Chapter 266: Heaven, Zhengtai, Nine

This one is “not right” and the other one is “no”, it almost stimulated Hu You’s heart disease!

But this is no alternative!

Even if he didn’t speak, the other party was ready to come over.

To say a word of protest is just to try.

It is good to succeed, but if it fails… there will be no worse situation than this!

But even now, Hu You will not admit his fate!

Anyway, that guy hasn’t come to the front yet, maybe things still have a turn for the better?

He fumbled around and found that not to mention the notebook, even the pocket watch was not there.

It is impossible to take a weapon.

As for the exercise of authority…

That’s Tianjiu! He is not stupid enough to play a big sword in front of Guan Gong!

Just as Hu You’s brows were frowning, a door with brilliant golden light began to slowly appear!

Right in front of him!

He fixed his eyes and seemed to see a person walking from inside the door to the outside!

This guy… really wants to get out of the door! ?

Hu You was shocked!

He ran forward quickly, trying to walk around behind the door, temporarily find a blind spot of vision, waiting for an opportunity!


This ghost is so evil!

No matter how Hu You ran or what direction he faced, it would appear directly opposite him!

Even the distance…is exactly the same as just now!

Hu You frowned, and he lay flat on the ground!

I don’t believe it, you can still do it from nothing…I rely on it!

The trough hasn’t finished vomiting yet.

That golden door really appeared above his head!

Still the same distance, still the same figure…

Even the walking posture has not changed, it seems that it is not affected by gravity at all!

The figure was just one step away from the door.

Hu You really couldn’t think of any other way, so he simply stuffed both hands behind his head, lying on the spot like watching a play.

Let me see how you plan to get out of the door later!


The moment that figure stepped out of the golden door, his whole person fell out of the door!

Directly facing someone lying on the ground!

Hu You suddenly widened his eyes.

Turned over at his fastest speed and gave up that position!

Don’t let it go!

If it falls, it will hit him directly!


The door disappeared in the air, and the human… also fell to the ground, the kind of face on the ground!


A strange whimper sounded from the side.

Hu You hurriedly got up from the ground, looking at him strangely.

The voice was still the same low and hoarse, but the tone was slightly dull.

The tone of voice was the second, after Hu You’s eyes were fixed, he was completely stunned!

Judging from the previous article, it is indeed Tianjiu that fell to the ground, but it is this physique…

It’s too exquisite!

A black robe studded with gold rims is wrapped around the body, and the size that can be supported is only half the size. A rough estimate…This guy is less than 1.6 meters tall, and at most 1.5 meters tall.

Even if Han Ruier came, he could easily rub his dog’s head without stepping on his feet.

This…is Tianjiu! ?

The difference between height and compulsion is too big! !

“It hurts…”

The low voice sounded again just now, and Hu You immediately took a step back in fright.

Tian Jiu turned over and sat up from the ground. The cloak fell down due to inertia, revealing a head of blond hair.

Before Hu You could see his face clearly, Tian Jiu stretched out his hands and rubbed his face: “It’s okay, it’s okay, at least the bridge of his nose hasn’t collapsed…”

to be honest.

Hearing a guy with a voice at least in his early 60s, Hu You still couldn’t bear to say such words.

Especially when he saw that guy’s hairstyle, he was stunned…

This…this is the legendary Zhengtai pot cover head that has a cuteness index soaring by 50% as long as it is made!

The gap with the voice is getting bigger and bigger, hello!

“I say……”

Hu You tentatively said: “Are you okay?”

“No… wait!”

Tian Jiu seemed to have reacted, put down his hands, and looked at Hu You in front of him, the whole person was instantly dumbfounded!

Hu You is not bad.

When he saw Tian Jiu’s face, it seemed to be petrified.

“Why are you a human?”

“How old are you?”

Twelve words, six words per sentence, and even a modal auxiliary word, these two sentences almost came out at the same time!

Neither Tianjiu nor Hu You thought they would see such a scene!

Hu You carefully looked at Tian Jiu in front of him, confirming it over and over again.

Zhengtai head, Zhengtai face, and Zhengtai’s special cute lines…

This special lady is a Tie Zhengtai!

How come it’s all nine! ?

“The face, the body, and the basic structure of human beings…”

Tian Jiu also said to the side: “You… are human? But why… wrong! This is wrong!”

“and many more!”

Hu You feels that his logic is almost confused: “I will confirm one thing first!

You said you are Tianjiu, right? Managers, can use the truth unit, and have authority Tianjiu? ”

This matter is very important!

Hu You must confirm in advance to be at ease!


Tian Jiu replied, and after getting up, he walked towards Hu You, his big eyes were filled with thick doubts: “But…

Why are you a human? ”


Hu You replied helplessly: “How many times have you done this! Am I a human… can’t you tell!”

After a rough judgment, this Zhengtai named Tianjiu didn’t seem to have any tendency to attack.

That’s why Hu You dare to talk to him like this!

If this is replaced by an adult, or an uncle or an old man, Hu You dare not be so presumptuous!

No way, after all, very few people really guard against such a cute Zhengtai!

At least until he hadn’t acted like a bear child, it wouldn’t be.

The same is true.

It’s really hard for anyone to dislike the cute little Loli! Especially the white hair with cat ears!


Tian Jiu hesitated for a while, dragged a robe that was several sizes older than himself and walked forward, and poked the back of Hu You’s hand: “Well! It’s a human!”

Hu You: (눈‸눈)

“But why would I pass people here?”

Tian Jiu bowed his head and meditated, “Could it be that there is a problem with the order? Shouldn’t it!”

Word order!

Hu You once again extracted the keywords!

It must be because of a certain word order that I was sent here!

“Well, it must be like this! Try again!”

“Hey, don’t…”

Before Hu You had finished speaking, he found that his mind suddenly flashed into a blank space!

When he came back to his senses, he was already in the initial position, and Tian Zhengtai Jiu stood not far away looking at him.

“Why are you still?”

Tian Jiu frowned the two thick eyebrows together, and said in the most vicissitudes of voice, the cutest line: “Obviously… I have already pronounced the words correctly!

One more…”

“Don’t come!”

Hu You interrupted him in time.

Although the two movements did not cause much damage to the body, his head was still a little dizzy.

If I come here a few more times, I might vomit…

“I! That’s what you are looking for… the person!”

Hu You doesn’t know what this guy wants to do for the time being, but if he wants to conceal his identity, he will be discovered sooner or later.

Instead of being exposed and embarrassed by the time, it would be better to blew up frankly.

He knelt down, looked at Tian·Zhengtai·Jiu in front of him, and pointed at the corner of his head: “This thing…should you make it for me?”

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