Chapter 182 Shi An: My mother told me to go home for dinner

It was about an afternoon.

After a series of practice, Hu You hand-painted a sketch called “A Brief Discussion on the Body Structure of the Dragon Man”.

The general body structure of the dragon man is marked on it, including but not limited to the dragon man with 366 scales, the distance between each scale is between 2 to 4 cm, and the hematopoiesis speed is dozens of times faster than that of humans.

After all, there is no professional measurement tool, so I can only summarize it briefly.

If there is a Nobel Prize in Biology in this world, Hu Youguang is based on the research of this brand-new intelligent mammal, and it will not be a problem to get a nomination.


This is also thanks to the full cooperation of a ‘person’-Shi An.

Hu You peeled off the 365th scale with a dagger, and threw it into a small wooden box: “Hu…

It’s pretty tiring, don’t you think Xiaoshi? ”

About the time when the 243rd scale was peeled off, Shi An’s throat was already dumb, and he was probably unable to answer this question.

“Yes, I forgot that you have a bad voice.”

Hu You stood up, turned his head and glanced at the two people who were playing chess in his living room with the doors and windows closed.

Since Shi An started to scream, the two guys hid in the house in the name of taking care of Xiaobai, unwilling to take a second look at this ghost scene.

There is only Xiao Hong.

She was the only one who stood beside Hu You intimately, holding a pure white towel in one hand and warm white water in the other, waiting for his instructions.

Hu You had no choice but to turn his gaze on Xiao Hong: “Xiao Hong, do you have any way to restore his voice?”

“Some masters.”

Xiao Hong replied, put the towel away, walked to Shi An, pressed his chin with two fingers, and poured the glass of white water into his mouth: “Although it won’t be healed, at least I can speak. .”

“It’s fine to be able to speak.”

Hu You smiled, took the white jade key out of the warehouse, and shook it in front of Shi An, “How about it? Have you considered it?”

“The devil… the devil! You are a devil!”

Shi An roared unscrupulously, but his voice was no longer as loud as one-tenth of his previous voice.

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Hu You returned the four words and dropped the dagger on the 366th scale on his neck again-Ni Lin!

You said that you have inherited the dross of the dragon clan without inheriting anything else. What a shame!

Shame in every sense!

“The sun is going down, and my patience is almost gone.

Let me say… People live in this world with two thoughts, one is the joy of living, and the other is the joy of death.

Comrade Xiaoshi, naturally you can’t win the first one, but don’t give up the last one too! ”

Hu You persuaded bitterly, but Shi An could no longer see his face…

This is still Luo Jin’s idea.

Since the white jade treasure chest is nowhere to be found, the most unlikely option will be the answer to everything…

Shi An has become the body of the white jade treasure chest!

Although this statement is very nonsense, Hu You still tried all the holes of this guy with the white jade key.

The right eye is the first one, and the left eye… of course it is the second one.

However, the answer was not ideal. The system prompt did not appear, and Shi An’s Tianling cover did not open.

Hu You had to pick up his dream and drew a body sketch for Shi An…

Even if the process is bloody, but the wish is always good!

Even if Shi An became a dragon man, he also made outstanding contributions to human biological science!

Hu You waited for a while, but Shi An still did not speak.


He sighed, sorrowful like a teacher who saw the students go astray: “Ling Chi, is the car cracked?

This is my last kindness to you.

From a personal point of view, I suggest you choose the former. After all, there are no carts and horses here. Even if you choose the latter, the former will be executed automatically.

At that time…you will know your hematopoietic ability if you think about it, I will be very tired! ”


Shi An finally spoke. He turned his head to the direction of the sound, even if he can’t see anything now: “Do you really have a pleasant way to die?”


Hu You replied excitedly: “Cool death! This is not just an adjective!”

After speaking, he looked down at Shi An, waiting for him to give the answers he needed.

He didn’t worry about this guy not cooperating, after all… Shi An wanted to talk about it when the 50th or 60th scales were peeled off.

It’s just… he didn’t want to listen at the time.


Shi An opened his mouth, but said nothing, as if he was hesitating.

But before that breath was over, two syllables still popped out of his teeth: “Ni Lin…

You just need to put the key in the scale. As for what will happen, I don’t know…”

“No, as soon as I get in, you will become a sacrifice and summon the Lord of the Green Dragon, right?”

Shi An rolled his eyes and indicated that he did not want to speak.

If it were placed a few hours ago, he would still have the courage to scold Hu You, but now… the bridge of his nose has been completely shattered, and he doesn’t want to be delayed to death by a certain Devil just because of the quickness of his tongue!

“Then I can do it.”

As Hu You said, he pressed the key to the reverse scale on Shi An’s neck, but he stopped when there was the last centimeter left.

“By the way, do you have any last words?”


Shi An was taken aback, but didn’t react.

“Last words.”

Hu You repeated: “I’m not sure if the treasure chest is opened later, your brain will flow out together, so let’s talk about it now.

It’s… so you have no regrets. Part of Death. ”

“Last words…”

Shi An’s head lifted slightly, as if seeing the dusk on the horizon: “If possible, I would like to say ‘sorry’ to my mother, and add ‘I love you’ to her…

And there is… the fucking of the really special mother!

Daddy can travel to this damn world! What did i do wrong? You thief God wants to punish me like this! ”

“Yes, what a fuck…”

Hu You sighed with emotion, then stopped saying more, and slowly inserted the key along the gap between the scales.

In just a moment, as expected, an unreasonable system prompt sounded in my ears.


[Opening the treasure chest may trigger: treasure chest traps, mythical architectural drawings, mythical weapons, and mythical skill books. You can exclude one of these options! 】

Only myth?

I am such a big truth and myth? ! Where did you swallow me? Spit it out!

“Did you hear?”

Shi An’s voice suddenly came, and Hu You couldn’t help but stared down, looking down at the mutilated face…

“They are calling me, as if they are telling me to get up and eat…”

Hu You was silent for a while.

In the end, he didn’t say anything, but removed the treasure chest trap, and then twisted the key in his hand.


Like all treasure chests, a crisp voice rang in my ears.

Shi An’s head fell in response, and a rainbow appeared in the dusk dyed red by the afterglow…

Unfortunately, this is not the Rainbow Bridge to pick Shi’an back for dinner, but a simple courier program.

As a white light flashed, Shi An disappeared under the iron rod, and a black shadow fell in front of Hu You.

That is……

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