Chapter 244 Hu You, stop pretending!

One, ten, one hundred… a thousand!

A whole thousand truth units lay quietly in the upper right corner, Hu You rounded the whole number twice, confirming that he was not mistaken!

one thousand!

Last time I swallowed a quarter of the red dragon, only to get almost 100 units! The number of units in a thousand…I’m afraid that the remaining few dragon owners will not make up the total!

But how did these truth units come from? Could it be that Eve gave it to me?


That guy is a rich woman, wishing I was downright now, so I would put her in her arms sooner!

How can it be possible to repay the enemy?

But besides her, who else would it be?

Hu You struggled for a while and couldn’t get an answer, so he simply called up the private chat interface with Huang Liu, throwing his hands up is a hundred truth units!

“one hundred!?”

Shang Yun also received the unit, and she looked at Hu You in shock: “Where do you come from so much…”

“Hush! Don’t talk nonsense! Hurry up and go up the mountain!”

Hu You interrupted her and picked up Zhan Lu: “Let’s go up together!

and also!

Don’t think that these hundred units are for you! It needs to be exchanged with words! Ten! ”

“What! Do you think the words make Chinese cabbage?”

Shang Yun immediately retorted: “There are only two at most! This is the market price. If you don’t believe me, go to the group to ask!”


“make a deal!”

Hu You:? ? ?

This feeling…It’s like you bargain with a hawker, he bids 1,000, you offer 100, and he directs the deal!

Isn’t this blood loss!

“Forget it! It’s important to save people!”

Hu You rolled his eyes and didn’t care about her, and looked up at the snow mountain: “Now there is a truth unit, can I use Zhan Lu to go up?”

“Why do you think my truth unit is missing?”

Shang Yun also raised her head to look at the top of the mountain, frowning: “This barrier… seems to have been deliberately set up.

I originally had more than 100 truth units left, but now they are all consumed on it, and there is no reaction at all! ”

“You mean… the manager?”


Shang Yun turned her head to look at Hu You, and solemnly asked, “Who are you kidnapped? If it’s not important, I suggest…”

“Okay, go up!”

Hu You did not answer directly.

This is no longer the rescue of Luo Jin. From Shang Yun’s words, it is not difficult to see that the person who kidnapped Luo Jin is likely to be a manager!

A…a manager who knows his identity and his background!

Hu You had a faint suspicion in his heart, but he dared not tell Shang Yun.


That VIP notebook!

Apart from this one, Hu You couldn’t think of anyone else who would know so much about him!

Maybe it was only yesterday, when Eve took control of his Star Mothership, that this person found this place!

Before Shang Yun could answer, Hu You had already stepped towards the snow-capped mountains.


[Please confirm the direction of exploration, currently: North. 】


Hu You continued to move forward, and Shang Yun had to hug Zhan Lu and follow him behind.

Don’t think about it!

The kidnapped woman is definitely his little lover! Otherwise, how could it be so nervous!

Humph, man!

Shang Yun only dared to complain in her heart, and followed Hu You all the way to the top of the mountain.

Seeing the two of them go further and further, Forsi dared to walk out of the crowd, trying to cross the gap, but still did not dare to take this step.

Standing on the other side of the rift, he shouted to Mina who was not far away: “Hey! Mina! What did that person just tell you?”

Mina turned around and didn’t go any further, but just stood there, standing side by side with Xiaohong: “No matter what he said, now I have the final say!

Before that… I would like to ask if you have any comments? ”

The gun, just held in her hand.

Although most of these six hundred people have bows and crossbows in their hands, none of them dared to rise up!

Once the head…

That’s a realistic version of the gun hitting the head.

“Since there is no…”

Mina turned to look at Xiao Hong next to her: “Little…Red Miss, now do you have any plans that can be executed!”


Xiao Hong’s pupils instantly changed from green to red, exactly the same as when Eve leaned over…

“Hello, my name is Xiaohong, I hope we can cooperate happily.”


Hu You all the way up.

At first, I didn’t feel anything strange, but the more you climb, the stronger the sense of powerlessness!

After climbing about fifty meters, this feeling reached its peak!

This is not the fatigue caused by lack of oxygen or being too tired, but the drowsy feeling of staying up late at night and being woken up by the alarm clock after a few hours of sleep!

Except for sleeping, even if you take a bath, you can’t eliminate this groggy feeling!

“Hu… Hu You.”

Shang Yun’s voice is also a little strange. According to the previous agreement, she has been following Hu You half a step: “I feel something is wrong.”

“You also found out?”

Hu You frowned slightly, so he stopped first and turned to look at Shang Yun, “Is there a feeling of wanting to sleep?”


Shang Yun was taken aback, her face instantly turned red: “Wh…what are you thinking about sleeping?”

Hu You:? ? ?

I mean sleeping seriously. I should ask you what you are thinking.

“You should have a flush toilet in your mind, so that you can adjust all the dirty things!”

Hu You murmured, really unable to hold on, and sat on the ground: “I don’t know why, the more I climbed up, the more sleepy I felt…

Wait, aren’t you? ”


Shang Yun didn’t know when he touched out a chicken leg, put it directly into his mouth and gnawed it: “I just feel hungry, so I just need to add energy.”


This shouldn’t be!

If it’s just me, it might be because of the diagonal on the head, but Shang Yun…

She had a breakfast in the morning. With her physique, she shouldn’t be hungry by climbing this distance!


Shang Yun replied, and simply sat beside Hu You, and took out a chicken leg: “Do you want to eat some?”


Hu You refused and stood up again!

He has used Appraisal Technique on himself just now, all the data is normal, even the physical strength column only consumes single digits!

This situation is absolutely abnormal!

It’s time to ask the amazing netizens!

Hu You didn’t care about Shang Yun who was sitting on the ground eating chicken legs. He looked at the black and gold chat box and sent out a message: “Ask, now I’m climbing a snow mountain with my companion. My companion is greedy like a hungry ghost, and I’m too tired to sleep. , Does anyone know what’s going on?

Paid questions! Waiting online, very anxious! ”

Huang San: “Ask, is this compensation for meat?”

Hu You almost didn’t catch his breath!

What kind of demon is this Huang San? He drove as soon as he opened his mouth, so it’s no wonder that Huangyi often revokes his driver’s license!

Huang Yi: “Free tips! Generally, if you ask a question for a fee, you will be paid first, so that those who are interested will answer it!”

Still old Dage is reliable!

Huang Liu: “Spicy chicken deserves to be spicy chicken, this kind of question has to jump out and ask!”

Hu You immediately looked at Shang Yun, who was eating chicken legs next to him.

Before he could speak, Shang Yun explained, “I’m also trying to maintain the personality! Can’t let them know that I’m with you, right?”

It makes sense, but…

I still suspect that your little cookie is just trying to scold me behind your back!

Huangji: “I know the solution, but I don’t want unit compensation, I want news exchange!”

Han Ruier?

She, who just woke up, knew the solution?

It doesn’t sound like a fool, after all, she has been to this world too, maybe she’s also been to this snow-capped mountain?

Huang Jiu: “Okay, private chat!”

Without hesitation, Hu immediately sent her a private chat application: “I can tell you what you want.”

Huang Er: “Hu You, stop pretending! Shang Yun told me!”

Hu You: (ΩДΩ)?

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