Chapter 234 So you are brave to say that?

Hu You walked quickly to the first floor and found that Shang Yun was already in the kitchen.

She stared intently at Xiao Hong’s unprepared dinner, like a cat preparing to steal the fishy, ​​but she didn’t even start.


Hu Youqing coughed twice, scared Shang Yun hurriedly moved his eyes away, and kept looking around.

As if she had just seen him, she walked forward with a cold face: “Oh, awake? The group of guys outside has already chosen, just wait for you to nod.”


Hu You spit out two words and continued walking into the courtyard: “I’m going to decapitate.”

Originally, he planned to solve this problem in the courtyard, but think about the last time the bloody smell was finally removed, it is better to go out to kill the chickens and the monkeys!


Shang Yun was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he saw that Hu You had gone far.

Did he wake up when he woke up, and then made some crooked ideas?

No, be sure to follow it and see!

Although he doesn’t need to worry about his safety, but… it’s good to learn two tricks to play 13 stunts!

After getting along this day, Shang Yun didn’t find any other advantages of Hu You, but found that his attire 13 skills were too heaven-defying!

It’s simply…

Too much to her appetite!

Why did you learn Yujian and why you wear Hanfu? One aspect is good-looking and handsome. The important thing is that 13 grids are high enough!

Now catching a 13th king, what are you waiting for if you don’t follow behind the ass and steal the teacher?

Shang Yun followed all the way out, holding Zhan Lu all the way, with a cold face, as if no strangers would enter.

I couldn’t see what she was thinking.

Hu You didn’t care about her, thinking she was worried about her own comfort, so he followed so closely.

He came to the door of the small courtyard and stretched out his hand to push it open.

More than 70 people outside the house have been divided into two parts, one is the Celestial people headed by Chen Nuo, and the other is the other people headed by three ‘congressmen’…

Hu You glanced at it, Mina immediately understood, and walked forward with the other two.

“Mr. Hu, the congressman you are talking about… we have already elected.”

Mina’s introduction from left to right: “This is Karl, who was elected by 45 votes, and this is Fors who was elected by 43 votes, and I myself…

Elected by 75 votes. ”


Hu You answered casually, turning his head and glanced at Chen Nuo’s side: “Congressman Namina, can you tell me what’s going on over there?”

“Oh, Diao Min.”

It was not Mina, not Forsi, but a white uncle that Hu You had never met.


He was wearing a tattered suit, not the right size, and no tie, just like a monkey in human clothes.

It is estimated that it was forcibly pulled off from whom.


When crossing the wilderness, everyone wears clothing from the time of crossing.

Look at this suit is considered expensive, maybe it’s the hapless one.

“Ha ha……”

Hu You awkward laughed twice and turned to stare at Carl: “What did you… just say?”


Carl’s mouth flew, his eyes were three-point arrogance, three-point jealousy, and four-point provocation. He asked Mina in the same tone as Mina just now: “Hu You, we respect you, so I called you Mr. Hu!”

Don’t think I am afraid of you! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Forsi and Mina both stayed away from this idiot a bit, as if they didn’t want to blend into the word ‘us’.

I dare to speak like this when we are undercover, who do you think you are!

“Oh, so you are brave~”

Hu You laughed.

He originally wanted to break this guy who didn’t know how to promote him, let Chen Nuo or any person from the celestial dynasty become a member of Parliament, and slap those guys in the face.


When he saw this Karl, another thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Members of Parliament… after all, there are only three people.

These more than 70 people are fine, but if more than 600 people are gathered together, it is definitely not easy to manage with just four people.

Therefore, in addition to the development of parliamentarians, we might as well develop a controllable potential rebellion factor!

Chen Nuo is a good candidate!

Now the people of the celestial dynasty have automatically formed a group, just use Karl to exert some pressure, and then let Chen Nuo jump out of the crowd, and secretly gather people in the name of resisting tyranny.

By the time……

Monarchs, parliamentarians, mobs… are all mine! These 600-odd people don’t even think about making waves in these eleven days!

Steady hand!

But if this is stable… Wouldn’t it be that Karl stepped on Daddy’s head?


Can’t swallow this breath! Even if you don’t kill him, you have to teach a lesson!

The corner of Hu You’s mouth raised a gentle smile: “You are right, I don’t want to kill you, but…”


Before he could say anything, the old fist hit Carl’s face with a blow!

The towering bridge of the nose collapsed in an instant, and the nosebleed…it couldn’t stop it flowing out!

This is still the result of Hu You’s strength, otherwise… nosebleeds? The brain may be exploded!

Carl fell to the ground instantly!

None of Mina and Forsi next to him dared to help!

At this time Hu Youcai slowly completed the second half of the sentence: “I can still hammer you, young man!”

When he said that, he looked at Mina and glanced at Karl who was in the bottom of his eyes.

Mina was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized what he meant.

He doesn’t want to kill Carl, he just wants to Liwei! By the way…help yourself establish a leadership position!

She hurriedly stepped forward to help Carl up, and looked up at Hu You with an aura: “Mr. Hu!

Please don’t forget the promise to me! If you beat the councillors again, none of us will persuade you! ”


Hu You stepped forward and looked down at Mina: “Can I move my feet?”

“When… Of course not!”

“Hey! It doesn’t count if you say it alone! Otherwise, what will the councillor choose to do?”

Hu You glanced at Forsi: “Vote!

It was agreed that the legislator’s raised hand could be beaten with the foot. ”

He raised his left hand by himself, while Mina stared at him, holding Carl’s neck with both hands.

Now it’s up to Fors to choose…

If he is smart enough, he should stand with Mina instead of holding Hu You’s thigh now.

If he is too stupid…

Hu You didn’t mind giving the chicken position… let him do it.

One second…two seconds…

Three seconds later, Forsi was still standing there, without movement.

He knew that everyone was waiting for him, so he gave a wry smile: “Mr. Hu, it doesn’t seem to be a good thing to do anything to the congressman, right?”

You are smart!

“That counts.”

Hu You lowered his mouth, raised his eyes and scanned the people again: “Forget it this time, but…I don’t want to see the faction in my territory anymore!

Whether it’s skin color, gender, or faith… I don’t want to see you split into factions!

This…I only say it once!

Okay, pack up and go back to our base. We will see you again tomorrow. ”

After speaking, he turned around and walked into the own courtyard, not wanting to bother about things here anymore.


Before he could open the door, the guy lying in Mina’s arms actually spoke.

“He…hehe, Mr. Hu, you don’t want to kill me, but you don’t dare to kill…”


There was another “I” word that didn’t come out of his mouth. Hu You took out Shaying from the warehouse and knocked the trigger without turning his head back!

The bullet penetrated Carl’s head accurately!

This is the fifth person he killed with his own hands…No, if Shi An counts as half, this is the fourth and a half.

He didn’t touch the slightest in his heart, but turned his head to the side, only showing half of his face in front of everyone’s eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: “I don’t like this congressman, you guys…

Choose another one. ”

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