Chapter 290 Oh ~ my mother Sang!

“It’s another silver treasure box…”

Shang Yun looked at Luo Jin picking up the treasure chest in front of him, her tone a little helpless: “How many is this?”

“The eighth.”

Luo Jin returned a number, and did not open the treasure chest directly, but put it into his own warehouse.

She walked in front of Shang Yun, illuminating the road ahead with a flashlight: “I think I can pick up one more at most, and I should be able to reach the core of this maze.”


Shang Yun spit out three words, and looked behind her a little bit sadly: “It’s a pity, I didn’t even see that guy after coming all the way.”

“You can see it when you get to the core. Wait a while at most.” Luo Jin spit out and continued to walk forward.

“Do you just believe that he will solve the essence of this maze?”


Luo Jin asked rhetorically, turning his head to look at Shang Yun behind her, and at the same time shining a flashlight behind her: “This is a puzzle that I can come up with. As long as he can wake up from the Dream-Eating Vine, it will only be deduced It’s a matter of time.”


With the light of a flashlight, Shang Yun turned her head to look behind her, with a wry smile at the corner of her mouth: “But I’m afraid that he can deduce it, and it won’t work!”

Behind her, in the direction where Luo Jin’s flashlight was shining, the corpses of several giant creatures were piled up in the narrow labyrinth passage!

This is their ‘key’ through this maze!


Low-level clues are often hidden in unimaginable places, intermediate clues are usually hidden in places hard to see with the naked eye, and high-level clues…

It is usually hidden in a place that everyone can see, but it is not considered a clue!

As for clues that are easy to find, they are no longer called clues…

As long as you follow this line of thinking, it is not difficult to find clues or something!


Han Rui’er tilted his head and looked at Hu You strangely: “What do you think of the clue?”


Hu You turned to Han Ruier: “Remember what we picked up along the way?”

“What else can there be? It’s nothing more than mineral water, instant noodles, and two silver… Wait!”

Han Ruier also caught a clue: “You mean…Silver Treasure Box!

Is this silver treasure box a clue? ”


After being prompted, Han Ruier also saw the clues.

After all, putting the silver treasure chest in that pile of things is a bit too conspicuous.

Hu You spit out two words and raised his hand to pat Han Ruier’s shoulder: “Before meeting you, I actually found a silver treasure chest. After meeting you, the next reward we will receive is also a silver treasure chest.

And after that, it was all rubbish rewards that didn’t hurt.

So I think this silver treasure box…should be a hint to choose the right path. ”

“Well… I don’t object to this view.”

Han Ruier was also a senior among the survivors, and soon discovered another problem: “But we have always been moving forward, and we have never changed our path.

Even if the silver treasure chest is used to remind us of the right path, how can we be sure that after we go back, we can find the right path again? ”

“Well… Shanren has a clever plan!”

Hu You sold her to a close, pressed her shoulder and turned her to the front: “Our problem now is to return to the position where we just picked up the second silver treasure chest!

Do you remember where it is? ”


Han Ruier was silent for a while, lowered her head and mumbled: “This is a maze! Yes…Who would remember how far he went when he walked through the maze?”

“If you don’t remember it, you don’t remember it, it’s so fierce…”

Hu You smiled bitterly: “If you don’t remember, it’s okay. Go ahead. You can’t find the point of the second treasure chest. You can also mark the place where you fell.

The distances are almost the same. ”

Han Ruier immediately raised her head and turned to look at Hu You: “Yes! Anyway, I have marked the place where I fell. Do we still need to record the distance!”


Why didn’t you find that you are so Tsundere before?

It’s in a hurry now, otherwise I have to talk to you guys!

“Okay, you’re right, let’s hurry up first.”

Hu You urged to hurry, Han Ruier didn’t say anything to him, nor did he make a fuss about standing behind him, but speeded up his steps.


The two returned to the position where Han Ruier had fallen.

There is a pile of rubble, which is easy to identify.

“Here, how are we going now?” Han Ruier turned and looked behind him.


Hu You spit out two words and said his own thoughts: “Since there is only one way, that direction is naturally not a variable. There is nothing wrong with only going forward.

Then the problem should lie in several aspects…

The direction, method, time, or…weight of the forward movement!

As long as we judge the nature of the maze, judging the correct path couldn’t be easier! ”

Han Ruier nodded blankly, and asked, “So… have you judged it?”

“Huh! Of course…no!”

“Then you said such a long list!!”

“But I have a way to judge!”

As Hu You spoke, he touched the sea, tuberculosis, and snail from the warehouse!

Although this thing can only spit out the answer within five words, it can be said to be very tasteless, but it is simply not too easy to use in this environment!

After all, no matter which factor it is, there are only a few words!


Hu You knocked on its conch shell: “Smelly Little Brother! Wake up soon, get up to pick up guests!”

There was a light tremor from the conch and slowly echoed: “Oh~

My mother, Sang, you were so amazing yesterday. I really didn’t have a drop, so I can’t rest for two days! ”

“996 is a blessing! You know a hammer!”

Hu You rolled his eyes, and then said: “Look at it quickly, answer me, is the position, time, weight, or other factors that affect this maze?”

In order to prevent Conch from spitting out any position nouns, he deliberately delineated the range of answers.

This is a little trick he found after asking so many questions!

The conch that received the instruction has no other choice, it can only tremble a little, and spit out own answer in an icy tone: “It’s weight.”

As soon as the voice fell, the conch in his hand fell silent.

If there is no ‘restart’ word for it to ‘reinvigorate’, it will only be able to regain its vitality tomorrow.

“This is……”

Han Ruier seemed to have never seen conch, so she asked curiously: “Question-and-answer props?”

“Well, it’s called the Conch Conch.”

Hu You replied and took the conch back to the warehouse. If there is no major problem, just wait for this guy to shut up until tomorrow!

Who made it just call itself Mama Sang!

There is still not a drop left… Is this his line?

“Since it is determined that it is weight now, what should we do?” Han Ruier asked.

“This is a very important issue!”

Hu You looked at Han Rui’er with a solemn expression, took a step towards retreated, and opened a safe distance before asking: “How much do you…how much?”

Han Ruier: (O_O)?

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