Chapter 361 Natural disasters, terrestrial disasters, and… tides!

“How long will it take Han Ruier.”

“At least ten minutes.” Shang Yun quickly replied.

ten minutes……

Hu You knows his own combat power!

Analyzing from the information given by Shang Yun, those guys who burned to death with the black flame, at best, are excellent strangers!

If Han Ruier’s level is used as a benchmark, as long as the person who comes is above the sixth rank, that is, above the perfection, he will be numb!

Of course, if Xiao Jin is in his heyday, he can’t beat anyone!

But now Xiaojin is half disabled, he still can’t beat anyone…

There is a big difference between these two “can’t beat”!

As for the death…

It is a myth on the F-level plane, but it is an epic on the E-level plane. If you encounter the perfection of restraining it, it is estimated that he has nothing to do.

Not to mention the attributes alone!

Although he couldn’t identify himself now, the average attribute must be higher than five hundred.

It seems to be very high, but this… is at most a level 3 intensity!

It’s pretty much the same as Hanci, if you meet a real big guy…you can only rely on Shang Yun.


Hu You couldn’t help looking at Shang Yun: “Without using lexicons, what level are you on this plane?”


Shang Yun smiled: “If you don’t use words, it’s a little legend!”

Little legend?

Is it even better than Han Ruier’s first-level to benchmark the tenth-level Transcendent?

Hu You was relieved instantly!

With this kind of boss, fighting or something… you don’t have to do it yourself! Just follow and pick up the trash.

It’s okay if the guy outside the door doesn’t come in. If you come in…then you can only pray for them, and hope there will be no Shangyun in heaven.


Luo Jin also quickly analyzed the current situation and continued with the topic just now: “Shang Big sis, what is the’attack’ you just said?”

“There are three kinds of’strikes’ on this plane.”

Shang Yun frowned when she heard this word.

She turned her head to look at Hu You: “Do you have a pocket watch over there? Look at the time, what time is it now?”

Hu You took out his pocket watch casually.

After the plane was promoted, the time above was automatically reset to the time of this plane.

“Eleven to forty-five.”

Hu You replied: “The attack… should be over, right?”

Beast attacks on the last plane generally occurred at 10 o’clock and ended at 10:30.

“No, it’s about to start.”

Shang Yun couldn’t help frowning: “The’strike’ trigger time is different for each plane, and this plane usually triggers on time at 12 o’clock.

There is only a quarter of an hour.

It’s too late!

Luo Jin… listen to me while you think about which embryo to choose!

There are three kinds of ‘strikes’ on this plane!

Natural disasters, land disasters, and genetic tides!

The duration of the three kinds of “strikes” is 24 hours!

I won’t talk about the first two types much, as the name implies, but only the latter kind of tide…

Every time a tide, a strange gas appears in the air.

These gases all carry the genes of a certain organism. People on this plane divide the tides into different levels according to the intensity of genetic interference!

The tide encountered in this city yesterday was F grade, and the gene sequence was mole.

For Transcendentists, this tide is a direct impact on genetic stability.

For ordinary people… there are only two situations!

Either a random upgrade is generated, or a gene is forcibly embedded.

According to incomplete statistics, the probability of gene collapse for humans who forcibly insert genes is higher than 45%!

As for the random upgrade…

I heard that you once solved a little dragon man? ”

“But can’t this gas be protected by a mask?” Hu You couldn’t help frowning.

He now knows the origin of the gas in the air.

Isn’t this thing more exciting than a beast attack?

A tide is so difficult to deal with, then the so-called natural disasters and terrestrial disasters…Forget it, I haven’t seen it anyway!

Say it when you meet!

“The most advanced masks can only protect against genetic collisions below level D.”

Shang Yun immediately replied: “If you want to be immune to the tide, there is only one way…Merging high-level biological genes in advance!

Only high-level biological genes can reduce the damage caused by the tide to a certain extent, which is why I asked Xiaojin to choose one. ”

“and many more!”

Hu You interrupted again: “Then why I have a dragon gene chimera, after inhaling the gas, the system still prompts me to upgrade.”

“You only fit 20%! It’s not complete!”

Shang Yun frowned when she said, as if she had made some decision, and stretched out a hand to the two of them!

She tucked up the long sleeves of the skirt, revealing a white and tender arm.

Under the gaze of the two, a layer of small white fish scales slowly surfaced on that arm!

Do not!

Not fish scales, this should be… dragon scales!

The dragon scales of the Great Heavenly Dynasty!

Unlike the dragon scales on Shi An, the dragon scales on Shang Yun were obviously denser and more delicate, and even covered with a layer of oily brilliance.

Well, now the manager of the desert group is completely inappropriate.

One is Han·Angel·Ruier, the other is Shang·Dragon Girl·Yun, and the other is…Hu·Longren·Yu.

Is it in this river!

This Ganges…


Ganges doesn’t necessarily make these things reasonable!

“As you can see…”

Shang Yun smiled bitterly, pointing her finger at the Heavenly Dragon on the shelf: “In order to find the Heavenly Order on this plane, I also embedded a biological gene.

But it’s just that Ascension has reached the third level. After all, this thing doesn’t have much impact on my strength, just to prevent the tide from invading.

After all, the gene of a high-rank organism may be inserted into my strength. Ascension, but once it is embedded in the gene of a low-rank organism…

I will definitely become a weak chicken!

Because there are so many natural enemies! ”

if it is like this……

Hu You couldn’t help but look at the dragon embryo in his hand, and his heart was extremely tangled.

According to normal circumstances, as long as he does not leave this plane, his probability of encountering tides above Class D will be higher day by day!

If he wants to settle in this plane that is similar to a modern city, the probability of encountering that kind of tide will be 100%!

In other words…the probability of him being inappropriate is almost 100%!

Anyway, you have to be improper, why not be a stronger race?

“I see……”

Luo Jin slowly spit out four words.

She did not ask Hu You’s opinion this time, but raised her finger to an embryo on the shelf: “Shang Big sis, I want this! Please…

help me! ”

Hu You immediately raised her head, followed the direction of her finger, and was stunned for an instant: “Are you… sure you want to choose this?”


Luo Jin nodded firmly, and even reached out and took the embryo from the shelf by himself: “I… seem to feel it calling me.”

have to!

This is the collective impropriety!


Luo Jin held the embryo jar in his arms and looked up at Hu You beside him: “I chose this, there is another reason…”

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