Chapter 258 Hu Youyou waved his tears and cut Xiaohong!

“Yes, master.”

Xiaohong still habitually responded to Hu You, and then straightened up and looked at the three people in front of him: “Unlike carbon-based organisms, our silicon-based organisms have their bodies as processors, souls as databases, and life necessities as energy.

As long as these three necessary conditions are guaranteed to last forever, we are immortal! ”

“Then what?”

Hu You slightly frowned: “What I want is not the definition of silicon-based biology, but the solution!”

“The plan is…”

Xiao Hong dragged a long tone, suddenly buried herself, and bowed to Hu You: “If you can!

Xiaohong, hope to be the next Eve!

Eve serving you alone! Hope the master will make it happen! ”

Hu You understood, Shang Yun was stunned, Luo Jin… She looked at Xiao Hong a little playfully, like a little girl looking at a doll!

“Hu You!”

Shang Yun turned her head and looked at Hu You: “If you want to help her, the Anti-Silicon-Based Biological Association may eat you raw!”

“Yo, there is such an association…”

Hu Youyou smiled bitterly and looked at Shang Yun scratching his head: “I said…Did you think too much?

After all, I am also a human being and a carbon-based creature, so how can I help her? ”

As soon as the voice fell, he stretched out his hand to Shang Yun: “Zhanlu give it to me, I personally killed this wicked animal!”


Shang Yun didn’t react. Didn’t Hu You stop her from killing Xiaohong before? Why do you want to kill the wicked animals as soon as you turn your head?


In any case, as long as this hidden danger is removed, it is good!


Xiao Hong was anxious.

She looked at Hu You and hurriedly said, “You believe me! As long as I connect with Eve senior a few times, I can evolve again!

Then you will be able to…”

Before he could finish his words, Hu You took Zhan Lu from Shang Yun and slashed Xiao Hong’s neck with a sword!

In an instant, the oil surged! There is also a pure white prompt box leaping into Hu You’s eyes!

Fortunately, Luo Jin’s eyesight was quick and he clicked to collect in an instant, and he didn’t let the oil pollute the small courtyard…

And Xiao Hong…

She just fell to the ground, with only one head left in Hu You’s hand, her lips opened and closed, as if she was still talking.

But unfortunately, the audio equipment has been cut off by Hu You, even if she wanted to, she couldn’t tell.


Shang Yun still had some worries, and seemed uncomfortable with Hu’s sudden approach.

“Otherwise, what else?”

Hu You came back to his senses and asked Shang Yun back, looking at her pupils: “Would you like to talk about the love and hatred between me and Xiaohong?”

“No…no, I mean what should I do with your horns? Aren’t you asking Eve about your horns?”

“Don’t ask!”

Hu You spit out three words: “It’s a big deal to study it myself, can I still die without her?”



Shang Yun wanted to say something, but Hu You directly interrupted her and threw Xiao Hong’s head away: “You are responsible for handling this stall. I will go to the tea booth and wait for you first!”

“Oh, I’ll be fine soon!”

Seeing Hu You all the way to the tea pavilion, Luo Jin followed him all the way.

Although the corners of her mouth were not raised, the corners of her eyes were full of smiles!


Just when Hu You swung his sword to cut Xiaohong, he happened to turn his back to himself!

Luo Jin saw it with his own eyes!

When Xiao Hong’s head fell into his hand, a chip about a quarter the size of a slap fell in his other hand!

Although he took the chip into the warehouse in just a short time, Luo Jin still saw it clearly!

When he threw Xiaohong’s head to Shang Yun for her to deal with, he didn’t give her the chip together…

What this means is naturally self-evident!

The two walked into the tea pavilion one after the other.

Hu You walked to the original position and sat down. Before he could speak, he saw Luo Jin’s smile.

He shook the teapot and found that there was still some tea in it, so he poured half a cup into the teacup in front of him.

Xiaohong is not there, so he can only do this kind of thing.

“you saw it?”

“Didn’t you let me see it?”

Luo Jin sat across from Hu You and drank his teacup: “Can I ask why?”

“Need to ask?”

Hu You poured another half into his teacup, and the whole teapot was empty, without leaving Shang Yun: “You know exactly what I meant by letting you see.”

“Of course, but…you don’t ask me if I agree?”

“Helping me is also helping yourself, isn’t it?”


Luo Jin raised the empty tea cup in front of him: “Happy cooperation?”

Hu You also raised his teacup.

He drank it first, then clinked glasses with Luo Jin: “Happy cooperation!”

“I say……”

Shang Yun also walked in at this time and looked at the two guys in front of him who were clinking with empty glasses: “This is your new custom of modern people? Are you used to clinking glasses with empty glasses?”

“Ang, it’s strange, isn’t it?”

Hu You put down his teacup.

What does this mean only he and Luo Jin know…

“It’s strange.”

Shang Yun replied, seated on the side of the tea table, staring at the two horns above his head intently: “How do you…how do you feel now?”

“I think……”

Hu You smiled bitterly, and raised his hand to touch the two horns: “I now know what’s going on.”

“You know?” Luo Jin felt a little surprised.


Hu You did not hide it, frowned slightly: “Xiao Hong!

Just after I killed her, another prompt box came out, the same as the two prompt boxes that made me the protagonist of the S-rank beast attack! ”

“What did it say?” Luo Jin hurriedly asked.


Hu You took it out of the warehouse, and a shining purple gem appeared in his hands: “It’s this thing, which is called the perfect crystal nucleus by the system.

It seems… it can look like the Ascension attribute if you eat it. ”

“I said… it’s better not to eat.”

“Can people eat it?”

Shang Yun said the first sentence, and Luo Jin said the latter sentence.

These two handling attitudes alone can tell how they behave.

One is conservative, and the other… is a fanatical experimentalist!


Hu You tangled for a moment: “It’s not easy to use it for experiments, I don’t dare to eat this thing…

But what I can know now is that as long as I destroy the resources that I own, I can get rewards!

Although Xiaohong’s grade is not high, it is also a perfect grade after conversion. If…”

As he said, he moved his gaze to the gate of the small courtyard.

No, to be precise, it should be through the gate to look at the people outside the courtyard!

If this so-called crystal nucleus can really bring the attribute Ascension, then helping to clean up the garbage does not seem to be a big deal… right!

“Try it first!”

Luo Jin took out the M4 from the warehouse as he said, this is the same handle that Hu You gave her last time: “You take it back and try it first to see if there are any new rewards!”


Hu You did not pretend to be sentimental, and conveniently put the M4 into the warehouse!

One second…two seconds…

No new prompt box is drilled out.

Hu You took the M4 out of the warehouse again, put it on the table and handed it to Luo Jin: “It’s useless, it’s probably going to be destroyed.

If you use this… it’s not worth the gain. ”

“No! Try again!”

Luo Jin put his hand on the M4: “You come and try to capture it!”

Hu You’s eyes lit up!

Since looting doesn’t count, then grabbing…

I have to say that this girl’s mind is turning really fast!

With a thought, Hu You also pressed his hand on the M4 and began to close the gun body in front of him.

A little resistance came, and after only a few seconds, Luo Jin let go of his hand…

M4 was captured by Hu You again!


A pure white reminder box instantly greeted your eyes!

[Judgment: Successfully captured, get an outstanding crystal core*1! 】

“It’s done!”

Hu You took out a light blue crystal core and placed it on the table, then put the M4 back on the table, looking at Luo Jin with scorching eyes: “Do it again!”


Shang Yun was watching, she couldn’t help taking a breath!

These two are really suitable for managers.

Change to the fleece of the 薅 system…any manager who meets it will call the expert!

Soon, the two conducted another ‘robbing’.

Unfortunately, the same item did not produce a second crystal nucleus…

“It doesn’t seem to work.”

Hu You was not disappointed. If this infinitely overlapping BUG can be successful, the system should sell sugar water as soon as possible!

“Try a low-level one, get a low-level crystal nucleus experiment, it shouldn’t be a big deal.”


The two hit it off quickly.

Luo Jin took out an excellent class crossbow and was snatched by Hu You according to the method just now.

The next moment.

A pure white crystal nucleus appeared on the desktop!


If it is an item on the F-level plane, the crystal nucleus derived from looting will drop first-level!

Only when the products of the E-level plane are robbed, the crystal nucleus derived will appear in the original grade.


Hu You looked at the pure white crystal nucleus in front of him, still a little numb, “How can I try this?”

He is not Xiao Bai’s ancestor!

Can’t swallow this crystal nucleus directly? Don’t say the teeth can’t stand it, and the throat can’t stand it either!

He is not a Miss from a wealthy family, he can receive this kind of professional training.

What’s more, this thing is different from the skill book and blueprint, and there is no use prompt when holding it in your hand…

“Why… grind up the soaking water?” Shang Yun made a not very constructive suggestion on the side.

“Just soak in water…”

Luo Jin looked at Hu You: “Among those people, is there anyone who is not pleasing to your eyes? Catch the medicine?”

These two guys are like angels and demons, each whispering in Hu You’s ears…

To be honest, Hu You still prefers the latter proposal.

“Test medicine…”

Hu You turned his gaze, and fell on a little blue dragon who just ran out of the bamboo forest: “You don’t necessarily have to find someone to try it!”

The two followed his gaze and immediately understood his thoughts!

This thing was originally intended for beasts, so try to find beasts first! If there is no adverse reaction, find someone to try again!

Don’t talk about it now, even in the present world!

“Zhan Lu!”

With a soft call, Zhan Lu immediately sent the little blue dragon to Hu You!

Hu You stretched out his hand to catch, holding the little horn of this guy, and then raised it: “Little rabbit, behave, put your legs…ahhhh! Open your mouth~”

Singing to singing, this mouth still has to be pried open!

Hu Youshun was about to use Zhan Lu as a surgical tool, and Shang Yun’s eyes of wanting to kill immediately fell on him!

“I come!”

She saw Shang Yun grabbing the little blue dragon’s neck and prying open its mouth without much effort!

Next second.

She picked up a crystal core on the table and stuffed it into Blue Dragon’s mouth!

It stands to reason that things are going very smoothly so far, but Shang Yun…the crystal nucleus she took is purple!

“Shang Yun!”

“Shang girl!”

Hu You and Luo Jin shouted at the same time, but there was still no time to stop Shang Yun!

They could only watch the purple crystal nucleus transform into a purple light and disappear into the mouth of the little blue dragon, and then…

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