The 262nd chapter is small! The pattern is smaller!

Just kidding…

Hu You carefully looked at himself in the mirror, frowning tightly.

The diagonal on the head has indeed grown a lot!

It was originally only one centimeter in length, but now it has returned to three centimeters!

It has reached the length for surgery again…

“Apart from the angle…Are there other changes in you?” Luo Jin asked from the side.

“I will give it a try.”

As Hu You said, he shot Appraisal Technique on himself!

Compared with the last time, the overall data has not changed much, but the upper limit of physical fitness has increased by 8 points, reaching 151 points.

The ordinary crystal nucleus will increase by 2 points at a time, and the excellent grade crystal nucleus will increase by 8 points at a time. In this way…excellent should be 4 points, and perfect should be 16 points!

Although this data can’t be compared with the increase brought by normal food, the good thing is that all the data are increased in physical fitness!

If the nirvana comes this time…

Do not!

Small! The pattern is smaller!

What is death?

If you want to do it, do a big pen!

“Shang Yun.”

Hu You’s eyes were full of excitement. He pulled the mirror away and looked at Shang Yun: “When you first went out, how did they gather their supplies?”

“It’s almost over, are you going to distribute it?”

Now Xiao Hong is gone…

If you want to distribute these gathered materials, you must either rely on Hu You to do it himself, or let Secretary Luo handle it.

“Well, it’s time to check it out.”

Hu You answered, turned his head and called Luo Jin, and walked towards the door: “Luo Jin, come out with me.”


Luo Jin hurriedly followed, seeing that Shang Yun was also going forward, he immediately smiled sweetly: “Shang Big sis, let’s get together!”

She couldn’t stop Shang Yun from following.

Since she has this thought, it’s better to follow her intentions and brush up on her favorability degree by the way.

Hu You didn’t care about how many people followed, and walked all the way to the front of the courtyard.

As soon as I pushed the door, I saw a purple light explode!

“Wow! Perfect again!”

“Is it so weird that I rarely see it? This is the third one. Why is Mina Miss producing all perfect things!”

“Look! Senator Mina has reached the fourth place in the silver treasure box ranking!”

“Can you not be fourth? That is a perfect architectural blueprint! Although it is not a base architectural blueprint, it is already terrifying!”

“She can drive so many good things out, shouldn’t it… have something to do with that person?”

“Shhh! That one is out!”

“Hello Mr. Hu!”

“Hello Speaker Hu!”

An endless stream of greetings rang in his ears, and Hu You only understood at this moment why so many people like power.

When you have power, even if you stand silently in the corner, there will be countless lights throwing at you…

Whether it is envy or jealousy, joy or resentment, you will always attract the attention of most people!

Every move affects everyone’s heartstrings!

Except for immortality, there is no need to envy the gods anymore!


Hu You responded with a smile, and added: “My husband is old-fashioned, and the speaker is born. You should call me Hu You in the future.”

Power is good.

But Hu You didn’t like it!

If he can, he would rather not have these powers. Isn’t it good to lie down in the yard and enjoy Life?

Is Xiao Bai no longer cute, or Luo Jin no longer fragrant?

It’s okay to waste this effort!

But it’s good to think about this idea, for the lives of these guys and own dogs, you still have to hold on first.

“Your supplies…”

Hu You looked at everyone, especially the group leaders standing in the front row: “Is everything calculated?”

“All right.”

Mina hurriedly put away the treasure chest in front of her, ran to Hu You with her own notebook in both hands, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: “According to statistics, we have a total of 954L of drinking water resources, 2750kg of dry food, and meat. 1346kg, 735kg of fruits and vegetables.

The rest of the resources are not counted. Do you have any more orders? ”

Hu You frowned slightly, then quickly let go, and smiled and told Mina: “Give it to Luo Jin and let her calculate the daily dosage.

Strive to release the first batch of resources before lunch. ”


It’s too little!

Counting in whole numbers now, there are almost 640 people.

If all these resources are divided equally, each person will not be allocated to 1.5L of water, 4.5kg of dry food, 2.1kg of meat, 1.1kg of fruits and vegetables!

According to the food intake of a normal person, if you don’t go hungry, this is enough to eat for three days at most!

There are five days to count down!

If you don’t increase revenue and reduce expenditure, you will end up hungry!

What’s more… these guys in front of you are not normal people!

The food intake of each of them is estimated to have doubled long ago!

Follow this trend…

Three days?

Hu You can hold Houtian even if he burns high incense!

But this kind of news cannot be exposed…

When the time comes to shake the military’s mind, it is estimated that the rebellion will be a matter of minutes!

Who will let resources be put in the hands of others when they are about to have enough food?

If it were not for the influence of the spiritual gold and Hu Yulu’s first-hand resources, it is estimated that no one would hand over all the things at the bottom of the box!

Luo Jin took the notebook handed by Mina, took a glance, and loaded all the contents into his own warehouse.

How much, she knew in her heart.

But like Hu You, she wouldn’t be so stupid to jump out and talk about resources.

It’s almost eleven o’clock…

Now it’s up to Hu You to deal with this matter!

If it’s her…letting blood and taking out a part of the resource subsidy, after stabilizing people’s hearts, we will try to increase income and reduce expenditure!


While Luo Jin was thinking about a solution, Hu You took a step forward and smiled and looked at everyone: “Do you still remember the agreement I made with you yesterday?

The first person to find me, I will invite him to lunch! ”

“Who would forget this?”

“Yeah! But Mr. Hu…what should we do this time? You can’t ask us all to eat, right?”


Hu You replied and looked at the guy who answered: “The young man is pretty good! You can understand me in a short time!

Today’s lunch…Mr. Hu, I will pay for it!

Of course, it can only be today, if it is like this every day…you are afraid that you will have to bankrupt me. ”

This is no way!

Since the subsidy will be paid out sooner or later, it is better to take it out now to win people’s hearts than to be forced to take it out at that time!

At this point… Hu You can still handle it!

The voice fell off.

In front of the small courtyard burst out shouts and cheers like a tsunami!

Who does not know Mr. Hu?

Mr. Hu’s lunch, will it be a normal lunch?

The minimum is a seafood mushroom soup pot! If you are lucky…it’s not impossible to eat a Hualong!

Hearing the cheers outside the door, Hu You did not have the thought of enjoying, but pulled Luo Jin and returned to the small courtyard.

Now that the resources are available, there is one more important thing besides the allocation!


Ah no, it’s the right way to use the system rules to earn the commission you deserve!

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