Chapter 206 Dragon Orcas-Xiaojin!

“You have to go to the D-class world first, and after officially taking over as the master of the world, I can teach you!”

Hu You:? ? ?

This is like saying that your girlfriend only agreed to your marriage proposal after asking you to transfer the house and car to her name…

Isn’t this troublesome? Anyway, I’ll talk about these things after pulling the marriage certificate!

“Don’t be upset!”

Shang Yun also knew that she was a little too much, and even moved to Hu You’s side: “Lord of the realm!

You can’t just say yes to such a big thing, I just believe you, don’t you? I have to go through some formalities before I can entrust my whole heart to you, right? ”

“That… makes sense!”

Hu You gritted his teeth and popped out five words.

Shang Yun didn’t want to teach, and he couldn’t help it!


Shang Yun got closer and spit on the edge of his ear, “Yu Jian…I can still tell you the method in advance.”

Hu You’s heart trembled!

He glanced at Chen Nuo and the others, and couldn’t help but feel a little scrupulous: “Let’s take care of the business first.

Anyway, you are not in a hurry. ”


Shang Yun replied, stepped back two steps, and pointed to the pale golden killer whale under the lake: “Here, that’s it.

Let’s get two barbecue grills, one secret, one spicy…”

Hu You rolled his eyes: “Are another bottle of Snowflakes, let’s venture into the world together?”

“Ah… yes!”


Hu You looked at Mina: “This is the same pale golden killer whale you mentioned last time?”

“I…I don’t recognize it, but it’s about the same size.”

Mina was a little scared, she seemed to have made a huge mistake just now.

That Chinese woman, obviously wanted to kill Hu You, but when she turned her head…

Is it possible that she is as greedy for this body as herself?

“It’s okay if you can’t recognize it.”

Hu You took a step forward and stared at Mina’s evasive eyes: “Did you not talk about the killer whales you met around the coast last time?

How did it fall into the lake? Is the tide going up? ”


Mina lowered her head: “Is this a lie, can there be any truth?”

“…Forget it! Other things don’t lie to me anymore, right?”

“No! Absolutely not!”

That’s why… people shouldn’t be in appearance!

Mina is exactly a model with a pig face and a bright heart!

Hu You could only be speechless for a while, never expecting that he would be pecked by geese all day long.

If it weren’t for the woman who helped herself out last time, she would have thrown her into the lake as fish feed!

He turned around and walked further into the lake.

If there is Xiaojin in it, then he will have a response in the lake as long as he calls!

But before he came to the lake, a layer of ripples appeared in the lake…


Shang Yun immediately took a step forward, reaching out to pull Hu You back!


Hu You held down Shang Yun’s hand without taking a step back!

He felt it!

The killer whale below is Xiaojin!

But I don’t know why… it has reached the mythical level!

I saw that killer whale jumped up from the surface of the water, and its huge body drew a parabola in the air!

The pupil on its left side slowly moved as the body slipped, and it seemed to have been locked on Hu You…

No need to look, no need to use Appraisal Technique!

This is Xiaojin, yes!


As soon as Shang Yun tucked her sleeves, she picked up Zhan Lu and planned to go up: “You still dare to provoke us, Mr. Hu, don’t worry, I will go down and get you the right shark fin!”


Xiaojin sank into the water and swam slowly towards the lake.

“Don’t make trouble.”

Hu You raised his hand and held his forehead: “This is my own…whale, my pet.”

“You… pet?” Shang Yun obviously didn’t believe it.

This killer whale is a sea creature. You are on land, can you take it as a pet?

I really thought you were a Pokémon trainer!

“hold head high.”

Hu You walked in again, and Xiao Jin just emerged from the water.

Although there is only a small head, it does not prevent him from placing his hands on it and gently stroking…

Advanced identification, start!

As it was said that there was no danger, the Appraisal Technique was not consumed anyway, just to see if I could find out the reason for Xiaojin’s promotion.

[Advanced appraisal: Dragon species killer whale-Xiaojin (myth): The killer whale that has swallowed a large amount of dragon blood, leading to evolution.

Tip: A large amount of dragon blood activates the dragon gene hidden in its body. If you continue to feed dragon blood, it is extremely unlikely that it will transform into a dragon.

Warning: The invasion of dragon blood makes its genes extremely unstable, and it is very likely to explode!

Note: As your pet, its favorability towards you will be fixed as respect. 】

Dragon species? Dragon blood? Favorability is fixed as respect?

In that case…

Hu You looked sideways at the little golden dragon in his hand, a bold idea came to his mind!

If you feed Xiaojinlong to Xiaojin, will it…

Unfortunately, now is not the most appropriate time!

Let’s finish dealing with the White Jade Treasure Box and Shang Yun’s affairs first, not to mention… Xiao Jin’s size is too large to carry with him.

Let’s see if we can solve this problem.

Well, ask Shang Yun at that time.

This guy can be considered a person who has been in the D-class world, so there should be some way to go.

“Little gold.”

Hu You smiled and rubbed the whale head: “Do you have a white jade treasure chest here? Can you give me Kangkang?”

“I say……”

Shang Yun couldn’t help but interject: “Even if it is your pet, it is impossible to just give you the white jade treasure chest.



A deep and melodious humming sounded, and a column of water protruded from the surface of the lake, with a white jade treasure box hanging on it!

Mina and the others froze in place, looking at them in disbelief!

Not only them, but even Shang Yun’s jaw dropped…

Own treasure chest! ?

This kind of thing… She had only heard of it in the rumors, but she had never seen it before!


Be sure to record a video, and then send the group to scare the animals to death!


Hu You turned his head to look at Shang Yun behind him: “What is that?”


Shang Yun is holding on, things are already like this, what else can she say?

“It’s okay?”

Hu You strengthened his tone: “The treasure chests are all out, what are you doing in a daze? Bring it over!”

“Ok…Okay! Zhan Lu.”

A flash of light flashed, and the treasure chest was brought to Hu You by Zhan Luto.

Hu You glanced at the treasure chest and didn’t see the key, so he looked down at the killer whale under the lake: “Xiaojin, where’s the key?”


There was another long buzzing!

Don’t talk about the pitch, even the rhythm is not much different from the sound just now, who can understand it!

It seems that Xiaobai is good, but he can still make gestures if he doesn’t understand.

As for Xiaojin…

Can you expect it to draw flowers for you with its tail?

“It said the key is at the bottom of the lake, and it will only appear when the lake is drained.” Shang Yun’s voice sounded from the side.

“it says?”

Hu You turned his head and looked behind him: “Can you understand what it says?”

“Beast language, but one of the must-learn languages ​​for all humans in the D-class world!”

After Shang Yun stood up and said, before Hu You could speak, he added: “Of course.

If you want to learn, I will teach you again in the D-class world!

Don’t be angry!

I’m also afraid that you have listened to some demon spirits’ words. What if you come to our human race as a second or fifth child? ”


Hu Youchang let out a sigh of relief.

Don’t be angry, don’t be angry!

I still can’t beat her now, and when I can beat her, she must be locked in a small black room and caught up, and then…

Let her listen to Teacher Guo’s cross talk for 24 hours! Only play with teasing, don’t play with praises! Put two thirds of every sentence!

Let her feel this torture!


Hu You felt that his posterior molars were about to be crushed, and stood up and looked at her: “Two things, see which one can help me solve.

If one can’t solve it… the world master or something, I still have to think about it. ”

Shang Yun frowned, only spit out two words: “What are you talking about.”

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