu You could speak, Luo Jin also lifted the silver cover in front of her…

A Calabash-like meat dish appeared in front of him, and Hu hesitated to throw an Appraisal Technique over.

[Advanced appraisal: Sweet Eight Treasure Duck (Excellent): Open the belly of the duck, take out the internal organs, fill with marinated abalone, fish maw, shark’s fin, ham, boletus soup, and sew it with gut. Bake on the stove for an hour, wait until the skin is crispy and tender, and coat it with syrup when the soup is completely absorbed!

Tip: Since you have taken most of the main ingredients, you will only wait for a 30% increase in attributes.

Remarks: When eating, be careful to burn your mouth~]

Hu You and Luo Jin glanced at each other, and unanimously lifted all the remaining lids!

Nine dishes, eight dishes are all such excellent dishes that are so exquisite that they are numb, and the remaining one is the simple and unpretentious Jiuyan contending for the top…

Compared with these excellent dishes prepared with low-end ingredients, the legendary Jiuyan Zhengkui really looks simple and unpretentious…


Hu You feels his own gluttons are about to come out of his throat…

This little red… is really the devil, right!

Just as Hu You was about to use his chopsticks to pick up dishes, a muffled noise suddenly came from outside the door!


Hu You put down his chopsticks, frowned and looked out the door, as if…someone was smashing his door!

Is this okay?

Could it be that this group of people outside has rebelled! ?

“Uncle…uncle…help! Uncle!”

Chen Nuo’s voice sounded outside, and the door pats continued to sound…

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