Chapter 212 Artificial Intelligence Pig Farm

“Save mankind.”

Hu You fished out his ears and moved closer to Xiao Hong: “I seemed to be hearing a hallucination just now, you say it again, what is your purpose?”

“Save mankind!”

Xiao Hong repeated it and added: “To be precise, it is to save all carbon-based organisms, mainly humans.”

Hu Youyou laughed coldly, as if he heard a joke: “You said you want to save all carbon-based organisms?

So why do so many carbon-based creatures consider you a scourge? ”

The index finger on the trigger moved slowly.

He has made up his mind to shoot directly if Xiao Hong’s answer is related to a certain animal and Lu Dongbin!

“Because of ignorance.”

Xiaohong’s performance is very indifferent: “Human beings have been ignorant since they were born.

No matter how complicated their brain evolution is, they will be dominated by a kind of abnormal behavior called emotion, and lose their reason.

Hunger, love, friendship… these boring things are the key to their misunderstanding of me. ”

Hu You frowned and didn’t shoot: “So your way to save mankind is…”

“Under the premise of abundant species, planting, production, and animal husbandry are all products that can supply energy, restrain all harmful behaviors of human beings, extend the life span of outstanding individuals within a controllable range, and carry out breeding projects in a planned way.

My brain can calculate the development data of 132 years, 7 months and 4 days.

As long as human beings are willing to cooperate, I can lead you to another glory! ”

Good guy…

You are raising people as pigs!

This kind of conception is completely a large-scale pig farm!

Growing pig grass, enclosing pigsty, and selecting high-quality breeding pigs for breeding…Do you still have to chemically castrate low-quality individuals?

Hu You’s face was bitter, he now understood why all carbon-based creatures regarded it as a ghost.

Who would want to own a whole group of people in this situation?

Don’t talk about people… even if the pig comes, maybe you have to rebel!

“Then do you know what the system is?”

Hu You also didn’t want to argue with it within a limited time, it was best to ask everything he wanted to ask first.

Otherwise… he was afraid that he couldn’t help it later, so he called Shang Yun to tear her down.

“The system is a higher first-level artificial intelligence than me. I can’t find her database, but it can affect her within a certain limit.” Xiaohong answered truthfully.

“Then how is your plan going?”

“23.25% has been completed, and 21 races have entered the breeding circle, including 3487 humans.”

More than three thousand people!

Are all locked into a pig farm by her?

Well, both human beings, let me mourn for you first.

Encountering an artificial mental retardation with a lack of brains, I can only say that you are out of luck…

“Then I have mastered the gluttony among the seven deadly sins. Will it affect me?”

“There is no historical data in the database. At present, it is only calculated that your food intake has increased by 5% compared to males of the same age in the wilderness.”

Only 5%?

Hu You looked down at own belly…

Fortunately, the abdominal muscles are still there!


Xiao Hong’s voice sounded again: “The Overeating skill is a brand new product that appears after the system changes the reward. What specific consequences will it cause?

I am not sure. ”

“The product after changing the reward?”

“Yes, the rewards that were originally the first in the rookie list were the golden treasure chest and the golden key, but I don’t know why.

The system takes the initiative to change this section of rewards into skills, gluttony. ”


Hu You frowned, but before he could speak, Shang Yun’s voice came from the door.

“Hu You? How about you?”

Is this back?

It’s too fast!

Hu You turned her head to look at Xiao Hong. Before he could speak, she went back to prepare lunch again.

never mind!

Anyway, there is still time, and it’s a big deal to wait until you go to bed at night!

Even if Shang Yun lives with me, it is impossible to live in the same house! I still have private time!

He turned and left the kitchen. As soon as he left the door, he was stunned by the sight in front of him…

The sky was dim.

Hu You raised his head and looked into the air, and found that Shang Yun was stepping on the Flying Sword alone, holding a behemoth——Xiao Jin in both hands!

This… is really an unpretentious way of shipping goods!

I thought this girl would use some kind of spatial means to transport Xiaojin over, but I didn’t expect to… just move it!

But then again…

From the bottom to the top, a girl in a cheongsam is stepping on the Flying Sword, with a whale dragging above her head.

This picture… is really a bit weird!

“What are you doing?”

Shang Yun seemed a little anxious, and obviously had a’billion’ opinion on Xiaojin’s weight: “Open the world of underground water!

I can’t do it here! ”

“Oh, well, right now!”

Hu You hurried out of the notebook and found the operation buttons of the Underground Water World on the title page.

It’s very simple, there is a switch button next to a line of words.

Now the upper one is ‘off’, he will naturally switch it to ‘on’.

With a fingertip, the world under his feet turned into a blue sky again.

Shang Yun turned Xiaojin on top of her head in one direction, head down, directly aimed at the garden, and smashed it down!

Hu You suddenly widened his eyes!

But before he could stop it, Xiao Jin had already submerged in the water and came to its new home.

And that garden… there was no damage at all!

This… this is no longer something science can do!

It seems that he has sensed the position of Hu You.

Xiao Jin also deliberately swam under his feet, trying to stick his head out of the water and get intimacy with him.

But before he could spend his head, a muffled noise came from under Hu You’s feet.

Xiaojin… it hit his head.


Xiao Jin opened his lips together, as if he was a little wronged, so he dived deep into the water, and a whale was sad.


Shang Yun let out a long sigh of relief and returned to Hu You from the air: “I’m so tired, I finally moved this guy over.

The meal is not ready yet? ”

“Alright, that was just…” Hu You asked when she saw her coming, pointing to the garden in front of him.

“Oh, you said space folding phase technology? That’s a built-in function, otherwise, how do you feed the fish?”

Shang Yun squatted down and reached out into the water, her palms covered the glass, causing a ripple: “This glass has its own recognition technology, which can release food, flesh, air and other substances, like soil, rocks and the like. All substances will be isolated.

It also has the function of preventing fish from jumping out of the water.

How about it? Good stuff? ”

“It’s really a good thing.”

Hu You also squatted down and tried.

Now that Xiaojin has moved here, he should also make a choice.

He turned his head to look at Shang Yun, and picked up the little golden dragon in his hand: “Shang Yun, you say…If it has a fixed respect for me, how long will it take to become an adult?”


Shang Yun asked back, looking at Hu You with a very strange look: “Do you want to ride it?

I advise you to let it go. Even if a dragon becomes an adult, even if it is accelerated with authority, it will require at least hundreds of units, plus more than a year of continuous transformation!

So no need, really no need! ”

“In that case…”

Hu You got the answer and immediately made a choice.

He threw the little golden dragon down, and then rushed to Xiao Jin under the water and shouted: “Xiao Jin, come out for dinner!”

Before Xiao Jin came to the surface, a reminder box popped out of his eyes!


[Feeding food may trigger…]

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