Chapter 236 Are you so fast?

“It’s over? What’s over!”

Hu You hurriedly asked.

Before, you didn’t have your handle, but now you beg me to teach you the craft, and you dare to pant… If I can’t stick you, it’s all done!

After you completely believe me, if I change the social death tricks into 13 tricks to teach you, and you haven’t found out…


This picture is beautiful when you think about it!

“there is a problem……”

Shang Yun’s face was pale and she put the notebook just now in her arms: “It’s too late to launch the beast attack. We must find the beast!”

She turned to leave the courtyard, but Hu You grabbed her arm!

“and many more!”

Although Hu You was anxious, he wanted to ask the matter clearly before saying: “First, explain clearly what is going on!

Why is it too late to launch now? Haven’t night walks been triggered yet! ”

Go out now… Those guys probably haven’t left the island yet. If they are seen by then, there will be some suspicion.

He had already killed a person, and he didn’t want to make any more moths.

“The truth unit is not omnipotent!

The longer the beast attack is postponed, the longer the gap between the beast attack will be! Now there are ten minutes left, even if it is triggered now, the beast attack will happen at night!

We have only one way…find it! ”

Shang Yun spoke with the fastest speed and the most concise words: “I found that it is near this island. It should be a kind of fish, a non-social individual!

There are still more than ten minutes, be sure to find it within this time! ”

“Damn it!”

As expected by Hu You, the feeling of emptiness in his heart before is indeed not aimless!

But the fish in the nearby waters… this search is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack!

“Shang Yun!”

Hu You still didn’t let go of Shang Yun’s arm, but looked at her solemnly: “Your answer next may affect my next layout, so I hope you can tell me the truth.

If the Beast Strike and Night Walk collided…what would happen! ”

Shang Yun was embarrassed, obviously not wanting to tell Hu You.


Suddenly he was yelled, and Shang Yun couldn’t help but lowered his head and said quickly: “I don’t want to talk about specific things, I can only tell you…


When Beast Strike and Night Walk meet together, the difficulty of the two will not be addition, not multiplication, but exponential Ascension! ”

Exponential Ascension…

Hu You understands this term easily.

If the difficulty of the beast attack is 4, and the difficulty of the night walk is also 4, then the combined difficulty is 4 to the 4th power…256!

If it is changed to a level… 1 represents F-level beast attack, 2 represents E-level beast attack, and 4 represents D-level beast attack.

256…It is equivalent to triggering an S-level beast attack in a C-level world! This is just a situation where Beast Strike and Night Walk are both D-class!

With this difficulty, it’s no wonder Mina is so nervous!

“That’s easy…”

Hu You opened the door and looked at the guys who were gradually moving away and shouted: “The ones in front! Stop it for me!”

Everyone stopped at almost the same time.

Including a few survivors who have already entered the water and intend to swim back to the base area before the sun has completely receded.

They turned their heads unanimously and looked at Hu You with strange eyes.

Hu You took out a whole piece of the legendary red dragon’s thigh from the warehouse and threw it directly on the beach!

“Listen, everyone!”

Hu You glanced at the crowd, and finally turned his eyes on Mina behind the crowd: “As your speaker, I just owed some consideration…

Therefore, I decided to send you a benefit to suppress the shock!

From now on, until 9:30, all of you can go fishing in the sea, and all the fish you catch can be exchanged for dragon meat with me at a ratio of 4:1!

The grade is not limited, but there are two requirements… First, I want to live; second, I am around the island! ”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone went crazy!

Fish meat for dragon meat? Ratio 4:1?

The ninth good people don’t bring such food!

But… With the fierceness of this one just now, can I really trade for dragon meat if I take a fish? Just don’t exchange for a bullet to eat.

Mina also understood what he meant by owning, and immediately jumped out and said, “Okay!

Since Speaker Hu gave us a chance, let’s try…I’ll change the first fish first! ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mina ran a few steps forward, came to the edge of the beach, and dropped a homemade fishing net at will!

Not all people are Huyous, and don’t worry about eating.

After the system Restrictions has been implemented in the mall and trading system, you can only do it yourself if you want to eat. When facing a sea of ​​abundant resources, everyone will prepare some fishing methods.

As early as the morning when he helped Hu You catch the dragon, Mina had already made this fishing net. Originally, she planned to fish in time, but she didn’t expect to have a busy day…

Now that I have found the opportunity, it is naturally going to come in handy!

Seeing Mina’s hands, the rest of the people were not idle… the fishing rod, the fishing net, and even a few guys got together, dragging the four corners of the fishing net, and dived directly into the water!

Fishing…this is just one way!

Hu You never just prepared for one hand. He turned his head and looked at Shang Yun: “Shang Yun, now you go to the other side of the island and kill the fish!

Kill as many as you want, put all the blood into the sea! ”

“You want to use blood to draw it out, but…”

“Do it! I have my own plan!”

“…Okay, Zhan Lu”

Shang Yun called out softly and immediately stepped on Zhan Lu to the other side of the island.

He knew what Shang Yun was worried about.

Bloodletting is useful for beasts, but for fish…at least most fishes are not very useful.

But anyway, this is also a way…


Just relying on such a method is naturally unstable.

Hu You didn’t know what the beast in Shang Yun’s mouth was.

Judging from his experience of surviving in the wilderness for so long, even the lowest-level beasts possess a certain degree of wisdom, at least they know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Shang Yun inspected it three hours ago, that is to say… at most three hours ago, there was still no such fish in the sea, but three hours later, it just appeared in such a grand manner.

Then there are only two possibilities.

Either it came from the neighboring waters, or it was just born!

The former is unlikely…

Hu You’s island is close to the center of the entire sea area. Swim from neighboring waters and come near his island, which proves that this fish is extremely fast and belongs to the category of predators.

Then it must be drawn by the smell of blood, or attracted by the activities of most ‘weak’ creatures.

Before and after the island, it will definitely choose a place to go!

As for the latter…

The possibility is great!

The reason for its birth is nothing more than eating the remnants of the blue dragon’s flesh and blood, so it was upgraded.

That Shang Yun bleeds, and it is very likely to summon it over.

The fish that has just become a ‘beast’ must be relatively weak, and everyone’s fishing activities can just drive it away.

As for myself…

He turned his head and planned to go in and find Xiaohong!

As long as this trump card tool is there, no matter how big a beast attack is, it will be the same!

But before he walked into the courtyard, Shang Yun’s news popped out from the manager channel on the right: “I found it! I found it!”

ha? Are you so fast?

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