Chapter 195: The Fourth Person on the Island

Before Hu You resisted, a new message popped up in the black gold chat box.

Huang Liu: “Don’t worry!

I think this little Big Brother is very handsome, I will develop first. After all, it’s too rude to look at other people’s notebooks directly! ”

Hu You: (눈‸눈)?


Big sis, your sword is still on my neck! Do you want to take me to the Yin Cao Jifu for development?


Before Hu You could understand, a scream came from behind him!

The long sword slipped from his shoulder and fell to the ground…

“I…what’s wrong with me?”

In the delicate voice, there are seven points of confusion, two points of panic, and one point of confusion…

Hu You turned his head slowly, wanting to see what she was doing.

But before he could speak, I saw Hanfu Ji retreating again and again, shrinking behind a coconut tree, and looking at him with only half of her head out.

“You…who are you! Why am I here?”

This line… Isn’t she trying to pretend to have amnesia?

Before Hu You spoke, Huangji in the black and gold chat box spoke first.

Huangji: “I said…you don’t want to use the amnesia trick again, do you?”


Co-authoring this Huang Liu is still a habitual offender?

Huang Liu: “Don’t worry about it! Last time was just an accident! There will be absolutely no problem this time!”

Huang Jiu: “Last time? The bench was moved, waiting for melons to eat online!”

Wild Six: “Trash, let the Lord climb!”

You must not climb!

In order to master the next rhythm, Hu You must know how the plot developed last time!

But in general…

The initial crisis has been lifted.

After all, this is in the wilderness. People have three urgency. Who hasn’t ‘love’ the flowers and plants yet?

The point now…is to conceal own true identity!

No matter if he is Huang Jiu or Hu You, he can’t be known by Huang Liu!

Once exposed, the consequence is at least bankruptcy.

Therefore, Chen Nuo must wear a solid vest!


Hu You didn’t dare to be stunned for too long, so he coughed twice, bent over and picked up the long sword on the ground: “Girl, when I came here just now, I saw you fainted on the ground.

After finally waking you up, you pointed your sword at me. I don’t know who you are.

Can’t… You are so beautiful and want to touch my porcelain, right? ”

The first part is a lie, only the second half seems to be true.

These ridiculous six oddities are a little weird, but good-looking is really good-looking!

Unlike Luo Jin’s stunning, Han Ruier’s cuteness, she is more of a kind of temperamental beauty.

There is a feeling of being able to see from a distance, but not playful.

If it hadn’t been for Hu You to see her loving the flowers and plants, this feeling would only be stronger!

“Yes… is it?”

Huang Liu was a little nervous, but he still walked out from behind the tree trunk: “Then… Did I know you before?”

“Huh?” Hu You was taken aback.

“Why… I always feel like I’ve seen you before.”

Huang Liu walked slowly to Hu You and looked at him carefully: “You… are you called Chen Nuo, right?

I remember the name! ”

What is this God unfolding?

Recognizing passers-by as relatives after amnesia, and then burst into love sparks on the road?

It is absolutely impossible to think of such a script for cerebral thrombosis in less than ten years!

But now the form is involuntary, so let’s play with her first.

After quickly straightening out his thoughts, Hu You squeezed a smile: “Yes, my name is Chen Nuo, but…”

Before he could finish introducing the situation, Huang Liu lowered his head and began to mutter to himself: “Your name is Chen Nuo.

Then my name is Shang… Shang Yun! Yes, my name is Shang Yun! ”

Shang Yun?

This name is so good… Gan!

Isn’t this the Shang Yun in Han Ruier’s last words!

No wonder Han Ruier was sure she could find her own base, co-authored…Shang Yun is Huang Liu, and Huang Liu is the same manager as her!

Then Harris… is probably the name of a certain manager, right?

“Chen Nuo?”

Seeing Hu You, Shang Yun was stunned, stretched out her right hand with a jade bracelet, and shook it in front of him: “What’s wrong with you? Is the person okay?”

“Also… okay.”

The person is okay, that is, the little heart almost jumped out of the throat.

“Then… do you know what we are here for?”

Shang Yun continued to ask questions, pulling him into the same camp as himself: “I remember I came with you, right?

You can’t abandon me just because I forgot something! ”

This is trying to stick to me!

Hu You didn’t dare to continue acting with her now, just wanted to send her away as soon as possible!

Acting with others is a waste of brain, acting with her…it’s a waste of life!

He shook his head hurriedly: “I said Miss Shang, shall we stop pretending?

We just met together, and you have nothing to lose. Or… I’ll give you some gold coins, just as a gift, okay? ”

“Meeting is fate!”

Shang Yun said, staring at Hu You in front of him: “You can’t leave me, a little girl with amnesia, alone in this barren mountain, right?”

If I really want to leave you here, what I should be afraid of is the wilderness, right?

I understood everything so clearly, she was still pretending to have amnesia.

It seems that if you want to get rid of this brown candy, you must first cut off her idea of ​​gluttonous my body.

But if the refusal is too blunt, the probability of being killed is not low.

What should I do…


The sound of trembling leaves came from diagonally behind, and Hu You and Shang Yun turned their heads at the same time.

I saw a young man just passing through the bushes, looked at the two of them, and was stunned at the same time!


“Just what!”

Hu You didn’t wait for the young man to finish speaking, so he interrupted him: “How many times have I said it!”

Shi An!

Daddy is not your savior! Don’t follow me, okay! ”

Of course this young man is not Shi An, but Chen Nuo who wants to be Uncle Hu You!

Hu You never thought that the fourth person on the island… actually this guy!

Didn’t I read the almanac when I went out today?

What are these things?

“Shi An?”

Chen Nuo hasn’t reacted yet: “Uncle, have you lost your memory? This is Chen Nuo!”

It’s over…

As the saying goes, not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs!

Even if it’s Mina, he can guess that something is wrong, and then follow my words.

But this guy… he didn’t realize the meaning of own!

“Chen Nuo? Uncle?”

Shang Yun spit out four words indifferently, then turned to look at Hu You who was sweating coldly next to him: “Chen Nuo.

Don’t tell me, you have the same name and surname as your nephew…”

“How could this happen?”

Hu You still insisted: “Mine is Er Dong Chen, and he is Cheng of King Hekou.

This is the same name at most, isn’t it? ”


Before Shang Yun could question, Chen Nuo spoke from the side: “Uncle, my ear is Chen, okay! And you are not called…”

“To shut up!”

Hu You interrupted him forcibly!

He now suspects that this kid is just seeing something, so he can’t find it for himself!

“Oh, there seems to be an objection!”

Shang Yun laughed and stretched out her hand in front of Hu You: “Why don’t you… take out the notebook and let me have a look. Isn’t there a name on it?”

Chen Nuo? ”

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