Chapter 277 Luo Jin (two in one)


Hu You was sitting on the roof of the main house with a whole fried chicken, a can of beer, and a glass of fat house happy water filled with ice cubes.

He lay flat on the glass, did not move the fried chicken, did not drink half a drink or beer, but closed his eyes and meditated.

Meditate on what happened in the past eight days…

In just over a week, his worldview has collapsed and then been rebuilt, and then collapsed again after the reconstruction, and this cycle has been repeated several times.

He really needs to calmly digest it.

Just an hour ago, Balluff had told him everything he wanted to know.

Including how to verify the relationship between the Ascendant Order and the interface, what exactly the black token represents, and even… Regarding the specific operation process of destroying the world, Balluff privately told him the specific operation method.

When Hu You digested the information, it was almost half past six.

There is still an hour and a half, and night is about to fall.

Judging from the information given by Balluff, the opportunity to destroy the world… is in the night.

All Hu You can do is wait.

As for the surprise Hu You promised to everyone, it has also been distributed to every survivor.

That is, fried chicken, beer, and happy water from the fat house beside him.

These were brought over from the E-class world through Balluff’s colleagues, and it is said that they spent a lot of their goblin currency.

But how much is it…

Hu You did not ask, nor did Balluff say.

But when he saw that the group of survivors saw the fried chicken, he knew that his own position was ascending again.

Everyone has traveled from modern society, what could be more homesick than these things?

Even a few guys from Sakura country almost burst into tears when they saw the beer!

After all, people in their country, especially men, love this thing so deeply!

It is said that as long as they are office workers, they will go to the nearest izakaya after work and have a cold beer to relieve fatigue and fatigue throughout the day.

This usage is almost comparable to psychotropic drugs…


Hu You frowned and forced his own thoughts back!

What am I thinking about?

Whether they drink beer or not! Now I should think about how to face Shang Yun…

When he thought of Shang Yun, he recalled the scene when Balluff spoke of the usefulness of the black token.

It was just a little bit worse, if it weren’t for his eyesight and quick hands, Balluff’s head would fall from his neck!

He couldn’t think of it, the black token was actually a member’s order of the C-class world.

This thing totals ninety-nine yuan. If the C-level world wants to hold any important decision, it needs to convene the owners of these ninety-nine assembly orders to vote in a unified manner.

If in terms of importance, it is naturally not comparable to the order of ascending to the sky with one plane, but in a sense, Hu You can be regarded as their imperial official!

Now the logic is smooth.

The goblin didn’t expect that the congressman would create a reaction in his own world. He had never seen such a thing before, but Hu You saw a lot!

Rebelling against this kind of thing…

Didn’t it all spread from the imperial order officer?

Members are nothing but chairpersons, so it’s not too normal to rebel against others.

I just don’t know why the councillors ordered this kind of thing to choose himself. Hu You always felt that there was something tricky hiding in it.

But no matter how he asked, Balluff just didn’t know, and he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

In the end, there is nothing left.

On Shang Yun’s side, although he accepted Hu You’s idea, he was still stuck in an unexplainable barrier.If you want to eliminate the estrangement, there is only one way…Go to the plane where she is, and after passing verification, become the real world master.

But think about this kind of thing later.

It was Balluff’s plan to destroy the world… Hu You was very interested!

“Hey, you are really here!”

Luo Jin’s voice sounded behind him.

Hu You opened his eyes and the afterglow came into view.

He stood up, turned his head and looked behind him: “Why are you looking for here?”

“It’s boring!”

Luo Jin said, naturally sitting next to Hu You, carrying her fried chicken beer and Coke in his hand: “I can’t see you when I look left and right, so I guess you’re an otaku at home.”

“Hey, isn’t this an otaku?”

Hu You smiled bitterly, picked up own Coke, put the straw into his mouth and took a sip: “I just want to calm down, there are too many facts that have happened recently.”

The cold swelled into the mouth, with a stimulating feeling of steam drum.

I don’t know how the group of goblins did it.

After so long, the carbon dioxide in the coke hasn’t overflowed at all, just like the first sip of a can of coke.


Luo Jin sighed, put the Coke aside, took a sip of beer.

A pair of eyes narrowed into slits, and his face was full of enjoyment: “Who would have thought that when you wake up, you will be in such a place.”


Hu You looked at her strangely: “Listen to the tone, you seem to be enjoying it.”


Luo Jin nodded: “How great it is here, everyone’s starting point is the same.

At least there won’t be so many, all kinds of second generations… I quite like the ones here. ”

“It sounds like there is a story.”

Hu You put aside the Coke in his hand and handed over another bottle of beer: “I’ll give you the wine, change the story and listen to it.”


Luo Jin took the beer, but didn’t put it down. Instead, he handed it to Hu You: “I want to hear from you too.”

Hu You was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

The intricacies lingering in his mind just now were all left behind at this moment, and there was only the beer in the palm of his hand.

Anyway, the most recent problem occurred after nightfall, so it’s okay to take a break now.

“make a deal.”

Hu You took the beer, put the Coke aside, pulled the tab and touched the beer machine in Luo Jin’s hand: “Ladies first.”

In many cases, being a good listener is often more difficult than being a good narrator.

Because a good narrator never lacks an audience, and those who really lack an audience are those who want to talk.

Luo Jin took a sip of beer and looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance: “Actually I am an orphan…

I was sent to an orphanage when I was about 5 or 6 years old.

At that time I was still young, and I only knew that I had moved from a big house with one person to a small house with many people.

It’s from the nun Aunt that my parents went to a place called heaven, and as long as they looked up to the sky, they could see them…

But I have watched it for many, many years, and I have never seen anything except the sun, moon, stars, clouds and rain. ”

“Five or six years old…”

Hu You’s voice also became a little low: “This age should be easy to be adopted, right?”

Five or six-year-olds, no matter how smart they are, are still in a period of ignorance.

Children of this age have passed the age when they need someone to take care of them all the time, even if they have a strong sense of dependence and memory on their parents.

As time goes by, it will continue to lighten up, or even forget.

It can be said that the golden period of adoption, especially for a beautiful girl like Luo Jin, cannot be permanent in the orphanage.

But from her tone of voice… but like a resident of the orphanage.

“I know what you mean.”

Luo Jin took a sip of beer and touched her own face: “When those people enter the orphanage, they will always see me for the first time.

Snacks, toys, books and other things are also the first to give me.

Even the most ferocious nuns, when they see me, they smile unconsciously and hold me in their arms, saying that I am the angel God sent to the world.


Luo Jin paused suddenly, then turned to look at him, with a cold tone: “Hu You, do you know?

If you have exposed yourself to the spotlight when you are still very weak, then whether it is moths or snakes and insects, it will follow. ”

Hu You frowned.

There is no need for Luo Jin to elaborate, he knows what happened next…


Different from the regular schools of kindergartens, the children there are of different ages, and their personalities are also uneven.

Some children can’t stand the shock of losing their parents and will become withdrawn, while others… will become aloof!

Things like campus bullying can be magnified to countless times in an orphanage!

And the bullying object…

In addition to the weak, there are often ‘angels’ like Luo Jin!

Hu You frowned, but said nothing, just raised the beer in his hand towards Luo Jin.

As a good listener, now you only need to raise the wine glass and regret for the talker. The extra words…

It’s best to hold it in your heart.


Luo Jin picked up the beer and touched him, then began to talk again: “When the first couple chose a little boy, my nightmare came…

Every time… No, the first five times to be precise.

As long as an adopter comes, I will be locked in a dark broom room, listening to the voices of nuns and Aunts outside looking for me, but my mouth is sealed with tape, listening to the squeaking sounds of mice in my ears.

Until the end of dinner…a little girl of my size will run over and release me from the broom room.

She is very skinny, as if she has only skin, but her facial features are beautiful.

It took me a long time to find out that before I came, she was the one who was kept in the broom room.

She told me that her name is Xiaoying, so I must not resist, as long as the adopter is gone, I can get out of it.

I nodded and watched as she took out half a loaf of bread from her clothes and handed it over. She also became my first friend…

Well, at least the first friend in the orphanage.

Under the advice of my friends, I did not go to complain to the nun, but said that I had fallen asleep in a certain room and had forgotten the time.

The plots of the next three times were similar. In the morning, I was caught by a few boys who were much older and locked in a small black room for a long time, and then waited for my friends to come to me.

Let’s eat half a loaf together for today’s dinner…

Until the fifth time…”

Hu You looked terrified, and knew that the turning point had come.

“I waited for a long time that day, my stomach was groaning with hunger, and Xiaoying hadn’t come yet.

I don’t know if it was because I never resisted, or for some other reason, the door of the broom room was not locked that day. ”

There is no lock! ?

Hu You extracted the keywords and took a sip of beer.

The fifth time does not mean that it is locked, that is, the first four times are locked.

If the door is locked, how did Xiaoying open the door?


But why does she have the key? As the previous subject who was locked up in the small black room, she didn’t seem to be able to fit into the other party’s group.unless……

“You guessed it, right?”

Luo Jin smiled bitterly, and took a sip: “That’s right.

When I found Xiaoying, she happened to be walking with a boy, holding a lollipop from the person who came to adopt that day, and that boy was one of the people who shut me into the little black room. .

I ran in front of Xiaoying, and before she could speak, I was pushed to the ground by her.

When I was stunned, she was already sitting on the ground and started to cry.

I don’t know what happened. The nuns rushed over soon, and they looked at me with surprised eyes.

The little boy who was eating the lollipop just started crying. He raised his finger to me and said horrible things in a crying tone.

I don’t remember what he said at the time, except that I was locked into another small dark room that night…

Listen to the nun, what is the confession room called there.

But it doesn’t matter, I haven’t been in since then anyway. ”

“Then… later?”


Luo Jin showed a faint smile, a smile from the bottom of his heart: “Later, I no longer have friends!”

It’s that simple?

Hu You looked at Luo Jin strangely, his eyes filled with the words “I don’t believe”.

If it were really that simple, she wouldn’t have been in the small dark room again after the fifth time.

“Yes, it’s that simple.”

Luo Jin said, suddenly stood up from Hu You and raised the beer in his hand: “I am now a person without friends.

So… Hu You, would you like to be my first friend in this world? ”

Hu You didn’t ask, but just stood up and raised the beer in his hand: “We already are, haven’t we?”



The two knocked the beer in their hands, and then drank them all in one fell swoop.


Hu You hiccuped the wine, suppressed the pressure of the upwelling wine, and asked Luo Jin: “So…what happened afterwards?”


Luo Jin followed with a hiccup, his face was dyed with a faint pink color, but he said frightening words: “One night there was a big fire in the orphanage and everyone ran out.

Apart from……

Outside those little boys and Xiaoying. ”

Hu You did not speak.

He didn’t even react at all, as he should have sat on the glass window again: “What then? Have you been adopted?”

“Well, but…”

Luo Jin sat next to him, as if he had just said a trivial sentence: “That’s another story.

If you want to hear, do you have to talk about you first… Hu You! You… Yun Big sis! You come soon! ”

Before Luo Jin finished speaking, she saw Hu You lying on the glass window as if she passed out, and she started to slide downstairs!

here we go again!

This is exactly the same as when he opened the box in the morning!


Hu You only felt that when his eyes were dark, he had lost consciousness.

When I came back to my senses, there was a familiar figure in front of my eyes…

“It’s you!?”

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