Chapter 246 I think you are embarrassing my little conch!

Lingjin’s problem is solved.

Hu You and the two are going all the way, there are no obstacles… it seems!

For ten minutes, the two of them didn’t say anything, but just climbed up, and they had already advanced nearly a hundred meters.

When he used “Meditation” for the second time, Hu You didn’t use it for Shang Yun anymore, but only cleared the state for himself.

He raised his head and glanced. At this time, he was at least two kilometers away from the top of the mountain!

At this rate…

By the time I reached the top of the mountain, it was almost ten o’clock!

Even if the trouble can be solved quickly, and even if it is faster when going down the mountain, it will be almost afternoon when you return to the base area!

By the time……

My original plan to raise all mankind in captivity will be difficult to carry out!

Therefore, whether it is for the safety of Luo Jin or for the smooth implementation of the plan, he must find ways to speed up the progress!

“Shang Yun.”

Hu You walked all the way, turning his head to look at Hanfu Ji who was still annoyed by him: “Help me ask Han Ruier, she should have been to this snowy mountain, and ask if she knows any shortcuts to the mountain.”

He is not stupid this time.

Why do you want to talk to Han Ruier by yourself? Isn’t there another half-girl who has a half-father with her?


Shang Yun immediately looked at the black gold frame and called up the private chat interface with Han Ruier.


She looked at Hu You: “Rui Er asked you to talk to her.”

“I’ll talk to her about a bazaar!”

Hu You retorted and vomited: “She just scammed fifty units, and now I’m still talking to her, unless my brain cramps!”

“She said she knew there was a hidden passage in the snow-capped mountains, the kind with elevators…”


Hu Youyou bit his teeth and turned to look at the black gold chat box: “Cramps are cramps! It’s the same as anyone who has not cramped yet!”

He called up the black gold chat box again!

Now he has recollected that the so-called message exchange is actually an excuse!

This woman just wanted to pit the fifty truth units while she was confused!

“Hey! What do you want to do!”

Huangji: “Treasure Box!”

As soon as these two words came out, Hu You understood her intention!

Last time I returned part of the resources to Han Ruier, but this part of the resources does not include the 158 treasure chests she put in the treasure chest room!

Although they were all opened, Hu You always felt that these treasure chests might correspond to some larger treasures, so he didn’t plan to give it to her at all.

Last time Han Ruier didn’t find that he had a treasure chest, Hu You thought he had been deceived, but now… how did she find out?

“What treasure box?” Hu You was still pretending to be confused: “What are you talking about?”

“Stop pretending!”

Huangji: “I fixed the monitoring in the manor, what did you do in my house, can I not know!”

Uh… this is Bengbu!

Hu You counted a thousand things, but he didn’t count that there were still people monitoring his home improvement!

This… isn’t it just acknowledgment?


Hu You had to gritted his teeth and responded, standing in place and replying: “I can return the treasure chest to you, but not now!”

“Why? Can you still keep them for babies?”

“The countdown to the collapse of the world has begun, and the trading interface is all closed, and I can’t help it!”


There was silence on the opposite side, and Hu You frowned slightly: “Hey, speak!

Big deal, you tell me the location of the passage first, and I will pay you back when I reach the E-Class world! ”


When the simple words appeared, Hu You still understood what was going on, so he rolled his eyes!

He understood, this girl probably didn’t have any channel location at all, she just wanted to have an empty glove white wolf!

What a wave…

and many more!

Not a waste of time!

Han Ruier doesn’t know, doesn’t it mean that the magical conch doesn’t know!

Anyway, today’s qualification for questioning is not useful, just take it out and beat it!

Hu You set off again and fetched the conch out of the warehouse. Before he could speak, the evil animal shook.

“Master, your most loyal and caring conch, send you the most sincere greetings!”

As soon as these words came out, the cruel words he had just reached his lips hadn’t come out, so he was directly blocked by this guy!

“Do you have any questions you want to ask Little Conch today?”

The conch continued to tremble, like a gold medal employee of Haidilao: “Is it the maintenance and care of the horny, or how to wax and polish the own corner?”

As soon as the next two sentences came out, Hu You stopped again!

Although saving people is like fighting fire, it is not difficult to analyze from the words of Conch. It… knows that Hu You has a horn!

In other words, it must know the origin of this horn!

But today’s question is only one. If Hu You asked about the origin of the horn above his head, he would naturally not be able to ask how to climb the snow-capped mountain quickly!

There is only one problem!

But there are many ways to operate…

“I want to know how to climb the snow mountain quickly!”


Before Conch could respond, Hu You continued to speak: “But I also want you to answer me about the origin of the diagonal!”

“Master, I can only answer one question for you!”

“I know.”

The corner of Hu You’s mouth rose slightly: “The answer is with your mouth, but you can use your body to guide me quickly to the snow-capped mountains!

This… Doesn’t it violate your rules? ”


I think you are embarrassing my little conch!

Conch fell into silence, as if studying what Hu You said!


Hu You shook the conch and put it in his ear: “It’s down? Give me a reply anyway!”

Conch still did not respond. Instead, Shang Yun, who was walking behind him, said: “Question-and-answer props?”

“hold head high.”

Hu You turned his head to look at Shang Yun: “Didn’t you see it last night?”

“I saw it, but…it’s interesting.”

Shang Yun walked in a leisurely manner. She had been accommodating Hu You’s speed and walked half a step behind him.

With her physique, there is no pressure at all.


Hu You seemed to think of something and turned to look at Shang Yun: “Do you have the kind of command to reset the number of uses?

Give me one and pay back one-third of the account just now! ”


Shang Yun struggled for a while, and finally said: “‘Reset’, this word makes it possible to reset all cooling-type props once. The truth unit is different depending on the cooling time.”


Hu You didn’t worry now, he looked at the conch and asked: “Okay, don’t pretend to be dead!

I want to climb the snow mountain quickly! ”

Climbing down like this, even if the guy above didn’t do anything to Luo Jin, she should freeze into a popsicle!


There was a shock from the conch, and finally he said, “Ask your horns.”

Hu You:? ? ?

I… Did you hear me wrong?

Still asking my horn?

Believe it or not, I broke your shell!

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